Those councilman are the ones already on record in support of UAL/CAL having all int'l at IAH. Politics???
Council rips study painting Hobby expansion as boon
Updated 06:50 a.m., Tuesday, April 17, 2012
In a three-hour grilling of Houston Airports Director Mario Diaz, council members complained that the numbers in the study strained credulity, that they were kept in the dark about Southwest's pitch for at least eight months, that airport officials have been condescending and that council and others should have been asked for input before Diaz recommended approval of the Hobby expansion.
United had, perhaps, its finest day in the war over Houston's skies as council members expressed skepticism and sometimes hostility toward a study done in two months for $110,000 that is to guide council toward what the mayor called a "historic decision" in which billions of dollars are at stake for Houston.
"What may be the largest issue perhaps of the century, you all have blown it in my view," Councilman C.O. Bradford told Diaz. "This rollout simply has been a complete disaster. I mean lack of transparency, arbitrary time lines, total disregard, disrespect for council. It's just unconscionable."
Councilman Al Hoang said, "I feel that this report is already biased, it's already custom-made just to satisfy the demand of Southwest."
A council chamber gallery usually vacant for committee meetings was packed with operatives for both airlines, which have enlisted lobbyists, former city officials, attorneys and public relations professionals to make their case to the 17-member council. Monday's hearing suggested that United's efforts have gained more traction.
Councilman Andrew Burks questioned the numbers in the report and singled out a projected fare of $133 to Bogota.
"You can't even fly from Houston to Lubbock on Southwest for $133," Burks said. "I really want to just throw this proposal out the window because, right now, when I see numbers that can't match, it just don't work for me."
United is working up its own study on the impact of an international Hobby. The two airlines are scheduled to square off in presentations before council on May 8.
Councilman Larry Green called for a new study to be done by a consultant with no recent ties to the city.