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U.S. Airways trying to buy Delta

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its a false assumption to think that consolidation will mean more pricing power. It will likely mean just the opposite. If consolidation happens and the merged airlines pull back some capacity, you just open the door for new entrants to add that capacity right back. Then instead of competing with another major who has similar costs you are competing with a start up with rock bottom costs.

I hope this means gates for SWA in ATL....in the next couple of years.:beer:
Former hub-communities like Pittsburgh have not faired well as a result of the merger - Pittsburgh has drastically reduced its service to the detriment of Pittsburgh business people. PIT airport now resembles a ghost town.

The Pittsburg city government tried to give USAirways the shaft with a 3$ ticket tax for every passenger that passed through PIT- USAir told them that if the issue was pushed they'd move to PHL. USAirways held true to their promise. PIT residents and business people have their own elected local city government to thank for that.
I hope this means gates for SWA in ATL....in the next couple of years.:beer:

How? Even a combined DL/US would never give up the most efficient and busiest airport hub in the world. We carry more pax through ATL than anyone else by far. Airtran doesn't seem to want to give anything up there either. Try Macon, GA.

Bye Bye--General Lee
Here's another one...

The good news is that James Oberstar isn't buying it.

He was on CNBC this afternoon talking about the current mantra that the industry "needs consolidation". He called it "nonsense" and said that the airlines are "doing well". What is needed is more competition, not less...in his words.

U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson issued the following statement today in response to a proposed bid by U.S. Airways to merge with Delta.
“As the largest employer in Georgia, Delta Air Lines is vital to Georgia’s economy and to the thousands of Georgians it employs. Delta has put in place an aggressive plan to emerge in 2007 as a strong, stand-alone carrier and I am very confident it will succeed. As U.S. senator, I have worked very hard to help Delta and its employees through hard times and I will work even harder to keep Delta as an outstanding corporate partner headquartered in Atlanta for many, many years to come.”

Bye Bye---General Lee
How? Even a combined DL/US would never give up the most efficient and busiest airport hub in the world. We carry more pax through ATL than anyone else by far. Airtran doesn't seem to want to give anything up there either. Try Macon, GA.

Bye Bye--General Lee

Wow, for a minute there I thought the General said that Atlanta was the most efficient airport hub in the world.

If that is true there isn't anything that will save your airline or any other in our lifetime.

There's been alot of chatter about hubs & seniority lists, but what about airplanes? LCC is in bed with the dreaded Airbus & Delta is all American. Who would win? Common sense tells me the older 737's would vanish first. 777 or A330 for pond crossings? The only fleet similarities would be the 757...but I don't know which airlines have what engine... ZP
What's up with the timing on this proposal? We just voted in a Democratic Congress, why didn't they try to pull this last month? Would have been easier with Republicans, right?
It will be interesting to see how the PILOT SENIORITY LISTS are merged. Now THAT will be a battle royale !!!! :uzi: :smash:
Christ, and I thought the US boys were going to experience culture shock. Wait until the Delta boys get a load of how things are done at HP.

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