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The new SCAB

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S - $hit
H - Head
A - And
R - Rent
T - Taker


W - Weasely
A - A$$
R - Rent
T - Taker

I like Both!!!
Funny how these "union" clowns all want someone else to give up their ability to earn a living so they can prosper, but they all continue to allow the continual degradation of the profession in the name of getting a few more jets and an upgrade.

Pot, meet kettle.

I would say that based on your definition that Mesa gets less than ASA, Mesa Pilots are SCABS, but wait, ASA and all the other Regionals get less than Horizon so all other regionals are SCABS.....all regionals are accepting less pay than Frontier and Jet Blue thus they are all lowering the bar. Frontier and Jet Blue and Air Tran are accepting less pay than Delta, United, Continental so than Frontier, Jet Blue, and AirTran must be SCABS. I suppose with your logic than If UPS is the top dog in pilot pay than any other pilot accepting less pay is a SCAB because they are lowing the bar for the UPS pilots because management will eventually say your counterparts are only getting this much so we have to cut your pay.

I say that if you have a passion to fly than don't worry about what everyone
else is getting paid and enjoy your passion.....If you don't love to fly...get out now and let those of us that do have a chance.
How about "Taint". You know, they taint the industry and can be compared to that part of skin between the sack and cornhole. That's duality if I ever saw it.

Maybe you should check airlinepilotpay.com before you say that F9 folks are accepting less pay than the legacys for flying the BUS.


Get your facts straight
American Airlines Airbus FO......117 per hour....Capt....171 per hour.
not sure what F9 means but am sure they accept less than AA's Airbus pay.

Call them BOHICAs


And remember, ugly, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.
rspilot said:
American Airlines Airbus FO......117 per hour....Capt....171 per hour.
not sure what F9 means but am sure they accept less than AA's Airbus pay.

F9 flys A318-19-20 While AA flys the A300. Apples to Oranges my friend.
Look out from under the Legacy Tent now and again!

:erm: sorry to highjack.....


That’s right… lets start comparing wide body pay to narrow body pay to make some convoluted point that has nothing to do with your original “I’m better than you are na na na” point. You made reference to some imaginary world where F9 pays their pilots less than the legacies to fly. We only fly narrow body BUSes. When you compare F9’s hourly rate to the legacies (in the airbus narrow body category), F9’s is higher.

737 A319 A320 A320 A320
Capt FO Capt FO Capt FO Capt FO Capt FO

12yr 158 108 157 94 137 93 129 88 138 91

:0 Darn the lack of formatting!

Next thing to consider is the A & B plans. Well there F9 is lacking. Although, even when you ad the so-called A, B, and even the latest C plan in to the mix, the numbers don’t get much better. Even so; F9’s pilot group is addressing this and it has yet to be decided by FAPA (the F9 union) and the company whom have been in negotiations for close to two years and are wrapping it up. I might ad that the talks are amicable.

Now start comparing apples and oranges again. That's OK I'll let it go this time.:cool:


P.S. By the way… What’s it like to get paid $25 more an hour to fly the wide body 300. ;)

Remember, arrogance is the futility of a person who has to prove themselves on a daily basis. Most people in the US don’t even know who F9 is. Just think what could happen if they did.
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