Position closed on the 15th I believe, so with a holiday thrown in there it doesn't surprise me that it has taken two weeks. We've also had other internal OCC positional interviews that may have slowed things down.
I haven't heard if they've started making calls. Remember, it was open much longer than normal so there was likely many times more resumes.
So anyone have an idea what is on this pre-interview test? Is it the normal DX stuff or a combo of HR and DX... Been working a long time for this opportunity, I would like to be completely prepared. Any off line help would be greatly appreciated.
Any company specific preps for this test.. is it all technical? or HR or both.. idea's please.. a PM will be most appreciated.
One thing new I noticed from past job requirements, is SWA requires one to live in the DAL area... which in this day and time Is a good thing. I have found ADX commuting pretty tough to do, I could not imagine trying to do that every week even if allowed..
Any of the others here that are invited to test.. maybe PM one another?
a friend of mine has also been invited to test on Monday. he told me he had applied in January. Anyway, I would appreciate any specific gouge to pass on to my friend by PM.
I have offered the basic 121 prep - 123 rule, weather maps, fuel requirements and so forth, but he has not actively dispatched in a while.
Polar, I hadn't hear that about living in the area. We have several that live outside of the metroplex. One that lives in San Antonio and commutes daily.
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