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Unemployment rate drops! -When will hiring start?

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That all sounds great, you love Obama and thats great too.

However, this issue is not left or right, you said that also, but one can infer by the rhetoric, you are definitely on the left side of issues, again great but you are not seeing the real story.

Clinton gave China most favored nation trade status
Congress went right along with it.
Clinton pushed hard for NAFTA
Congress went right along with it.
Bush continued with the NWO agenda shipping our jobs out all in the name of a "Global economy"
Congress went right along with it.
Bush enhanced NAFTA
Congress went right along with it.
Bush brought us the "patriot act"
Congress went right along with it.
Obama gets into office spends more money than ever
Congress went right along with it
Patriot act still here, so much for liberal outrage.
Do you see a pattern yet? There is much more but space is short.
The only ones this program is working for is Global bankers. Ask yourself why they would do this, and look up the history follow the money and you will find the answers.
Ever ask yourself how we have a Federal Reserve? not in the constition, hell its not even the government.
The left, Right argument is just a distraction and has been for 30 plus years. Follow the Money!!!!
That all sounds great, you love Obama and thats great too.

However, this issue is not left or right, you said that also, but one can infer by the rhetoric, you are definitely on the left side of issues, again great but you are not seeing the real story.

Clinton gave China most favored nation trade status
Congress went right along with it.
Clinton pushed hard for NAFTA
Congress went right along with it.
Bush continued with the NWO agenda shipping our jobs out all in the name of a "Global economy"
Congress went right along with it.
Bush enhanced NAFTA
Congress went right along with it.
Bush brought us the "patriot act"
Congress went right along with it.
Obama gets into office spends more money than ever
Congress went right along with it
Patriot act still here, so much for liberal outrage.
Do you see a pattern yet? There is much more but space is short.
The only ones this program is working for is Global bankers. Ask yourself why they would do this, and look up the history follow the money and you will find the answers.
Ever ask yourself how we have a Federal Reserve? not in the constition, hell its not even the government.
The left, Right argument is just a distraction and has been for 30 plus years. Follow the Money!!!!

So what you are saying is that:

Goldmen Sachs... The Freemasons... and The Skulls..., and Narcissitic CEOs...

...are in charge of the country.

I could have told you that!
That all sounds great, you love Obama and thats great too.

However, this issue is not left or right, you said that also, but one can infer by the rhetoric, you are definitely on the left side of issues, again great but you are not seeing the real story.

Clinton gave China most favored nation trade status
Congress went right along with it.
Clinton pushed hard for NAFTA
Congress went right along with it.
Bush continued with the NWO agenda shipping our jobs out all in the name of a "Global economy"
Congress went right along with it.
Bush enhanced NAFTA
Congress went right along with it.
Bush brought us the "patriot act"
Congress went right along with it.
Obama gets into office spends more money than ever
Congress went right along with it
Patriot act still here, so much for liberal outrage.
Do you see a pattern yet? There is much more but space is short.
The only ones this program is working for is Global bankers. Ask yourself why they would do this, and look up the history follow the money and you will find the answers.
Ever ask yourself how we have a Federal Reserve? not in the constition, hell its not even the government.
The left, Right argument is just a distraction and has been for 30 plus years. Follow the Money!!!!

Actually, I would say I am center leaning towards the left. Keep in mind most of the advances our country has made has been a result of "liberal" ideas that are now considered mainstream even though they were very liberal in their time. That said, I think there are ideas from the right that are very valid.
Little sound bites mean nothing, the issues we are talking about are incredibly complex and, unfortunately have been dumbed down to Glen Beck type statements that are meant to instill emotional, rather than rational responses.
So what you are saying is that:

Goldmen Sachs... The Freemasons... and The Skulls..., and Narcissitic CEOs...

...are in charge of the country.

I could have told you that!

Good one!
Simply put, from my perspective, our country has gone to far towards making a few people wealthy at the expense of many. We have all paid a huge price for the so called trickle down economics theory that just didn't trickle down to most.
From Dan Roman

"Actually, I would say I am center leaning towards the left. Keep in mind most of the advances our country has made has been a result of "liberal" ideas that are now considered mainstream even though they were very liberal in their time. That said, I think there are ideas from the right that are very valid.

Little sound bites mean nothing, the issues we are talking about are incredibly complex and, unfortunately have been dumbed down to Glen Beck type statements that are meant to instill emotional, rather than rational responses."

Dan, You are a fool. Liberal ideas did not make this country great. Hard working folks and entrepeneurs looking to "themselves" and their small communities rather than Washington DC made this country great. The more we look to big Government to "take care of us" and "make things right" the weaker we are. The spending and the arrogance of Washington DC is completely out of control right now and dangerous. Many Americans (you not included, comrade) are waking up and realizing this. Glenn Beck is right on many things. I do not support the new Utopia and am out there making my voice heard.
Does everyone realize that someone who's unemployment runs out, is officially no longer unemployed?

Not to mention the seasonal help that many large corporations hire.

Our manufacturing base has been mostly shipped over seas, the tech jobs are following. Not everyone can work at mega mart hocking made in China stuff.

Sure wall street will fluctuate, making the poor CEO's very happy, but the tax base... IE, us, has been and continues to be devastated.

The chickens are coming home to roost. Welcome to the new world order.

Good points. Don't forget the state jobs with mandatory furlough days and the folks who have been forced from full-time to part-time employment. This data does not get reflected when unemployment stats come out. The reality is that the economy is a long way from major recovery. I can't see any meaningful hiring at the airlines (especially the majors) for quite some time.
From Dan Roman

"Actually, I would say I am center leaning towards the left. Keep in mind most of the advances our country has made has been a result of "liberal" ideas that are now considered mainstream even though they were very liberal in their time. That said, I think there are ideas from the right that are very valid.

Little sound bites mean nothing, the issues we are talking about are incredibly complex and, unfortunately have been dumbed down to Glen Beck type statements that are meant to instill emotional, rather than rational responses."

Dan, You are a fool. Liberal ideas did not make this country great. Hard working folks and entrepeneurs looking to "themselves" and their small communities rather than Washington DC made this country great. The more we look to big Government to "take care of us" and "make things right" the weaker we are. The spending and the arrogance of Washington DC is completely out of control right now and dangerous. Many Americans (you not included, comrade) are waking up and realizing this. Glenn Beck is right on many things. I do not support the new Utopia and am out there making my voice heard.

Why is it the Glen Beck disciples seem to think if they can call someone a name it makes them more right. Whatever happened to people looking at different points of views rationally and coming up with strong middle ground that makes sense to most?
Something is going on out there, I have pilots dropping off my interview schedule because of interviews coming in from other places. I have a guy a Comair furloughee, who is thinking of dropping out of DA-20 GS ($34K/yr job), to take a job at CLE (F/O on a -8 for $18K) strange business
No reality

From Dan Roman

"Dan, You are a fool. Liberal ideas did not make this country great. Hard working folks and entrepeneurs looking to "themselves" and their small communities rather than Washington DC made this country great. The more we look to big Government to "take care of us" and "make things right" the weaker we are. The spending and the arrogance of Washington DC is completely out of control right now and dangerous. Many Americans (you not included, comrade) are waking up and realizing this. Glenn Beck is right on many things. I do not support the new Utopia and am out there making my voice heard.
I see you are new to FI. Welcome aboard, if you ever come through Belleville by KYIP the beer is on me at the "Wedge". Let me be one of the first to introduce the FI rules. On FI name calling, slamming, and personal attacks are always welcome, but you must never deal in reality. Many pilots have trobule dealing with the reality of the market place. Such as in the end it is not management or unions that determine salaries and working conditions, but the consumer who buys the ticket. Or that a college degree has anything to do with flying an airplane. Happy posting, but stay away from reality, it does not fit here

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