That being said, it certainly is unfortunate that this wasn't the same for UAL in the last decade. All we did at CAL was try to spread out the pain. We froze the A plan but kept scope. What the senior UAL guys did was absolutely awful (threw away scope to protect the A fund, then lost it too). We can't let those types make any more decisions. I think the UAL recalls will begin to see how much they were sold out by their senior pilots when they start to fly the line at CAL. We have plenty of problem-senior types at CAL as well, don't get me wrong. But the senior UAL pilots made unbelievably bad decisions.
That's been my beef for quite a while. It was 'pull up the ladder, I've got mine' at UAL. Many of us double furloughees have a long list of things that senior UAL pilots have done to shaft us. Especially the 844 ... ask any of us about the division of the bond money. Ask them about TA1 where the company offered longevity for furloughees. Ask them about unlimited 70 seaters. And I'm missing several other contentious items.
I made a list a while ago of who I trust the most to least:
2) CAL management
3) UAL management
I still stand by that list.
I think if CAL's pilots are concerned about getting the shaft due to smaller numbers with the combined list, they should rethink that. Maintaining loyalty to the entire seniority list (not just the top of the list) would do wonders.