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UND Takes Nationals!

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Rip Vanwinkle said:
I'd suggest that you go ahead and try talking to girls.

Sorry. Too easy.

Well not to sound like a dork or anything but there were some hotties at competition...but then again I didnt talk to any of them...

Can you tell me where und, southern illinois, erau, and others are ranked as far as education? Did any of these schools make the top ten? Do you people think that you could have gotten into stanford, duke, or yale?
SplitBar said:
Ha Ha. I remember that crash. One of the pilots involved is now a Captain at Pinnacle. M.A.

Going from powerline to swimming the might Miss must have been an awful feeling.

You remember the one where the foreign student bit er on 35R (gear up) and his pal who was downwind for 35R was told by tower to land on 35L as 35R was closed.......that kid kept on saying, "Ohhhhh oh oh uhhh uhhh, dynasty kleeeea to lund twee five wight....Tower comes back and says, nope dynasty, your cleared to land 35L. Kid come back, Uhhhh uh uh uh, cleea to land twee five wight. Controller comes back and says (right over the horn), no, your cleared to land 35L...one of your compadres just bit the hiroshim on 35R. That was on the air.....
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down2mins said:
Yeah, luckily my job was very forgiving during those 2 weeks :)

If anyone has any type of suggestions for next year....go ahead and spill um on here.

Not so much a suggestion, per se, just an idea...

Pretty off the wall, but it might work. What if a "SAFECON Idol" show was put together for the Friday night social? Have teams put up talent acts of all sorts in a judged show for the big prizes, and give away the random smaller stuff throughout the night. Perhaps "SAFECON Gong Show" is a better name. Acts could be individual or group (they'd have to figure out for themselves how to split the prize), funny or serious, etc. etc...

That would probably be quite a bit of fun not only to participate in, but also to watch. Just a thought.
What a sad reading I have just done for the last twenty minutes. Whether or not you think Safecon is for geeks, that is your right. I for one did compete for my local community college, Palomar, in 1988 and 89 and I won awards both years. I do remember thinking a lot of the people that were competing did seem to be a little on the overkill (ERAU ALWAYS won the safety award.) But the entire process was a fun time and it was the beginning of my "networking." I still am in touch with people that were on my team and others that I met. ALL of which currently fly or are furloughed from major airlines. So say what you will, but I will give a few words of advice - "If the Capt. you are flying with brings up flying competition - don't talk crap or you just might find your evaluation just a little lacking." Oh yeah – the after party was up there with the best of ANY party I have been to. And if the gal that flew for OCC at Mt. Sac is reading this, you made my 1st SAFECON very memorable!!


BTW - I've been called a bunch of things, but "Geek" was never one of them. You nay-sayers can pound sand!
What do you think I'm crazy? I'm not. I'll stick to calling you geeks from the safety of an anonymous web forum.

Seriously, though, whatever works for you is fine with me. I just can't imagine wanting to spend both your career and your free time around airplanes. One is enough for me. Anyway, as you point out, it's none of my business, so I'll just say enjoy flying but don't miss the rest of life and I'll hit the road.

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