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The logic of relative seniority

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Most likely how an arbitor would rule, so the vote wouldn't matter anyway.

After further consideration and consultation, I think that arbitration will work best for the SWA pilots. I can see three to five year fences being reasonable.We will come to terms on fences and transitional pay and benefits issues. The seniority issue will be best served by a third party because I really don't see the AT pilots seeing our contract as a gain, but as a right. An arbitrator will see that differently. By definition "fair and equitable" is a two way street. It will be easy to present to an arbitrator that natural large gains by one party, with a contract earned by another party, would not be fair without contribution by the ones benefiting from the hard work of another.

Our union appears to be more than ready to work fairly with the AT union and at the same time prepare to successfully arbitrate any unresolved issues to the acceptance of largely all SWA pilots.

Along with most all the employees and leaders of SWA, the adaptation of AT employees to our culture is my main concern. I will assume slow and easy integration will be an important element for its success.
Dash, are you talking about a 3 to 5 year fence then some type of bump and flush? It will be interesting to see how it works out when the fences come down. I see a bunch of training events taking place when the fences come down.
Dash, are you talking about a 3 to 5 year fence then some type of bump and flush? It will be interesting to see how it works out when the fences come down. I see a bunch of training events taking place when the fences come down.

Not in the way your thinking. SWA has some big plans, that personally I think will make everyone on the property happy. Have a nice Christmas and NY.
27 driver,

None of us can guess terms of a fence at this point. Far too many dynamics to consider that affect each other. We all know that airline managers want to do that costs the least. SWA's training costs are by far the lowest in the industry. So strict limitations on equipment movement can be largely assumed.

Every AT pilot will have to go through initial training if we are to operate like one airline. I can see 717 training staying where it is for the foreseeable future. I can see it to be an advantage to the company to have the current 717 pilots staying there for the foreseeable future. Training for new equipment is extensive and very costly. I can't even begin to imagine what will pan out but one thing is certain, if the company had it their way, the only training that would occur on the 717 would be for natural attrition, ie retirements, with upgrade and new hire aircraft type commitments for an extended period of time.

I am certain that there will be no aircraft jumping at Southwest Airlines.
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I'm a big giant hypocrit-

I got called out via PM that i wasnt advocating enough for Swa guys and I guess that bugged me- apologies-

I wanted to point out that I DO have an opinion and HAVE thought about the SLI- when I call my own guys idiots it's bc getting on here and getting into pissing contests won't change anything- I DO have my opinion and so does virtually everyone else -

the mistake is in getting emotionally attached to that meaningless opinion. I have ZERO expectation that any air tran pilot will agree me on FI-

And that's the larger point:

However it works out, I will be "honored" (as Herb likes to say- and you feel that he IS) to work and fly with my new SWA family and you will have to be very sneaky to find a way to pay the tab when I catch you on overnights.

Merry Christmas Lear- I agree- shouldn't get sucked in.
Merry Christmas to all-
Apples to oranges.
AT and SW are both proifitable growing companies.
Us Airways east was days away from you becoming a walmart greeter.(although you'd be paid a lot better):laugh:

? Your post makes no since. ?
Southwest embraces DOH, that is the point!
USAPA embraces DOH, see the commonality?

And for the billionth time USAir was not going to liquidate, the financing was in place to give to AWA and bring them under the USAir umbrella.
Our union is negotiating right now to put us up there with Delta and United and I am sure we will be above that. We will get our retro and snap back and we have our date of hire after the appeals court ruling. Life is so very good for this east pilot!
truly the lowest of the low

On another note, regarding your pilots who tend to go above and beyond to try to get the job done, does that include the those who use their free time while on medical leave to do car work in the driveway?

An extremely cheap shot that speaks volumes about what kind of person you are. You are not only misinformed, but being played for a stooge.

So much for the "We only hire the best" nonsense.
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? Your post makes no since. ?
Southwest embraces DOH, that is the point!
USAPA embraces DOH, see the commonality?

And for the billionth time USAir was not going to liquidate, the financing was in place to give to AWA and bring them under the USAir umbrella.
Our union is negotiating right now to put us up there with Delta and United and I am sure we will be above that. We will get our retro and snap back and we have our date of hire after the appeals court ruling. Life is so very good for this east pilot!

Now you're not making sInce.

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