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SWA/competitive minimums to get an interview

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did I miss something. no one asked about the college degree.. asking what the times where like to get called without a type..
Shhhhh!! Don't ask him, he'll tell you. ;)

Just kidding Yip. Not jumping for the bait though, we've beat this to death like a dead horse outta Dodge. Let it go, and let the man get some straight answers about who REALLY gets the call and when without the type.
True, however I spoke with one of SWA's pilot interviewers. He stated that if you did not have a college degree then you would really have to knock em dead during the interview to get the offer (which almost no one does).

He told me you are at a huge disadvantage during the interview if you dont have a college degree.

I love it, every pilot that went to some academy, thinking thats the way to go, just started sweating.
True, however I spoke with one of SWA's pilot interviewers. He stated that if you did not have a college degree then you would really have to knock em dead during the interview to get the offer (which almost no one does).

He told me you are at a huge disadvantage during the interview if you dont have a college degree.
Not true, i did not have a degree when i was down in DAL for the interview and no one even asked me about my lack of one.
Why is it that no one knocks them dead? Is it the standardization that college instills in people? Not being able to think outside the box? I'd rather hire someone who didn't automatically go to college out of high school just because it's the thing to do. I think most people are at a disadvantage because they are not mature enough to get the most out of what college has to offer when they get out of high school. Take someone who waited to go to college and went into the real world. They know what it's like to work humble jobs and they meet humble people. When you've mastered being intouch with reality, and you learn that everything isn't handed down from the government or the bank of mommy and daddy, pay for school from your own pocket. Then you will truly appreciate it. I'm not saying don't go to college at all. I'm saying you don't have to go through a pilot mill school or party your college time away like "everybody else" and maybe walk away from college actually learning something. PilotYIP is entitled to his opinion just as you are yours. Or, did they not teach you that in school. As you were gentlemen.

While I think I see your point, your basis is way off. First of all, I didn't pay for my school - as you said I got "everything handed down by the government (yeah right)." Indeed my schooling was free, but I garauntee you there was plenty of sweat that went into getting my degree and earning my military pilot slot. And for the folks that do go to college right out of high school - well, most work their a$$ off while they are in school...and on top of that have plenty of student loans they have to be pay off once they finish their schooling. Two big things right there that teach both work ethic and fiscal responsibility. I'd say the vast majority are working multiple jobs to pay their way through school or have worked hard to get scholarships in high school...and the minority just go on mommy and daddy's pocketbook. And even a smaller minority go to the pilot puppy mills like embry ridiculous, etc...

Pilotyip is certainly entitled to his opinion, I agree 100%. However, what I do scoff is the fact the guy who started this thread asked about SWA competitive mins - and nothing about the college degree (which we've all heard pilotyip dispute hundreds of times in the past). And of course if you're going to do anything other than fly, by all means you need a college degree to be competitive in today's world, that is a FACT.
Scrapdog, just to clarify. I should have been more specific when talking about government handouts. I'm talking about the people who skip out on loans or manipulate the system to get their college or flight training paid for. I believe people like you earned your college and training, you don't have to doubt that ever.
Not true, i did not have a degree when i was down in DAL for the interview and no one even asked me about my lack of one.

Read what I said. I said nothing about them asking why you did/didn't have a College Degree. I stated that a Pilot Interviewer told me personally that without a college degree you were at a disadvantage and that you really had to "knock em dead" (his words, not mine) during the interview if you expected to get a call.

The asking about your degree (or lack thereof) has nothing to do with it.
Why is it that no one knocks them dead? Is it the standardization that college instills in people? Not being able to think outside the box? I'd rather hire someone who didn't automatically go to college out of high school just because it's the thing to do. I think most people are at a disadvantage because they are not mature enough to get the most out of what college has to offer when they get out of high school. Take someone who waited to go to college and went into the real world. They know what it's like to work humble jobs and they meet humble people. When you've mastered being intouch with reality, and you learn that everything isn't handed down from the government or the bank of mommy and daddy, pay for school from your own pocket. Then you will truly appreciate it. I'm not saying don't go to college at all. I'm saying you don't have to go through a pilot mill school or party your college time away like "everybody else" and maybe walk away from college actually learning something. PilotYIP is entitled to his opinion just as you are yours. Or, did they not teach you that in school. As you were gentlemen.

No. You're way off base. College instills the requsite people skills to succeed in the world.

Look, if you can work your way into the panties of Susie the Theta who's only had a couple of beers and a Jager shot, you've got to be able to work an angle. You've to to think on your feet.

And, you've got to have the judgement to know if you're line is working with Susie or not and be able to simultaneously make eye contact with Lisa the DG (who you KNOW does the nasty via the intel from the Delts...). Susie isn't paying off so you excuse yourself and hit the keg and "buy" a soda for Lisa who you work for 15 minutes and take to the house and bang her in the President's room. (He won't mind. ;) )

See, if you can pull that off, you can score a job at SWA.

You don't go to college, so you're stuck wearing Carharts, scamming chicks with 'most' of their teeth at the cowboy bar in your F-150 with a tool box in the bed. You got no chance at SWA.

Got it? :D TC
Any one here as of late get a second shot, if so how long after the year mark?

PS, I do have a degree.

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