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Now that I look at it, I don't know why I wrote that either. I must have been drunk, or something, intending to respond to someone different.

g159av8tor, please accept my apologies, Sir. Good post.

Thanks for rereading your post...:beer:

That said...

You're speaking with a combat veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan. I've repatriated hundreds of dead GIs back to their mothers and wives. I've had the privelege to meet and serve with thousands of patriots who have stepped up to the plate for their country, and will give their last breath, without hesitation, for the red, white, and blue.

What those guys want, and NEED, is the full, unwaivering support of the American public. No, I'm not talking about the useless cliche, "I support the troops, BUT I don't support the mission." That doesn't work. Our troops, but more importantly our enemies, need to know that the American public has rock-solid resolve, and won't give up, under any circumstance.

Our troops are intelligent, moral people. We all volunteered to be there. We're not robots. We're Americans who believe in the mission, and understand the consequences of its failure.

Our enemies know they can't defeat us on the battlefield. No one can. They know the only way they can defeat us is through a campaign of negative propaganda aimed directly at the hearts and stomachs of Americans like you. Americans who vote for the elected politicians calling the shots.

Show the world through your actions and words that Americans are tough motherfukcers who don't back down. Be a part of the solution, not the problem.

Great post, agree 100%.

I have a feeling PCL agrees too, he/she just seems to have been exposed to some leftist, defeatist propaganda and now is severely depressed...PCL - snap out of it, you'll be ok, first step in your recovery -turn off al-jazeera aka cnn and you'll feel better right away...:D
I have a feeling PCL agrees too, he/she just seems to have been exposed to some leftist, defeatist propaganda and now is severely depressed...PCL - snap out of it, you'll be ok, first step in your recovery -turn off al-jazeera aka cnn and you'll feel better right away...:D

No, I'm just a pragmatist and a realist. I don't see any value in continuing to fight a war that we know we won't win. If I saw any indication from the Administration that they were planning on changing strategies and actually fighting the war to win it, then my opinion would be different. Instead, I see a President that refuses to admit that this has been a disaster. No one in the administration will admit that they've screwed up, so none of them will even entertain the idea of changing strategies. What exactly do you hope to accomplish by throwing more troops and more money at a failed strategy?
What's the title of the thread again? Are you guys doing goatse here or what? Fred Thompson...?!? You have been watching too much Law and Order on RESERVE.
Now that I look at it, I don't know why I wrote that either. I must have been drunk, or something, intending to respond to someone different.

g159av8tor, please accept my apologies, Sir. Good post.

Apology accepted...

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