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The logic of relative seniority

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You're talking to yourself, Chief. I could debate you point by point, but why bother? It's up to the Merger Committees and/or Arbitration.

See you on the other side.

Typical Ty,

You talk SLI until someone makes salient points you don't like then you pretend to leave it up to the committees.

Either be willing to debate or leave the subject alone.
Moderator hat on:

Personal attacks will NOT be allowed. I don't know how many times I have to say it.

Cometman suspended for 7 days. Next time it will be a 30 day suspension. 3rd offense is permanent banning.

Abide by the ToS.



I read what Cometman posted and it was not a personal attack. You have the biggest conflict of interest on this site. Someone does not talk nice to one of your boy friends and you get upset and ban them for something they did not do. I sure hope you know your real name is all over other SWA forums and you are making quite a name for yourself without even being on the property. If you do not think management reads these sites....you are wrong again. Might want to change you plan of attack.
At appears to me as long as you ;), or :laugh: or, :D, or :p, or :), you are allowed to throw passive aggressive insults. Interesting interpretation.

Anyways, all this concern about seniority integration will be dust in the wind in short order. I believe the real short term concern is integrating the two airlines together. And the FAA has much to do with when we turn on the one certificate switch. It will take potentially years for that to happen.

Even with a quick resolution to seniority issues, it will be much longer before we see the results of any seniority integration. I will guess that it will take two years before we work under one certificate. And until then, we will have two unions flying Southwest aircraft.

Whether it would be the two unlikely events of a staple vs relative seniority, none of us will realize any benefits for a good time to come.
Get real.... LMAO!


I read what Cometman posted and it was not a personal attack. You have the biggest conflict of interest on this site. Someone does not talk nice to one of your boy friends and you get upset and ban them for something they did not do. I sure hope you know your real name is all over other SWA forums and you are making quite a name for yourself without even being on the property. If you do not think management reads these sites....you are wrong again. Might want to change you plan of attack.

Southwest Airline Board Room - December 2010

Subject: Emergency Meeting regarding Flightinfo.com

Gary: "Get Herb on the phone IMMEDIATELY... we have a MAJOR problem".

Colleen: "What is it Gary?! Is there an issue with the FAA, fuel hedging, The AirTran merger?? What is it??

Gary: No nothing like that. Much more important. Lear70 banned Cometman for 7 days for a personal atatck against Ty Webb on Flightinfo, and we feel there might be a conflict of interest in his Moderating duties.....

Colleen: Oh my GOD!! NOOOOO.........!! Have we called all the Department Heads yet?

Gary: No not yet. We need Herb on the line for this. We may need to email the Flightinfo Webmaster.... this is SERIOUS!!

Colleen: Good thing we have Trained Specialists monitoring Flightinfo for these type of things... this could wreck havoc on our entire Operation.

Gary: We need to give Cometman our 100% support during this crisis...

Colleen: Good god man... how can we possibly do that? He claims to not even work for Southwest. Finding his identity could be impossible.

Gary: Well... we will be standing by during his 7 day ban to assist as we can. For now lets put heat on Lear70. We have his identity and will need to take swift prompt action...

Colleen: I am on it Gary....

Secretary: Ladies and Gentleman... Herb is on line 5.

Gary: Patch him through....

I read what Cometman posted and it was not a personal attack. You have the biggest conflict of interest on this site. Someone does not talk nice to one of your boy friends and you get upset and ban them for something they did not do. I sure hope you know your real name is all over other SWA forums and you are making quite a name for yourself without even being on the property. If you do not think management reads these sites....you are wrong again. Might want to change you plan of attack.

Yes, it was a personal attack, and I deleted it as such. Your comment above borders close on it as well. Boyfriends? Really? You think that's not hostile or a personal attack based on my sexual preference? I'm going to leave your post up as an EXAMPLE of what a personal attack is. Further attacks like this WILL be summarily deleted and result in a FI vacation. It doesn't matter if you fly for Southwest, AirTran, or Hong Kong Dog Crap Express, everyone gets treated the same way. Keep your posts on the TOPICS, not personal issues with individual posters.

I'm well aware that my name is on the other SWA forums (I've received phone calls from several friends who are SWA pilots), and most of what is being said is untrue and verifiable through public record. I'm not going to engage on those issues; no one wins those fights. As far as management listening, if they are, I'm sure the many positive things I've said about moving forward and contributing in a positive way to a great future is what they'll take from all this. I don't have a bad attitude, I'm letting the process work and not attacking my future coworkers, and I'm going out there and doing my job well and with a smile, and that's about all anyone can ask of a line pilot.

I'm sorry you can't see that, but I wish you the best of luck and a very Merry Christmas.

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At appears to me as long as you ;), or :laugh: or, :D, or :p, or :), you are allowed to throw passive aggressive insults. Interesting interpretation.
Sorry, sometimes it takes me a while to see a post that's offensive (I'm not on here all day, I do fly a regular line). Sometimes someone has to report it (I don't read every post in every thread, don't have that kind of time).

It's a volunteer position. If there were more of us, it would be easier, but there's not a lot of people who want to do it, and this is part of the reason: it's not a popular job, it's thankless, and often get people mad at you because they don't see the problem with their posts.

You can either be popular or you can do the job well, not really an option to do both. Some days I wonder why I'm doing it at all... really doesn't seem worth the angst.
Let me get this straight? The 1%ers here are taking Lear totask for his moderating or something more important? The whole reason I'm on FI anonymously is so I don't ever think about getting on the other forums----

Don't use the Internet to create conflict-- it's really dumb to rile yourself and the other 10% up
At appears to me as long as you ;), or :laugh: or, :D, or :p, or :), you are allowed to throw passive aggressive insults. Interesting interpretation.

Anyways, all this concern about seniority integration will be dust in the wind in short order. I believe the real short term concern is integrating the two airlines together. And the FAA has much to do with when we turn on the one certificate switch. It will take potentially years for that to happen.

Even with a quick resolution to seniority issues, it will be much longer before we see the results of any seniority integration. I will guess that it will take two years before we work under one certificate. And until then, we will have two unions flying Southwest aircraft.

Whether it would be the two unlikely events of a staple vs relative seniority, none of us will realize any benefits for a good time to come.

SWA pilots could tie it up alot longer than that if they had a mind to.

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