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There is a pilot shortage?

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no multiengine aircraft

LCC doesn't have any multi-engine trainers. You have to be kidding. How in the world could Dr. Harvey be talking about "glass cockpits". After reading his poorly informed Pilot Shortage statement I would have thought they had CRJ's on their ramp.

Secondly, no wonder Captpetefam refers to training Carreer Instructors. How are any instructors going to get hired with out any multiengine time.

This Dr. Harvey is just blowing smoke. Probably not a big surprise to all the instructors at LCC.

I would recommend the Doctor to go see a Doctor
Fuzzy Math

I too am very familiar with the LCC program and yes they have had a very good reputation for training well-qualified professional pilots. Unfortunately that may be coming to an end due to current management practices and also the lack of funding created by the Oregon budget crisis. Which is sad because the staff consists of very well qualified talented instructors.

Shweatybalzout: I think it has been quite a while since any LCC Instructor has left for the airlines. You would think that would be a good indicator of whether or not there was a pilot shortage. You are right, they don't have a multi-engine. Although, the rumor is that they have one on the way. That rumor started over a year ago.

Yes REQUESTDENIED, it probably doesn't come as a surprise to the instructors that someone is "blowing smoke". Here is an example: The "glass cockpit " that is being referred to is a UPS Aviation Technologies, Inc. full stack (SL15M Audio Panel with Marker Beacon MX20 Multi-Function Display GX60 GPS/Comm SL30 Nav/Comm SL70 TransponderInst) with NO lightning, terrain, traffic, or chartview capability. It is being installed in a PA28-160. It is not a primary flight display or integrated cockpit display system which most people would think as a "glass cockpit". Although that is what LCC is trying to sell to its students.

It does seem like “fuzzy math” to me.
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Multi trainers and glass cockpit

Just yesturday I saw the purchase agreement for a Piper Seminole for Lane Comm. College. It will be there within the next few weeks and will be retrofited with a full UPS stack. Yes, this may not be a "glass cockpit" but if you want that, you can go to some other place in ND or FL and pay three times as much. Besides, most airline are going to train you to their FOM anyways.

As for their future, it sounds like they are going to be "spun off" in some ways. They will still have a program with LCC but funding will be private. The big benifit here is that they will no longer need to jump through all the hoops to get what they want. If they want a twin, they go get a twin. If they want to work up a program that transitions well to a four year program, they can do that. It many ways, it gives them the freedom to grow that they have been needing.

They may not be all that was said by Harvey yet, but they are heading that way. They are trying each day to improve an already wonderful program. They can give a top notch program with great instructors at well under half the cost of ERAU or UND.
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Wow........look at all the LCC guys coming out of the woodwork. Lane is a great school, and I will be keeping an eye on this Dr. Harvey character.

What ever happened to Bob? I remember swipping things of his desk while he was talking to me. (he always talked with his eyes closed.)
Question to Captpetefam

If you agree that these UPS full stacks are not a "glass cockpit".
Why is it then that the Top Brass at LCC are selling "glass cockpits" to their current and prospective students. Wouldn't you think that lacks credibility?

Regarding the aquisition of a Seminole. Great, I hope it is true. The students and instructors are in desperate need of one. But here are the facts. LCC has claimed to have a Seminole on its way since November 2001. Ask any student or instructor who has been around since then how many times they have heard "The seminole will be here in the next few weeks". Dozens! Wouldn't you think that lacks credibility?

Regarding LCC's Flight Tech program (future) breaking ties with the college. Here is a trivia question. How many flight schools can one person drive out of business in one lifetime? one, two, three, or every one they touch. Ask the LCC management for the answer.

UPS full stack? $20,000

Piper Seminole? $150,000

Department Head replacement, PRICELESS!!!!

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