The 300 hour new hire regional pilot is the exceedingly rare exception to the rule. There were a few from aviation based college programs, but not very many. My guess is you could take all the 300 hour new hires in the entire industry and comfortable put them in one room. Most new hires realistically have 1500-2000 TT.
Well I guess that room was my newhire class then. I had 360 TT, no degree, and no graduation from any preferential college program. And I was not the lowest time pilot in the group either. 8 of the 19 in the class washed out.
The airmanship of the Colgan crew is an issue. However, with apologies to most Colgan crews, Colgan isn't exactly the premier regional gig. They are a turboprop operator. Guys/gals that have their stuff together can get hired at jet regionals.
No thanks, I can't take the pay cut. Plus with my lack of experience, I chose to fly an airplane that requires you to fly it, not just manage the systems. We do things everyday in turboprops that RJ pilots wouldnt dream about. Everyone I've talked to respects TP time a helluva lot more than RJ time, and given my lack of experience that's what I chose to do. The pay increase aint too bad either.
If most pilots are experienced and professional, whats the problem with requiring 1500TT? It won't affect the experienced and professional ones, except in the sense that a rising tide lifts all boats. Everyone benefits.Most of them are experienced and professional aviators.
Fire away......