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The logic of relative seniority

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No- though not paramount- Swa has been the better, more sought after job for the entire time AT has existed there are plenty would would leave AT for Swa - not many who'd leave Swa for AT- if ANY- I don't like pissing contests- but expectations ought to be adjusted bc of this-
And life is good-It'll be some hybrid of DOH and relative seniority- and we should all let the process play out
If pay rates don't matter, then why didn't AAI pilots agree to a contract several years ago?

I'd guess the fact that Airtran was subsidizing growth with lower payrates for the past several years with lower pay rates. That's reason number one that SWA pilots won't be happy with relative seniority. We bargained for a solid contract ten years ago while AAI pilots continued at basement wages--which allowed AAI to grow at a fast pace.

Having the AAI pilots trade their accecptance of substandard wages for increased seniority after the merger sets a bad precedent. Instead of bargaining for a good contracts, pilots will start negotiating for a contract that will put themselves in a good position after a merger.

AAI pilots tried to get a better contract. Management used the RLA to their advantage to stall the process. And to be correct according to the swapaluv website, LUV didn't climb to the top until 2004 when all the legacies got their concessionary contracts. I am truly happy for you guys that you don't have draconian management like the Lorenzo types we have at the Tran. And I am not sure I understand you last point. Aren't they one in the same. Any contract that puts you in a better place for a merger would put you in a better place period.
No- it was easier- but never easy

Bullsheet. In 1994 they hired one is six. In 2002 they hired one in eight.

Since the mid-eighties it has been more difficult to get a job with SWA than any other carrier. The minimum hiring requirements have always been much higher than the other majors. Most hired with majors since the eighties didn't meet the minimum requirements. In my class they averaged the total time at around 4500 hours with 2300 turbine.

Those are the facts.
It's a strange integration- relative seniority wouldn't be fair to our senior captains- not even close- DOH wouldnt be fair to the junior WN fo's

I see DOH with a ratio down from A mid 1990's hire that leaves about 500 AT Fo's below CJ.

IMHO with the contractual and cultural gains- this is pretty fair and livable- litmus test?
There'd be pilots pissed about it- but both sides would vote it in

And what I see is a Line Pilot that has decided to ignore the request of his Union Merger Committee, and pretend to have it ALL figured out.

I seriously doubt that ANYTHING said on this playground would have an effect on an SLI... but at least myself and 99.999% of the rest of the AirTran Pilots have decided to throw the Merger Committee a bone and abide by their request.

Why are you such in need of being the center of attention or simply being an internet blowhard... that you can't just STFU?

You aren't the ambassador that you think you are in speaking for YOUR expectations or realizations of what a SLI will look like.... you are simply the loggerhead that people on the Merger Committee have to address.
On another note, regarding your pilots who tend to go above and beyond to try to get the job done, does that include the those who use their free time while on medical leave to do car work in the driveway?

The real irony in your question is that he only got injured and was on OJI leave because he was going above and beyond and hurt himself climbing into a cargo compartment and doing everything he could to free a stroller that was wedged under a pile of bags to help out a disabled passenger.

Yeah, he's a real slacker. :rolleyes:
Bullsheet. In 1994 they hired one is six. In 2002 they hired one in eight.

Since the mid-eighties it has been more difficult to get a job with SWA than any other carrier. The minimum hiring requirements have always been much higher than the other majors. Most hired with majors since the eighties didn't meet the minimum requirements. In my class they averaged the total time at around 4500 hours with 2300 turbine.

Those are the facts.

REALLY?!?! Wow... YOU and your classmates and your airline are the best and coolest on the whole playground.... err... I mean in the WHOLE WORLD.

Pilots arguing about who are the "bestest" = priceless. About as priceless as watching toddlers at daycare fight over a toy. With the SAME results I might add....

Carry on little Kiddies... you are all so cute at this age....
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REALLY?!?! Wow... YOU and your classmates and your airline are the best and coolest on the whole playground.... err... I mean in the WHOLE WORLD.

Pilots arguing about who are the "bestest" = priceless. About as priceless as watching toddlers at daycare fight over a toy. With the SAME results I might add....

Carry on little Kiddies... you are all so cute at this age....

Does anyone else see the irony with this post?

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