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time to quit my crappy job?

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I have this friend and he just up and quit...he had this boss named Lumbergh or something like that. Rumor has it that he nailed his girl, but it was a mix-up. Hopefully the girl from logistics reads this and I'll be showing her my O face!
Quit dude...screw the job.
I second av8tor's response. Take it from those that have been there. Whether it is being furloughed or laid off, it matters not. Neither is akin to "character building" - especially when you are going through it multiple times.

If you quit now, you may go through many months of unemployment. Are you ready for that and what that will entail for your self-esteem and marketability when you jump back in? Do you have a significant other? What's her take on all this and is she prepared to support you and put up with your downturns - which will happen? When you have limited income, guess what, it means you have limited resources which in turn will limit your opportunities! And....you WILL get desperate and go to a job that you will hate even more.

av8tor has given the best advice so far. Play smart now and you will shine through this.
thanks everyone and av8tor for the good advice.

without going into detail, unemployment would boost my ego and esteem over keeping this job. however, i have decided to hang in for a little while longer while i go into search mode. time off is going to be a biznitch to find, because i don't get any days off, ever. i will just have to fake sick or make up a dental appointment or something.

with that said, there has been a twist with my current job that looks like it is going to take flying out of the equation.

insurance is due for renewal and i have to go to recurrent.

since the airplanes are for sale, the boss has decided that he is not going to pay for recurrent this time and that we will just park the planes. yeah right. the planes have been for sale for over a year and that hasn't stopped him from wanting to use them so far!

i've done a lot of bull$hit for this company, but no recurrent = no insurance, and no insurance = me not even walking into the hangar, let alone flying any airplanes!

we'll see what happens.

thanks to everybody for the good advice.

best regards,

Hang in there buddy! I was in the same position until last week. Crappy freight job, bad airplanes and horrible schedule. I just got hired for alot more money, flying much better aircraft at a really good place. But if it wasn't for the crappy freight job, I wouldn't have the times and experience I needed to get the new job. Look at it that way and it becomes a little more bearable.
white E said:
I have this friend and he just up and quit...he had this boss named Lumbergh or something like that. Rumor has it that he nailed his girl, but it was a mix-up. Hopefully the girl from logistics reads this and I'll be showing her my O face!
Quit dude...screw the job.

I'm quitting my job flying so I can have all my free time for marketing the "Jump to Conclusions" Mat. It's a great idea I recently heard of. Should make a lot of bank. But I may need someone to help me with the TPS reports. Anyone interested...Anyone...

(Oh yeah...watch the cornhole!)
I just found my way up to Alaska, and can't wait to start the line~ I left a job looking for this one, and glad I did. Come on up to the great white north.... if you dare!
i forgot to post that i quit a few weeks ago. i left just in time. the feds (with guns drawn) showed up not long after. back to burger king for me:)


ps: how do you list a former employer as a reference when he or she is in jail?
casper1nine said:
I think that I might quit my job tomorrow, or at least turn in my two weeks notice. My current job sucks, the airplanes are for sale, and for most of the past year, I have been re-assigned to work full time, read 6-7 days a week, in another area of the company, while still being expected to fly on-call as needed. I kept trying to quit over the past year, but the boss would just keep giving me raises. Anyway, I am tired of the schedule, want to fly more (in an enviroment where professionalism is appreciated), and am looking for a change in general.

So, here is my question: Have any of you good folks ever just quit a job you didn't like, without having your next move lined up? How did it work out for you, do you regret it, are you better for it? As much as I dislike my current situation, the uncertainty of change is somewhat unnerving, in fact, the thought of not having a job bothers me on a fundamental level. Despite that, I think that it IS time for me to move on. A friend of mine once told me, "you can't steal second base with both feet on first."

Anyway, I welcome your thoughts and comments.


PS: Any fresh info on job openings in Georgia or in the Atlanta area would be appreciated as I ramp up for the job search process. Thanks.

If it was me I tell them to call me when they need to fly and I would go play golf...
Your are a pilot not an office jerk.. If he wouldn't let you quit in the past he dang sure won't fire you for this adjustment in respect for your trade......
casper1nine said:
thanks everyone and av8tor for the good advice.

without going into detail, unemployment would boost my ego and esteem over keeping this job. however, i have decided to hang in for a little while longer while i go into search mode. time off is going to be a biznitch to find, because i don't get any days off, ever. i will just have to fake sick or make up a dental appointment or something.

with that said, there has been a twist with my current job that looks like it is going to take flying out of the equation.

insurance is due for renewal and i have to go to recurrent.

since the airplanes are for sale, the boss has decided that he is not going to pay for recurrent this time and that we will just park the planes. yeah right. the planes have been for sale for over a year and that hasn't stopped him from wanting to use them so far!

i've done a lot of bull$hit for this company, but no recurrent = no insurance, and no insurance = me not even walking into the hangar, let alone flying any airplanes!

we'll see what happens.

thanks to everybody for the good advice.

best regards,


Here's one for you to use if and when he wants to fly... I need $950.00 a day plus expenses to fly the plane now.. O by the way did that FAA inspector get up with you in regards to the annual? Call me when you need me I'll be playing golf..

Make him respect you........
good point, but no factor.............;)

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