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Wow, why the name calling? I didn't see anything "arrogant" in his post, just his own experiences such as divorce, etc. What am I missing?

Now that I look at it, I don't know why I wrote that either. I must have been drunk, or something, intending to respond to someone different.

g159av8tor, please accept my apologies, Sir. Good post.
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I'm on the side of our troops who are dying and being permanently disfigured and crippled in a war that our leaders refuse to fight to win. I've merely accepted the fact that the leaders in this country will not fight this war to win it. As long as that's the case, then our troops are fighting an endless war that will accomplish nothing.

Exactly. What we've seen happen over the past 50-60 years in the Western world is a softening of our resolve. We no longer are willing to accept that "war is hell." We now try to sterilize war and pretend that we can defeat a barbaric enemy without getting our hands dirty. As long as that's the case, then we'll never be able to defeat an enemy as barbaric and inhuman as the islamo-fascists.


That said...

You're speaking with a combat veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan. I've repatriated hundreds of dead GIs back to their mothers and wives. I've had the privelege to meet and serve with thousands of patriots who have stepped up to the plate for their country, and will give their last breath, without hesitation, for the red, white, and blue.

What those guys want, and NEED, is the full, unwaivering support of the American public. No, I'm not talking about the useless cliche, "I support the troops, BUT I don't support the mission." That doesn't work. Our troops, but more importantly our enemies, need to know that the American public has rock-solid resolve, and won't give up, under any circumstance.

Our troops are intelligent, moral people. We all volunteered to be there. We're not robots. We're Americans who believe in the mission, and understand the consequences of its failure.

Our enemies know they can't defeat us on the battlefield. No one can. They know the only way they can defeat us is through a campaign of negative propaganda aimed directly at the hearts and stomachs of Americans like you. Americans who vote for the elected politicians calling the shots.

Show the world through your actions and words that Americans are tough motherfukcers who don't back down. Be a part of the solution, not the problem.
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How about you, tough guy?

Don't even go there with me buddy!

When I worked at the inner city hospital ER for 8 F***ING YEARS, I saw and met them daily, in droves, along with their done up hair and nails and kids with $100 Nike shoes so STFU! Don't even TRY to start that $hit with me.

Oh, and you know what else? After a few years of dealing with these losers that you and I pay for, I got to the point where I could walk into their exam room and tell if they were on public assistance within the first minute. You know how? Their sense of entitlement. People with insurance would never act the way these people did. They acted like you owe them everything. I don't mind helping someone who is truly down and out temporarily....the problem is is most of these people have no incentive to work when they can just suck off the government and tax payers tit.
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Crappy things happen to people. THAT'S WHY I PAY TAXES. I feel absolutely NO remorse getting on a government program THAT I FUNDED FOR ALMOST 2 DECADES BEFORE GETTING ON IT!

The point is whether you STAY on the "gravy train" or use it for the shortest time possible, get back on your feet, and become a productive member of society again.

I don't blame you. I wouldn't feel bad about it either. It's the ones that stay on it and never get off that pi$$ me off. There are people on it that never pay into it.
Our troops are intelligent, moral people. We all volunteered to be there. We're not robots. We're Americans who believe in the mission, and understand the consequences of its failure.

You are such a blowhard. I think your posts in this thread have proven that there is a lot you don't understand. Your world view is seriously tainted.
Major Milfage right thar...

LOL. Now if someone could just link that "Hot for Teacher" YouTube video they yanked of that skanky thong-wearing 5th grade teacher and we'd be set!

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