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Two more interviews and I'm calling it Quits For Aviation?

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sorry that i didnt have time to craft a more detailed response.

The tone of your post indicates that you are upset with the regional industry and that aviation somehow OWES you something.

This job is great and this job sucks. One universal truth that i have uncovered is the fact that airline pilots will bitch about EVERYTHING. You give them a xmas bonus and they will complain that it was mailed and not direct deposit... lots of other examples come to mind.

So it looks like your "giving aviation the finger" fits in nicely.

Dont come complaining to Flight Info and expect everyone on here to give you a pat on the back and say "hang in there fella"

Stop whining and make the move. or stop whining and dont make the move. your choice
I'm exactly two interviews away from giving aviation the Finger......Don't get me wrong I still have somewhat of a passion deep inside of me for flying, but with what I see happening in this industry I have to admit that things like a respectable pension (whch is non-existent for the most part in the airlines) does matter to me, I have a degree in Criminal Justice and there's alot of great hiring going on in Law Enforcement throughout the country w/ some pretty great sign-on bonuses, and not to mention at least somewhat of a respectable Starting salary......I went all through college doing flying at first as a hobby and then deciding to get the full enchilada(CFI's etc).

Been instructing full time almost two years, and for right now I'm making more cash as a freelance CFI than I probably will at any regional for my first two years....Any hoot anyyone here leave law enfocement and comeback, or Vice versa????
By the way are there any airlines who still even offer pension???
I dont know what to say other than we all feel like quitting and going to something else, but in the end, the love of the flying keeps us here. But we can all make a difference. Let's try and turn the tide. There is a shortage of pilots and there will continue to be one for awhile. But turning the tide will not happen until the pilots of all airlines belong as a brotherhood. We still have the "us" versus them" mentality. We should consolidate our unions into one and make it a unified effort to shove this mismanagement of our industry right up management's a$$. Can you imagine the power we would have as a one union group? Wow ! Alright, I know it is coming, flame away !
Hey, you know a regional airline isn't your only option for a career. There are a lot of aviation jobs other than just 'flying the line.' I was talking with a buddy of mine the other day who flies for a regional airline. Even though we both fly airplanes, it's like we have two, totally different jobs.

Yeah, what he said.

UPS and Fedex Still have pensions....and great ones at that!

Keep your head up. Lots of jobs at regionals to be had.... pick a good one, suck up the first year pay, and enjoy the ride. Almost all regionals are now linked to the ATP academy because they are short on qualified people....Jobs are becoming more plentiful and the Legacy carriers are hiring again....

CAL, DAL and soon UAL all hiring along with the LCCs, UPS, FDX and alike....

It IS turning around. Get out there and find what suits you. If its not worth a few years of poor pay and schedules to enjoy what you love, then you are better off doing something else. I'll take my "crappy" pay and reserve schedule any day over an office job.... To each their own.

If you want a regional job, it sounds like you have the time for it....Put out your stuff and calls will come. Be careful what you wish for because you just may get it....When it rains it pours....

Good luck.
Why not be a 'flying pig'?

A buddy was on the CHP for 7 years, upgraded a few times, then stepped into the flying side. He had a PPSEL, but as they are flying public use aircraft, it doesn't matter. I did a ride along with their department, "Flying PIGS", 'cause they love to dump on speeding motorists, and the department check airman had 400 hours total time.

There are plenty of law enforcement flying positions. Take a look around DHS and local departments. Jump in the plane, fly somewhere, land, cuff 'n stuff someone, then rinse and repeat.

BTW, one doesn't need to be a cop to have fun pistol-whipping.
It's too early to quit...just hang in there. Many of us FT CFI'ed for 5 years before getting to fly that 19 seat prop at $17 an hour on a 70 hour pay-month.
Also don't let the lack of a career in aviation ruin how you feel about flying in general. Just keep swinging...sooner or later you'll hit one.
The thought of being handcuffed and pistol whipped by Capt. Megadeth sounds rather arousing. :nuts:

....until she administers the ol' baton judiciously to the outflow valve...ouch!!!

2 years as a CFI? Gimme a break buddy, some of us did it three times longer!
Just think of yourself as the buddist monk of the aviation industry and you'll get there.

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