Mr. dbman, guess you can believe any thing you want about Flexjet actively tracking you, about space aliens, or anything else you want to believe. But you really reveal your hand in your 3rd paragraph when you state “rumour has it...blah blah blah. Care to site ONE example from your rumour source.
I've read quite a few pro-union posts here, but I believe you have just set a new standard for made-up grievances and half-truths...I hope and believe that Flexjetter's reading your missive will recognize it for what it is.
Mr. exagony, your prevous post (4-9-11) on Flex having a “hostile working environment” struck me as phony at best, self-serving at obviously have never worked at a company that had that type of environment. Your last word was “Thoughts?” I gave you my immediate thought...perhaps I should have waited a few minutes and, though my thoughts would be the same, could have said the more politically correct phrase “full of corn”.
Well Mr Warlord - you explicitly accused me of calling anti union people names here. Look like you can't prove it because it didn't happen. As a matter of fact I said that everyone needs to research both sides for themselves and to do what is best for them. Hardly calling anyone names... No need to apologize as its explicitly clear that you are either mgt or working for an union busting company. As far as working in a hostile working environement 2 things - you have no idea where I have worked and I have indeed worked in a very hostile working environment. So yes I do know what I am talking about. When mgt/company implies "consequences" for voting pro union it is an implied/veiled threat to those who may want a union. This is against the law. Don't believe me? Just look at the BB and tell me why there are only mgt/training dept pilots piping up against the union. Line pilots who have to deal with the edicts passed down by mgt are afraid to voice up as doing so jepordizes their job. If you deny this is the truth - it would only prove more so that you are mgt or working for H&F. Not only is this against the law NRLB - look it up - it also makes a hostile working environment as those who have different opinions/views fear reprecussions or termination because they don't toe the company line. Mr Reid and Turner and Gross all have contracts - why not the pilots? If you think all the pro-union guys are wrong then lets put it to a vote now and get it over with. I can live with it either way. The motivation for a union- as I understand it- is not about pay - its about having a legitimate voice with the company - not a dictatorship as it stands right now. The FOFG staffed by pilots are told what issues are going to be addressed at their meetings by Turner. We can propose anything we want but he and only he decides what is discussed... WTFO??? Rules at Flex are constantly bent to the company's benefit at their whim - but should a pilot do the same we are called in the office for a "talk". God forbid someone voices concern on the "changeband" bs - they will get called in for a carpet dance for that too as several pilots already have. Everyone worth their salt wants Flex to be sucessful but many pilots are just sick of the company's heavy hand. If you like it here without a union - good for you I ask you to vote that way - the rest of us will vote what is best for us. Whichever way that turns out to be.