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Terrorists Win: Deodorant Banned From Airplanes

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Time for Profiling?

Is it time for profiling? A touchy subject to say the least, and I know fully well why our nation has resisted the practice and rightfully so. Because of my limited knowledge of the practical aspects of profiling and even less knowledge of the legal aspects surrounding profiling, I am sure there are plenty of experts that can shoot holes all through my position, but in light of recent developments, I think we need to give serious consideration to limited profiling.

What I am about to say will probably strike a nerve with some people. Being a white male it is easy for me to question why some get there panties all in a wad over the subject. What’s the big deal anyway? But then the only profiling I might be subject to is that of being accused of holding conservative Christian values, and belonging to the Republican Party simply because I am a middle aged white male. Proudly I do hold to Christian values and I have to admit I am fairly conservative but I am not a Republican and I am proudly independent. I have never had to worry about driving through a particular area of town and looked upon as one who might be involved in the trading of illicit drugs or prostitution, both stereotypical viewpoints many people hold of young black males. I have never been viewed as an illegal alien, because I am a hard working Hispanic at a construction site. These are prime examples of why our nation has resisted profiling because it could unfairly indict honest, law abiding citizens as lazy, unlawful members of our society based on skin color, socio-economic status, or ethnic background.

On the other hand, we find ourselves in a complicated war, with radical Islam, carried out mostly by young Arab males, usually between the ages of 17-40. They are so committed to their cause that they are willing to use any and all means to inflict harm on our way of life with no regard for innocent life. Thank God for the excellent work of British intelligence, with assistance from the Pakistanis, in foiling what could have been a massive and coordinated effort to down numerous aircraft over the Atlantic Ocean.

Many will agree that while; illicit drug use, prostitution, and illegal immigration may be a drain our society and government resources, they do not threaten our way of life or our democracy. The goals of radical Islam however do. The old saying, “where there’s a will, there’s a way” has to be viewed seriously with this threat. Maybe a better saying is, “where there’s a will there’s another way”.

The terrorists seem to be fascinated with taking down an airplane and we have to stay focused on preventing that. Is it still possible to get a liquid based explosive device onto an airplane? I think so. A couple of months ago, while waiting for a haircut I picked up a magazine to read. It was Sports Illustrated, a magazine I rarely read. There I found an essay on the high price of beer at sporting events and what one fan decided to do about it. The piece was so well written and humorous I was laughing out loud in the waiting area. I started thinking about that article just yesterday as I stood in the “selectee” line at the TSA screening area in Orlando. I travel frequently in my current employment. Up until a year ago, I was a pilot with a major airline, flying to many domestic and international destinations. Since my tickets are mostly last minute and one way, I spend a lot of time in the “selectee” line.

You see this guy in the article had figured out how to smuggle a six-pack of beer into the ball game undetected. He was using a device available on the web for purchase, named the “Beer Belly”, Google it, I am serious, it exist. It is a bladder like device worn on your belly under a loose fitting shirt that can easily go undetected at the gate. It has a tube that runs down into your pants and exits at the fly. It even comes with a cold pack that goes inside the bladder to keep the beer nice and cold. What would prevent a terrorist from using a “Beer Belly” to get an explosive liquid on board an aircraft? The only thing I can think of is at least a pat down, but if you are not singled out for special screening, you won’t get a pat down. Only 80-year-old grandmothers and honest law-abiding travelers, some with TSA approved ID badges routinely get the old pat down. But let‘s just say a sharp TSA person thinks an individual looks a little suspicious with an unusually large gut for a skinny little Arab guy and decides he will single him out for a pat down. Is that profiling? Wouldn’t the fat-people’s movement have something to say about that?

Once again I will refer to the Sports Illustrated article. There’s more. The same guy, the one who didn’t want to pay inflated prices for his beer, also doesn’t want to miss one second of the game. Think about it, it’s the 9th inning of last year’s Braves/Diamondback’s game when Randy Johnson was about to make baseball history, pitching a perfect game and you have to go. What’s a guy to do, especially one with all that brought-from-home, cheep beer? Time for another Google search, enter “The Stadium Pal”. This unique little device is a plastic bladder that straps to one’s leg with a tube routed through the pants leg to a condom like attachment that will provide hours of relief and no interruption in the live action. There is even a “Stadium Gal”. So in the event our young terrorist feels it a bit risky to have an unusual bulge in his belly, a stadium pal like device would certainly go unnoticed and there again, an explosive liquid could get past the TSA. All he needs now is an ignition source (readily available in the many battery powered devices allowed on the aircraft) and boom; there goes a gaping hole in the side of an aircraft.

So how do we battle this problem? We could require the marketers of “the Beer Belly” and “The Stadium Pal” to report all sales to Homeland Security. But these people are pretty crafty at dreaming up ways to bring down an aircraft, I am sure they would develop their own. The only answer I can come up with is “terrorist profiling”. We’re going to have to do it. How many more attempts, or worse yet successes, is it going to take for we as a people to face up to the fact that there is a force that wants to do us harm. They want to kill us without regard to race, religious affiliation, national origin, political affiliation, gender, age, or any other classification you care to mention. They will even kill their own to further their cause. They want to end our way of life, as we know it.

A process for profiling people prone to terrorist acts needs to be developed now. It needs to be developed so the inevitable court battles can begin and hopefully with success we can provide the TSA with another tool to help keep our airways safe.
Oh sure, using El Al as our security model sounds nice... but they only carry a little over 3 million passengers/year with a fleet of just 35 planes (by comparison - last year even Mesaba carried 5.7 million passengers and they are the 12th largest regional airline in the US ....Skywest carried 16.6 million pax). In 2005 there were 745+ million total passengers (660 million domestic) traveling on US airliners - not including all the foreign air carriers visiting each year. There are more people traveling on airlines in the US in 2 days than El Al carries in an entire year.

Perhaps there is hope though - while on a recent trip to the UK there was a segment on the BBC evening news showing a company that makes enhanced software for the screening machines already in use that can detect such things as liquid explosives. We've already wasted billions on the TSA - what's a couple million more amoungst friends.

Anyway, we are all just lucky that the FedEx guy with the hammers didn't finish what he started - if he had then they'd have a special El Al/Spanish Inquisition/Gitmo/latex glove security line reserved just for pilots.

And now there is an even more pressing matter - What are they going to do about All these M-F-King snakes on these M-F-King planes!!
Arkady said:
...then they'd have a special El Al/Spanish Inquisition/Gitmo/latex glove security line reserved just for pilots.


I thought thats why you guys get called into the CP's office!? :p
brainhurts said:
I'm trying to market the "Stadium Turd Pal". It involves a shop vac connected to your sphincter.

A better name would be the "Brown Bag"
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brainhurts said:
I'm referring, you idiot, to the mandate your liberal masters keep refering to. It is your side that keeps claiming that since the numbers are so close--in other words, although we control all bodies of government, the percentages are so close that there is no mandate. This is your side saying this. Just because we have a majority, it does not mean we have a blank check because the numbers show that you have to run a fine line to retain power. With your side using its 38% to 44% of 300 million people, you drag at the party in power not allowing a true conservative platform of ideas. As I said above--this is good, because even though I am conservative and would like conservative ideas put foreward, I do not want them rammed down anyones throat--I want them accepted. Thanks for the news flash loser.

You know, its funny, I used to be a die-hard Rush Limbaugh fan. I listened to his show, bought his books. I was a member of the Young Republicans. I went to hear William F. Buckley speak on a few occasions. Was a registered Republican and voted straight across the party line. As I mentioned, I even voted for GWB.

I realized one day though, that if you are not a born-again christian business leader, the controlling interests of the Republican party are not your friends. Republicans used to brag about strong fiscal management, smaller government, and a strong faith in the Constitution. Then I woke up one day to see GWB and company overseeing the largest expansion of our government since FDR. I see record deficits. And I see even conservative legal annalysts saying GWB has been violating the constitution. So tell me, where is the smaller government? Where is the good fiscal management? Where is the respect for the constitution? Certainly not with our current administration.

I also realized one day that many on the right don't really have much to say. Sure, there is noise coming out of their mouths. They write stuff on paper, or type it on a computer. But really, when you get down to it, much of what they say is a bunch fluff and name calling. Thank you brainhurts for confirming that.
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NEDude said:
You know, its funny, I used to be a die-hard Rush Limbaugh fan. I listened to his show, bought his books. I was a member of the Young Republicans. I went to hear William F. Buckley speak on a few occasions. Was a registered Republican and voted straight across the party line. As I mentioned, I even voted for GWB.

I realized one day though, that if you are not a born-again christian business leader, the controlling interests of the Republican party are not your friends. Republicans used to brag about strong fiscal management, smaller government, and a strong faith in the Constitution. Then I woke up one day to see GWB and company overseeing the largest expansion of our government since FDR. I see record deficits. And I see even conservative legal annalysts saying GWB has been violating the constitution. So tell me, where is the smaller government? Where is the good fiscal management? Where is the respect for the constitution? Certainly not with our current administration.

I also realized one day that many on the right don't really have much to say. Sure, there is noise coming out of their mouths. They write stuff on paper, or type it on a computer. But really, when you get down to it, much of what they say is a bunch fluff and name calling. Thank you brainhurts for confirming that.
Whatever NEdude. Heres some more wasted print. Did something happen between when you voted for GWB the first time and now? Yes--we entered a war unlike any in history where the stakes are very high. A couple planes plowing into a couple major buildings only produced 3,000 deaths. A suitcase bomb in NYC will cause lots more. How do you stop this when nations are co-operating with these ba$tards that have no nation--just a religion? How do you stop this when we live in such an open society? I do not know the full answer the same as you don't. I do know that war is expensive and we have had to spend. I know some "conservative' analyists like Buchanan say Bush is stretching the constitution. He probably is pushing the edges on the war on terror, but how are you going to find the suitcase bomb without a clandestine listening program or a money tracking program? (Like the Brits used to thwart the last attempt) Since you have all the answers, you tell me. Till then I am sticking with the current plan.
brainhurts said:
Whatever NEdude. Heres some more wasted print. Did something happen between when you voted for GWB the first time and now? Yes--we entered a war unlike any in history where the stakes are very high. A couple planes plowing into a couple major buildings only produced 3,000 deaths. A suitcase bomb in NYC will cause lots more. How do you stop this when nations are co-operating with these ba$tards that have no nation--just a religion? How do you stop this when we live in such an open society? I do not know the full answer the same as you don't. I do know that war is expensive and we have had to spend. I know some "conservative' analyists like Buchanan say Bush is stretching the constitution. He probably is pushing the edges on the war on terror, but how are you going to find the suitcase bomb without a clandestine listening program or a money tracking program? (Like the Brits used to thwart the last attempt) Since you have all the answers, you tell me. Till then I am sticking with the current plan.

Amen to that. Simply being against the current plan does not constitute a plan.

At least W has implemented a broad series of initiatives to protect Americans. One of these happened to be to take the fight to their turf. If you can't see that this has caused them to focus a tremendous amount of their personnel and resources towards the US military in Afghanistan and Iraq thus diverting them away from killing innocent women and children on US soil - then you just don't get it.

Pulling out of Iraq and Afghanistan now will only allow them to rebuild and once again focus on attacking on US soil.
Since you have all the answers, you tell me. Till then I am sticking with the current plan.

Actually if you had bothered to read what I had said instead of running off on a name calling tirade, you would know I never claimed to have had the answers. I simply stated through examples that not all terrorists are Arab Islamic millitants. I also asked a couple of tough questions to which nobody has really answered. So I will state them again

-With only 20% of the Muslim population being Arab, and the millitants actively recruiting non-Arabs and U.S. citizens, how do you simply "profile muslims"? How do you know who is a muslim, and who isn't?

- My second question is why on earth would you want to profile only muslims when other groups or individuals have put bombs on airplanes? Do you want until they kill a certain ammount of people before you profile them as well?

You are the one who took that to mean I was a Liberal and was claiming to have the answers. If I had the answers, I wouldn't have asked the questions.

He probably is pushing the edges on the war on terror, but how are you going to find the suitcase bomb without a clandestine listening program or a money tracking program?

I love the line of reasoning - lets change our values and the way we live so the terrorist can't make us change our values and the way we live.

The U.S. Constitution is the fabric by which our nation operates. It defines our system of values. Ultimately that is what the terrorists hate, our way of life and our values. By our government pushing the edges of the Constitution, the terrorists are winning the war hands down. There was a time when that point of view was considered very conservative. It is sad that it is now considered liberal.

Amen to that. Simply being against the current plan does not constitute a plan.

At least W has implemented a broad series of initiatives to protect Americans. One of these happened to be to take the fight to their turf. If you can't see that this has caused them to focus a tremendous amount of their personnel and resources towards the US military in Afghanistan and Iraq thus diverting them away from killing innocent women and children on US soil - then you just don't get it.

Pulling out of Iraq and Afghanistan now will only allow them to rebuild and once again focus on attacking on US soil.

Don't let the revisionist blow hards on Fox News confuse you. Iraq was never about terrorism. Iraq was first and foremost about revenge for Hussein attempting to kill Bush Sr. back in 1993. GWB said so himself back 2001, before Sept 11th. Even after Sept. 11th, when Powell was making the case for the invasion, the argument was not to stop Islamic terrorism, it was to prevent Saddam Hussein from developing WMDs. And Hussein was not in bed with the Terrorists. He was a secular leader who hated the Islamic fundamentalists and was actually fighting against them. It was the toppling of Hussein and poor planning for the power vacuum that existed afterwards which allowed Islamic Terrorists to gain a foothold in Iraq and create the breeding ground we have today. GWBs desire for revenge and access to a large oil supply have created the issue we have there now.

The war in Afghanistan is a just war and one I support fully. The Afghan Taliban government gave shelter and support for a group that attacked and killed thousands U.S. citizens on our own soil. To not go to war would have been inexcusable. In fact I am honestly dissappointed that the U.S. Congress didn't issue a full scale declaration of war. IMHO it would have been the right thing to do.

But all that being said, you have to prepare for the long term effects these wars will have. In the short-term you may have taken the battle to them. But just as the U.S. pressence in Arabia after the first gulf war gave rise to Al Queda, the current occupations will most likely give rise even more terrorists who will become a problem 10-20 years from now. History has shown it will happen, and to bury your head in the sand and think this time it will be different is just foolish.

Did something happen between when you voted for GWB the first time and now?

Yes, I stated much of what happened in my previous post. The Republican party used to be about small federal government, fiscal responsibility and respect for the Constitution. Under GWB we have seen one of the largest expansions of the federal government in history, we have seen reckless fiscal policy leading to record deficits. And we have seen, by your own admission, the pushing of the edges of the consitution.

I also became an airline pilot during that time. My job as an airline pilot provides for my family. My union works hard to help me provide for my family in a safe and fair working environment. My responsibility to my family is more important than anything else. GWB is a labor and union hating president who has been hard at work at allowing foreign companies to access to our airspace. In short, GWB and his policies are a threat to my ability to provide for my family. And it makes me laugh every time I hear a conservative republican pilot complain about TSA, Open Skies, and managements disregard for the union and pilot group.

So that is what happened. That is why I am no longer a GWB fan. He has run away from what used to be Republican values. And I realized as a middle class wage earner and member of a union, GWB is not my friend.

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