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SWA to speed up Airtran integration.....article

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I lost my A/C, my seat ,my base, 32% seniority and at least a 20% pay cut.

You could not have lost 32% seniority unless I gained 32% seniority, and I didn't. So if you are one of the idiots out there comparing your relative seniority, cry that somewhere else it's a ridiculous argument.

My anguish is the way we were treated by a company that touts the golden rule and everything else they claim to hold dear.

The golden rule only applies to those who aren't out to fvck the company. Obviously your position was so far from reality, it didn't even come close to meriting a serious consideration. SLI 1 was the best offer ever, and you followed your own playbook and waited for the even better SLI 2, and it never materialized, so instead of blaming your own people it's somehow SWA fault.

So threatening people with their job is within the realm of the golden rule?

Obviously threatening SWA isn't, you may have learned a valuable lesson.

Now they are changing a major factor that was instrumental in how we did our transition bid. Then expect us to say oh well.

Tell that to the bottom Southwest guys who got their type, waited in the pool and found out later that 1600 would now be on top of them. This isn't a bump in the road for them, their future career picture got bleaker.
You could not have lost 32% seniority unless I gained 32% seniority, and I didn't.

Not a big fan of mathematics ?

The golden rule only applies to those who aren't out to fvck the company.

I think your last line says it all.

A pilot group fighting for what they believe to be fair, isnt trying to "fvck the company". I think what you meant was; "only applies to those not trying to keep my Airtran Captain seat from my oily clenching fingers".

Go ahead and post the actual message I sent you. You have my permission.

Can I instead post the thread of all the responses you got on the AirTran alpa forum. No I can't do that cause that's against rules. Think about it man. All you did was post a link to Delta's financial results and immediately people started bashing you. Unreal. How's it feel to be the most hated man at AirTran? Get the bi-polar thing checked man. I suspect that's what the issue is.
Dicko, if it makes you feel any better SWAPA did not get what their pilot group thought was fair either. So I guess SWA forgot that golden rule thingy when they dealt with us as well.
Good news? Maybe for some, General, but not for all. A lot of us will see our QOL decimated when we transition over. We're trying to hold out as long as possible. As far as I'm concerned, Gary can take his sweet old time.

Please take as much time as possible non of us RSW pilots are looking forward to meeting, or flying with you malcontents......

BTW I hear Delta is hiring............please trannies get with the program and get some paper out to them ASAP, they will embrace your ALPA work ethic rot over there........we will not here at SWA
You could not have lost 32% seniority unless I gained 32% seniority, and I didn't. So if you are one of the idiots out there comparing your relative seniority, cry that somewhere else it's a ridiculous argument.

The golden rule only applies to those who aren't out to fvck the company. Obviously your position was so far from reality, it didn't even come close to meriting a serious consideration. SLI 1 was the best offer ever, and you followed your own playbook and waited for the even better SLI 2, and it never materialized, so instead of blaming your own people it's somehow SWA fault.

Obviously threatening SWA isn't, you may have learned a valuable lesson.

Tell that to the bottom Southwest guys who got their type, waited in the pool and found out later that 1600 would now be on top of them. This isn't a bump in the road for them, their future career picture got bleaker.

I agree......greedy pricks.......good job ALPA
1 Company to Avoid Completely - AMZN, HLF, JPM, NFLX, LUV - Foolish Blogging Network

If I utilized short selling in my portfolio, one candidate that I would be looking at is Southwest Airlines (NYSE: LUV). Sitting at the bar last night, I met a group of Southwest employees who were expressing their extreme dislike of the company and the way it treats its workers. That, combined with airlines being historically terrible investments, would put Southwest on my list of short candidates. Looking at the chart below, you can see just how bad the economics of the business are. Increasing long-term debt and declining net income are great qualities of a terrible business

This is from a "Trannys hate SWA thread" - its underlined for effect.

This makes me sad.... Makes me think I should have gone to AirTran (I had the choice between SWA and AT) I never really guessed they were sooooooooo happy over there..... So that "stirke vote" was nothing a bluff, right? I'm starting to feel guilty for Gary taking them away from their "happy place".
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I have a masters, 737 type, 5000 73 hours, and 12 years at AT. Should I feel like a lucky SOB? I lost my A/C, my seat ,my base, 32% seniority and at least a 20% pay cut.

And by the way. My father was at Eastern from the 50s untile the 90s there was a time he thought the same as you do about SWA.

There is proof that your father was screwed by Loenzo but i call BS on your 32% seniority loss. There are 2 top of the SW FO list at my airport that have not upgraded...how is that possible?
Please take as much time as possible non of us RSW pilots are looking forward to meeting, or flying with you malcontents......

BTW I hear Delta is hiring............please trannies get with the program and get some paper out to them ASAP, they will embrace your ALPA work ethic rot over there........we will not here at SWA

How's it working out over there Captain Work Ethic? Is the company advertising for voluntary leaves? Not much time and half or charters filtering down the seniority list? I don't mind flame bait. But you are just so bad at it. You talk about greed and working hard. But you speak with forked tongue. All you care about is your pay check, and I bet you are going to be the biggest whiner in the crew room when the next contract wipes out your soft time.

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