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This Just In... More Mesa Contract info

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Our negotiations have been in mediation for almost a year now and as of this month all future sessions to be held in Washington DC. Hopefully a prelude to being released. Our managment has already begun the "look at what the Mesa pilots did" song and dance. Don't worry though, the Mesaba pilots will never and I mean NEVER sign anything that undermines what those before us have accomplished. And I don't want to hear any of the Mesa guys excuses about how managment would have transfered all the flying to Freedumb. We are in the exact same situation here with the recent purchase of Big Sky which Mesaba is operating under a different certificate. We WILL hold the line.

Well said my friend well said. You guys have the respect and admiration of the entire group. Well most of the group anyway some really don't belong but that's a whole different issue all together...


jetdriven said:
wd you never replied about how we are suppposed to force the company into giving us what we want when they had the alter-ego?

will you?

Wasn't Freedum a no go anyway? I thought the courts ruled against it therefore it couldn't operate and that any airline in the future would have to be under the MESA corporation? So why the lack of anal retention? Or was it already stretched from the past?
No such ruling.

You are probably thinking about the ruling that validated CCAir and mesa as a common carrier. As far as Freedom went, ALPA filed suit against the company as soon as it went on line. Almost a year later when the contract was coming up to vote the court had yet to even hear the case, much less make a ruling. Since it took them almost three years to rule on CCAir, and it didn't slow down JO from shutting that airline down, there wasn't much hope coming from the courts to shut down Freedom. Since there were 2 jets a month being transferred from Mesa and 120 more pilots in class for Freedom and over 300 in the pool, it was hardly a non issue.
you know you are right it was and hardly still is a non-issue.

The problem is you guys sold your soul to the devil. Now I hope that they rest of us can avoid the already growing fuits of your labor.

WE will never buckle to pressure, I don't make enough to worry about losing it!

Mesaba You'll Have to Shut Her Down

Oh, I love the tough talk on "holding the line."

You guys are gonna have to shut it down first. You aren't going to get ANYTHING from Mesaba. With Big Sky and Pinnacle, you'll be lucky to even get a contract! They'll just keep transfering the flying. You can thank our mutual friend, JO for that little trick. He learned it from Lorenzo.

Heck, even before the new Mesa contract, the Mesa (Air Midwest) BEECH FOs made more money than your AVRO FOs until they reached year 3.

Check it out! No rhetoric, just fact. But you won't hear Whiskey Driver talking about Mesaba dragging the industry down.....

Your MEC sold you down the river before. And what's worse, Tom Wycor, who voted the previous concessions in, is YOUR MEC CHAIRMAN! Don't you guys learn? Hell, even Wycor will tell you Mesa did the best they could...will this man lead you to shut down the airline? What is your motto? Gave in '96 due in '02? Maybe it will be changed to "Lucky to be running in '04?"

Not trying to pick a fight, just can't stand the hypocrisy!
notice whiskey driver never answered me about the alter ego-problem. You airwis guys always have an issue with how we handled it but cannot come up with a better solution!
Actually jetdriven I did answer your question, you just didn't like the answer you recieved...

You were close, but not quite on target. Wycor was not the MEC chairman when the every single FO, current and future, at Mesaba were sold out. But that guy is on the current negotiating comittee. Wycor took over after that little mishap.

You are right about the Avro. Pay rates on that thing are a joke even on the captain scale. If I was at AW I would be mad as hell at Mesaba for what they agreed to.

There are a couple of things that Mesaba pilots have left to bargain with. We are still big enough to cause serious illness to NW if we go away completely. Also, NW wants all their regionals to be about the same size so they can continue to shift flying depending on who's contract is next. Pinnacle will get to do the same dance that we are in a few years. Alot of them won't admit it or don''t realixe it now, but just wait.

I have already started job hunting so I can go earn 25K when Mesaba closes the doors for good. Maybe I can become a teacher....

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