In my mind you missed a golden opportunity. If while going through security a screener had said out loud that there was alcohol in my bag, I would have been alcohol tested, the flight delayed, ALPA and maybe press contacted, and hopefully the screener fired.
Why would I go through this, because security is not a joke. If I or you say to somebody "I have a bomb in my bag, just kidding" what would happen. I would be arrested, fired, name all over the paper and probably a huge fine and/or jail sentence. This would be due to the zero tolerance policy.
Why should things be any different for a security screener? As we are, they should be held to a higher standard. I would have liked to have seen that screener taken to task for his remark.
In my mind you missed a golden opportunity. If while going through security a screener had said out loud that there was alcohol in my bag, I would have been alcohol tested, the flight delayed, ALPA and maybe press contacted, and hopefully the screener fired.
Why would I go through this, because security is not a joke. If I or you say to somebody "I have a bomb in my bag, just kidding" what would happen. I would be arrested, fired, name all over the paper and probably a huge fine and/or jail sentence. This would be due to the zero tolerance policy.
Why should things be any different for a security screener? As we are, they should be held to a higher standard. I would have liked to have seen that screener taken to task for his remark.