I don't think it will be that widespread, just starting an airline with cheap labor doesn't guaranty success. Far from it, for every SWA there is a dozen PeopleExpress's. Virgin isn't putting pressure on anyone with low wages, if anything they and JetBlue seem to be focusing on upping the service level . I'm an optimist, but I think the airline industry is consolidating and getting healthier than it ever has (which supports Beechs premise). The supply and demand part of the equation comes in with the regional pilots. They are the one's that need the most support for bringing up their wages. I'm guessing the airlines remaining all have a much stronger foothold than they ever have had and don't need to fight over who has the cheapest labor as much as in the past. It's no longer a matter of survival for anyone remaining. Airline pilot wages may have bottomed out as their is no way anyone would consider trying to replace a pilot group (strike) with cheaper labor. It is no longer even remotely feasable.By making this statement that supply essentially exceeds demand, you acknowledge that the next round of LCC entrants will quickly emerge with pilots flying retired busses and madogs and guppies for sub RJ wages funded by anyone with a full bank account (GE capital.).