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TA pay vs. FA pay

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Lord Wakefield

Well-known member
Oct 20, 2002
Is it true that the F/Os still make less than the flight attendants? How about after their contract gets signed?
And the G-lV FAs are making more than the BBJ FAs.

I hate to say it but, what have the Teamsters done for us?
miles otoole said:
What does TA, vis a vis the contract, stand for? Thanks.

Tentative Agreement. To wit, it still needs to be voted in to be effective (and probably will be) ... Sigh

Also, the COTA bus drivers don't appear to have gateways.
Flex said:
The TA will NOT pass.

I wouldn't be so sure. How many would've guessed we'd get an offer this low? Predictions were WAY OFF just a few months ago. They coud be wrong again. And again.
The yes vote would come from a silent majority. If I were gonna vote yes, I'd be quiet.
What happened to those guys that mouthed off to the customers?

Either way, we lose.
Not so sure...

Griz said:
Beyond the overwhelming negative reaction that's happened on our board, I've talked with 20 or more guys in the past few days. Not one yes vote. Only one of those guys had talked with a guy that going to vote yes. If we do our jobs at the roadshows and educate our brothers, this will fail with an over 80% no vote. We have absolutely nothing to lose at this point.

You'd better get out the calculator and do some number crunching...'cause there is certainly great bit more than "nothing" to lose. The next round could very well bring less not more, to your plate. (In which case you can count the signing bonus and pay increases in the current TA as "lost.")

Don't be so sure your sampling questions reflect the greater group. A strike at Netjets 1.) probably won't happen, and 2.) might be a great excuse for BH to simply shut down the company. Delta came within hours of doing that to Comair, so don't think it's not possible. The pilots caved, and ended up with a contract worse than what they started out with. Something can be learned from that lesson.

Neither of those are likely, but neither is a significantly improved agreement. None of this matters though, because the TA will pass, and by a wide margin.
Number$Cruncher said:
Don't be so sure your sampling questions reflect the greater group. A strike at Netjets 1.) probably won't happen, and 2.) might be a great excuse for BH to simply shut down the company. Delta came within hours of doing that to Comair, so don't think it's not possible. The pilots caved, and ended up with a contract worse than what they started out with. Something can be learned from that lesson.
I agree that 1.) a strike at NJA will probably not happen...it wouldn't get that far for a variety of reasons (and a whole 'nother thread...); but...

BH won't shut NJA down either--too many legal ramifications (owner contractual issues), a high degree of ego involvement (figure that one out for yourself), and The Oracle is too smart to let that happen, from a purely financial stand point. He's got grip of what is the largest fractional operation, with prospects for it only getting bigger, and more profitable. Look at the growth in net worth of NJA over the past years, even through the slump beginning in 2001 and since 9-11 and it's easy to see a clear strategy.

Finally, NetJets Inc is no Delta, as Comair had the threat that other DL outlets/suppliers (ASA along with other regionals that are "wings-for-hire"). There is no one else to do NJA flying, at least at this time...

But again, if I were NJA, I'd probably be trying to do the same thing--potentially minimizing costs to produce greater profits (or growth, if that's still the strategy.)

Can't really recall if the Comair folks finally ended up beter, or worse...

Fly sale, all!
Well, the MEC has a very convincing slide show that they are going on the road with. Many of the fence sitters and "scaredy cats" could be swayed to vote YES. HOWEVER, there are others who will heavily question these guys at these road shows and call BULL**CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED** on this traitorous MEC...

I don't think that it will pass but I think that it could be closer than we would like. It is so important that we vote this piece of crap down by a wide margin.

But I'm afraid that many don't have the sack to take a chance.
We'll see
didn't numbercruncher just get a 737 type?

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