Here is a wake up call for all you FLOPS company YES men along with all you company henchmen. From this day froward every airplane I am assigned to with blatant and obvious overlooked write ups, your gonna pay dearly. I am going to look your address and airman certificate number up at and document everything I find. Then I am going to send the evidence directly to the F.A.A. in Washington D.C. with the statement that these airmen "Knowingly and Willingly" operated this aricraft in a reckless manner. You are not doing any of us any favors. So you can spend your precious performance bonus on a high quality aviation attorney. Just like the audits at the 121 airlines you WILL be violated. So think about that the next time you turn over an aircraft you have been carrrying squawks on all week. Quit screwing the rest of us that are playing by the rules.