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Surplus1 and General Lee thread

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CHQdude said:

I wonder how delta feels about you and your 70 seaters taking mainline routes while there are 1000 plus guys on the street.

Republic is an alter-ego carrier owned by Wexford to threaten our collective bargaining power. We are competition but we are NOT freedom or republic. Get over it.

I'm sure that many at DAL feel the same way we do about you. The difference is that they can do something about it if it really bothers them. It's called Onelist.

I don't have anything to get over. It is the truth. We are trying to do something about you and your kind. Hopefully we will be successful.

Oh, BTW, if DAL ever buys you, we will welcome you to the disfunctional family. Until then don't expect a lot of warm feelings.

On the other hand, you should be commended for rejecting J4J. Don't expect any help from ALPA, after all, they are behind J4J. Just be glad you are a Teamster, sometimes I miss Local 747 of the the IBT, Airline Division.
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Hey everone!!!

You know, if I were to get on with Chau instead of Comair 8 years ago, I certainly would not like being refered to as a menice to the proffession. These guys and gals have one vote and that is it.
Although I have been kinda hard on the contract pilots in the past, I , well lets just say I am looking at them a little differently.

If MESA votes in the TA, I will be very upset because it does nothing to advance our side of the industry. It is a very, very poor proposal. From one side, you could say it is their contract and I don't have to live with it, but we all know we all have to live with it one way or another. I feel this whole CCAIR and Freedom thing were a part of JO's plan to get a status quo contract from them He used it to pressure them, and I hate to say it, but reading some of the Mesa pilots on here, it appears it may of worked. He is giving in on all those things in return for a very, very poor contract. Who looks like the winner there if the TA passes?

The same thing , in my opinion, is going on at Chau. It is the same play book, in fact, almost the same plays. It would not surprise me if the final TA you guys vote on includes bringing Republic into the fold under a single list. And you will be expected to pay dearly for it, just as the Mesa pilots.

I sure as hell hope I am wrong. It is sad, but just as the Delta pilots want our pilot cost to skyrocket, not because they love us, but because it would make us less appealling to mgt., we want to see the same at all the contract carriers. This is a fact that I am willing to concead, although it should be obvious. Doe's this mean I think badly of the pilots individually? Hell no! It is just biz, thats all.

Although I may have shown my true colors on the subject, I would still like to say good luck. That is from one pilot to another.You still have to feed your familys.

I didn't mean to slam your company, I just picked up that term from a friend who is an ACA Capt on the "Dojo" or Dornier. I also can't spell your company name anyways. I know you deserve better wages and work rules. So, the next time you go through contract negotiations, do not take the Dangling carrot for more expansion and ERJ's---go for better pay and work rules. It will help everyone out. A lot of people say we at Delta are way way over paid. Well, we have set a benchmark, and we would not give up any pay unless we had a snapback in good times. We want Delta to survive, but we will not be taken advantage of--again.


It would be nicer to go from a 757 EFIS cockpit to a more advanced CRJ cockpit intead of the old 737-200 cockpit, but the 737 pays a lot more. How much more? Well, (not trying to brag or whatever) the 757FO's going to CVG 737-200 Capt are a lot more senior than the 737 Express Capt's in MCO. The 757 FO's make near $160 an hour, and will get raised to over $200 an hour on the 737 mainline in CVG. That is why we do not want to get rid of the 737-200's in favor of more 70 or 90 seat RJ's. We are holding on to the 737-200 as long as we can, protecting those high paying jobs. They will be replaced eventually with A318's or 717's etc---which will have new negotiated rates a lot lower than the 737-200---and they will show up sometime between 2005-2006.


One list is great, if it is not DOH. There would have to be a staple, and if your senior guys wouldn't mind that--then good. Delta probably would not go for it, and I can't see Lawson at Comair being an MD88 FO doing an early morning walk around in MSP in the Winter---I just can't see that happening unfortunately.

Bye Bye---General Lee :cool:
Hey Chitaqua pilots - I guess you better straighten up or the big bad 2000 hour FO is gonna get you. :rolleyes:

Take a job if you can get it. If pay in the industry suffers, it can't be helped. I would not sit on the street just in case me taking a job makes somebody AFRAID that their bargaining power is weakened.

Know why? They will get everything they can negotiate. Fair enough. But they are not entitled to sideline others to keep their bargaining power intact. Selfish, selfish.

I do not believe the load of cr-p that they are looking out for everyone. Nothing but flag-waving.

it is true that a rising tide lifts all ships. But how about those who don't have a ship? Sorry, guys, you have to starve for the 'good of the profession'.

They do not give a da-- about you. The 'protect our profession' crap from one of the above posters is just that.

Market forces and human nature are the culprits. They may as well blame the sun and moon. But I guess you are a convenient target for the scapegoat hunters.

Good luck on improving your contract. It will be a long road these days.

ERJPusher - don't let 'em get ya down. :)
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Are you one of the "creme de la creme military pilots who go to business school or law school" because you have "satisfied your flying itch"? If the answer is "yes", why are you posting messages on a flight-related website?

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