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SWA TV ads feature AirTran jet?

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Wow, GuppyWN, crj567 and myself all in agreement.
Sounds like a revolution of the highest order:angryfire:bomb:!
BTW, if you want to see a real slugfest, check out boarding on airlines that charge for checked bags. Once those overhead bins fill up, it can get pretty nasty from what I hear.

I fly as a revenue pax on Delta every month , mostly on the MD80's and it has become real bad with the bag situation. Seems like everyone is bringing a big bag on board so they don't have to check it. If it wasn't for my ability to board early (Medallion status), it would be a huge pain to just get my one bag in the overhead.
Just because he's last and he was named over and over during our contract negotiations during the past year or so and Flight Info has seen his name dozens of times.

I wouldn't know the guy if he slugged me in the face but every SWA pilot and 1/2 of Flight Info knows who he is.

Anyway. The line starts behind him.


Cool, thanks.
I flew with the guy at Cherry Air. I knew he made it to SWA, but didnt know he was at the end of the line.
About the WN pay....Hired in July $37K from WN plus medical bennies...the next year (2009) $76K plus per-diem..minimal over block.

Yeah the type paid for itself.
Didn't know Craig was such a big celebrity these days... I'll have to see if he still answers my phone call! lol

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