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UAL and Mesa Reach Agreement

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They need the turboprops for the Mountain Airports, the RJ cannot do some of those routes (performance)!!
Well isn't that just a kick in the pants.

It will be interesting to see what happens with Skywest, ACA and Air Willy negotiations now.

Too bad United seems to prefer the "mushroom treatment" to open discussions with their current employees and flying partners.


Oh well. Now where did I put that Greyhound application?
Air Wisconsin was having problems with Dornier and the whole bankrupt thing. I dont know if it was parts, support, or what but AWAC decided to get out when they could. The other thing is that some airports the 328 flew to are high altitude and require special climb and departure procedures that a lot of aircraft cannot do. One of the few that could do it and actually carry more than 6 people out in the summer is the Dash-8(just a lot slower). None of the current express carriers have the dash or any aircraft that could do it so UAL had to find someone else. The 1900 could do it but UAL I think wants to distance themselves from 19 seaters with no Lav or FA. Not to mention Mesa is probably doing it for peanuts, which will make them look good and all the other UAex carriers trying to make this a viable career look bad. I heard Mesa has a bad completion percentage with Frontier. Dont know if it is true but I hope history does not repeat itself. Does UAL remember the last time Mesa flew for them out of Denver?
Hey Beantown (AKA Sherlock), yeah it's all about the money. A long time ago there were things called ethics. Ethical companies, run by ethical people. But that was a long time ago... By the way, using the "no $hit $herlock" technique of debate started at about the same time ethics disappeared.
ACABlueridge said:
I guess it IS all about money like everyone says! [/B]

At this point, it's not like they have a lot of choice in the matter.
united and their restructuring

the latest issue of Forbes magazine, you know the one for guys with portfolios in the six to seven figure bracket, (one I'm not in,) ....
has a article called:

DEATHWATCH: THE STORY OF United and their bankruptsy..

It appears the wall streeters don't have much faith in this major.

meanwhile, the cfo for US air testifies he advanced the pensions of seagal,gangwal and some other shmuck about 35 million before their filing.

it sounds as if it may take the loss of alot of aviation history to Stabilize this mess. IT JUST SUCKS! AND IT SUCKS MORE AND MORE..................................
Pilot877 said:
I dont get it........seems like UAL was in such a hurry to have an all jet fleet. They want all of the J41's replaced with RJ's at ACA, and I would imagine they pushed Air Wisconsin to get rid of the Do328's (not sure about that, just a guess). So, why Dash-8's with Mesa? Anyone care to share some good speculation?

Meanwhile, while they make definite plans with Mesa they leave the rest of the UAX carriers hanging as to what they will do with them.

Oh well, back to flipping my switches and eating banana sandwiches.

Hanging? C' mon. Ever see "Faces of Death"? remember the monkey with a fistfull of rice in the tree hole? The pygmy hunter just walks up to him and pops him on the head with his club and fresh monkey meat. All the monkey had to do was let go of the rice he could have run away with his life. The monkey is so greedy he cant let go of the rice even though he sees the hunter walking right up to him.

Speculation? Ill tell you exactly why. Have you ever seen the dog and pony show at the DEN United Express gates in Summertime? It seems like all the Doorknobs and Brazilias are weight restricted down to 15 or 16 people sometimes. May as well run a Beech on the flight but Lakes cant figure out how to get more than 12 people on a beech in the summer. It gets to be such a monkey poo fling fest i'd rather walk back to Farmington.

Now the DHC8200 is a mountain airplane. Doing our part to save United now. It was our flying to begin with wasn't it so dont even go there. Yeah United fired us for what, Great Mistakes? They got broomed too.

Mesa does run around like two monkeys fuc&ing a football sometimes maybe one day they will figure it out. Mesa is still young, I know airlines 75 years old that still have growing pains.

The moral of the story is don't be a fuc&ing monkey.
got_jumpseat? said:
Hanging? C' mon. Ever see "Faces of Death"? remember the monkey with a fistfull of rice in the tree hole? The pygmy hunter just walks up to him and pops him on the head with his club and fresh monkey meat. All the monkey had to do was let go of the rice he could have run away with his life. The monkey is so greedy he cant let go of the rice even though he sees the hunter walking right up to him.

Are you trying to equate the UAL-Mesa agreement and the impact it has on UEX carriers to a Faces of Death video? Are you saying those "hanging" are "monkeys with a fist full of rice"? Is our "rice" our jobs? Is Mesa the Pygmy hunter? Are you saying we should give up our "rice" to save our UEX lives from the Pygmy hunter known as Mesa?
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Got Jumpseat, I am assuming you have never flown a Doinker (D328). If you had, you wouldn't lump it in the same category as the E120. It's not even a comparison. The worst restriction I ever had on the Doinker (temperature related...not fuel) was 27 people. It has to get VERY hot out for a 328 to get restricted to 15 people. At that point all the RJs are restricted too. The Dash does a bit better than the 328 as far as weight restrictions go in the summer time. Unfortunately Piper Tomahawks cruise faster than it. On a side note, have you seen the dog and pony show at the Mesa gates when flights are cancelled "all the time". Maybe Frontier will "broom" you guys.

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