you cock$uckers don't want to let this die do you.
the fear swept through the cabin after they attempted the was no calmly "oh, we have zero thrust" they thought they had full thrust.
after 9/11, stories of drunk pilots, the roller coaster ride we had, dead bodies on snowy nights, it was a gut reaction and one made out of air safety.
there is all this talk about air safety and getting you there as safely as possible, but what about terrorizing the pax before you leave the ground?
yes they were upset. about six in the back that confirmed what we all heard
if you read earlier, I said I emailed a journalist friend....not interested unless people die or there's damage , or official "incident" if we had run off the runway, sure.....if you consider the evolution of marvin renslow's career, I simply thought I was flying with his cousin....that's all
it's water under the damn now....they'll do their mia copa and go on...
i don't give a crap.....
two final points- there's always an A$$hole spellchecker on FI and
a nutjob who wants to threaten violence and reprisals....this was not major airline flying, it was amatuer, private pilot working on his multi flying......put this way...if I ever saw this coX$ucker up front again and I was with the wife and kids...i'd run for the bar....I'll never fly with him again....
"Mea Culpa"... your grammar and spelling are far worse than my ten-year-old's. The regional in question has some of the best training in the US and above-average pay. I'd really love to know what "major" airline you work for because your histrionics indicate you would not react to any real emergency with any aplomb whatsoever.