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The logic of relative seniority

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Your career expectations are satisfied by coming under our contract (superior to Captain pay under your contract).

Again, career expectations:

SWA pilot - 737 CA
AAI pilot - 737 CA

That's all you have to know. All this LUV chatter about pay is an attempt to justify stapling the AAI pilots. Shame on you.
You really don't have anything intelligent to say, do you? Is this supposed to be proof of SWA's "superior" pilot hiring? Or the tremendous culture we should eagerly sacrifice our seniority for? :rolleyes:

Nobody other than you and Lear70 has anything intelligent to say. You are on a medical or something like that and hopefully you won't be back. lear70 will be hated over at SWA just like he is at Air Tran. What a shame. But hopefully the other 95% of Air Tran will see the light.
I'm no expert at karma, Cometman, but if I were you, and I heard banjos, I would run. :laugh:

BTW, you're wrong on pretty much all counts. When you and the other "orange-bellied extremists" make these pronouncements about individual AAI Pilots, you end up sounding pretty stupid. :rolleyes:
Don't worry, it will never happen. Most likely:

1. No bump/no flush
2. Pre-1992 SWA pilots on the list
3. Ratio the rest

Easy, squeezy, lemon peasy.

I think it will look something like that too.
Don't worry, it will never happen. Most likely:

1. No bump/no flush
2. Pre-1992 SWA pilots on the list
3. Ratio the rest

Easy, squeezy, lemon peasy.

I think your logic train derailed. Why do you think DOH matters pre 1992 (which is the wrong date I think anyway) but not post 1992? It seems that you think it has to do with when AAi began in its current form. Why does that matter? If you think relative is "the only fair way" why do you carve out some section of the seniority list?
Career expectations, B737 Capt., are the same.

Airtran pilots have an expectation of
Much quicker upgrades. It's not
Even close to being equal.

Senior Airtrans First Officers should have
Their upgrades protected.

Really? You guys must be smokin' some good stuff. Let me ask you one question...

Was your career expectations the same on Sept. 26th vs Sept. 27th? Not even close my friend..

Just heard that AAI pilots, taken as a whole, will average over 7,000 dollars more a month for every month after the acquisition.

Now tell me logically how your career expectations didn't change...please. Especially when senior SW FO's make more that most of your Captains.
I'm no expert at karma, Cometman, but if I were you, and I heard banjos, I would run. :laugh:

BTW, you're wrong on pretty much all counts. When you and the other "orange-bellied extremists" make these pronouncements about individual AAI Pilots, you end up sounding pretty stupid. :rolleyes:


Comet man had no dog in this fight yet I kind of like his no bs view. He/she called it like it was. Part of me thinks this site is a scheme charging people $10 then kicking them off for violating the rules yet when Ty or other possibly break them...nothing happens. Ty and Lear karma is b...... So you say....time will tell for you :)

Note to moderators and webmaster....charging people then kicking then off is close to ripping them off. Are you willing to give me a refund if I want leave?
Again, career expectations:

SWA pilot - 737 CA
AAI pilot - 737 CA

That's all you have to know. All this LUV chatter about pay is an attempt to justify stapling the AAI pilots. Shame on you.

So if Delta bought Virgin America then all the Virgin guys would keep their seat?



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