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Super Pilots....I'm workin' with Idiots!

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Rod Gozinya

New member
Jun 4, 2003
I was always told, "wait until you upgrade". Well, I never thought it would be this bad! But I guess I can't say that I'm surprised when the guy sitting to my right has 300 hours...TOTAL TIME!!! For whatever reason (ASA) has found it reasonable to put a guy in the right seat with extremely, I mean extremely, low time which spells out exactly ZERO experience. Now, don't get me wrong I'm not asking for perfection, but if they could actually remember their call-sign a third the time that would be an improvement! Not to mention my most recent experience with a Super Pilot, he stated in no uncertain terms that he doesn't like night flying and that he can't land at night. GIVE ME A BREAK! This is the second time I've flown with this guy and in 4 months I haven't seen a whole lot of improvement. And what's the problem with calculating a frigin descent? My god people!!! Here's a hint triple the amount of altitude you need to lose...and that will be the DME you need start your descent from....then multiply your groundspeed times 5 and that's your sink rate. Could it get much harder?
This is my favorite!
You need to have an instrument rating to be an airline pilot, correct?
Then why (speaking to the Super Pilots) are you scared to fly through clouds?
I sum it up like this....if you can't do your job you don't deserve your job! Period. End of statement. I don't have my CFI some I am not a Flight Instructor...I am an airline pilot!
And for Godsake....SHUTUP!!! You talk to frigin much!!!!!!!!!!!
Just a quick question for ya, CAPTAIN Gozinya (lame),

Since you are the king of the sky gods...an "airline pilot", what with the 99,000 hours and all, WTF are you doing working for ASA?? I mean, surely someone with your stature and abilities would be able to land a job somewhere where your CAPTAIN duties would not include being a "flight instructor", and you wouldn't have to worry about flying with any 300 hour pilots.


Give ME a friggin' break!! :rolleyes:
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Rod Gozinya said:
I was always told, "wait until you upgrade". Well, I never thought it would be this bad! But I guess I can't say that I'm surprised when the guy sitting to my right has 300 hours...TOTAL TIME!!! For whatever reason (ASA) has found it reasonable to put a guy in the right seat with extremely, I mean extremely, low time which spells out exactly ZERO experience. Now, don't get me wrong I'm not asking for perfection, but if they could actually remember their call-sign a third the time that would be an improvement! Not to mention my most recent experience with a Super Pilot, he stated in no uncertain terms that he doesn't like night flying and that he can't land at night. GIVE ME A BREAK! This is the second time I've flown with this guy and in 4 months I haven't seen a whole lot of improvement. And what's the problem with calculating a frigin descent? My god people!!! Here's a hint triple the amount of altitude you need to lose...and that will be the DME you need start your descent from....then multiply your groundspeed times 5 and that's your sink rate. Could it get much harder?
This is my favorite!
You need to have an instrument rating to be an airline pilot, correct?
Then why (speaking to the Super Pilots) are you scared to fly through clouds?
I sum it up like this....if you can't do your job you don't deserve your job! Period. End of statement. I don't have my CFI some I am not a Flight Instructor...I am an airline pilot!
And for Godsake....SHUTUP!!! You talk to frigin much!!!!!!!!!!!

Since you are such a barney badass, the skill of the guy next doesn't seem like it should be such a big deal.

In all seriousness, why not do your best to be a good Captain and rather than bitching, try to set a good example, teach him a bit and try to send him on to the next month with a little more experience than he had this month. He'll come around. Your attitude is going to send him on with nothing more than the impression that you are an a$$hole.

Who the company hires is not up to us. Life is way to short to get your panties in a wad about something you have no control over. Make the best of it, try to have a good time. Hopefully the lowtimers learn something from you and thats all the thought you should give it.

Remember you had 300 hours once, too.

BTW, the screen name sounds like something my 13 year old nephew thought up. You may want to rethink it. Just my friendly .02 cents.
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Re: Re: Super Pilots....I'm workin' with Idiots!

MetroSheriff said:

Remember you had 300 hours once, too.

Nope. I'm pretty sure he was born wearing that CAPTAIN hat and had 99,000 hours.
Re: Re: Re: Super Pilots....I'm workin' with Idiots!

trainerjet said:
Nope. I'm pretty sure he was born wearing that CAPTAIN hat and had 99,000 hours.

That's right. I forgot. He's an "Airline Pilot".

I don't have my CFI some I am not a Flight Instructor...I am an airline pilot!


Maybe if you had earned your CFI and acquired some instructing experience you wouldn't be such a d-ck !
The guy that started this thread should have some compassion for others but he does make one good point. It's sad that ASA and others are hiring pilots with 250 hours. I've busted by a$$ for the last 3 years, worked a part-time job just to pay the bills. Then some kid, who can afford $50K in student loans to BUY a slot with ASA, gets a job. That sucks!

I gave this girl a checkout last month in a PA28, on final she was at 50 kts. When the stall horn went off, 100 ft above TDZE, she freaked out. She froze and did nothing. I couldn't believe it. In a soft voice I told her to add power. When we got on the ground she told me she was use to flying an ATR simulator or Saab, I can't remember. She spent 60K at Flight Safety. She is in the pool at ASA. Two things about this girl; first she is very attractive. The second thing, I believe she will be a great pilot. She is very intelligent, has a great work ethic, wants to excel and isn't afraid to ask questions. However, she is not ready to sit in the right seat of a jet.
please tell me your are not insinuating that if you don't have a cfi and have not instructed you're a 'dick'...
Although this is probably "flame" by someone who is not ASA I shall bite anyways since I am a tad hungry and could use a late night snack before going to bed.. First and foremost "total time" means absolutely nothing with regards to present day hiring practices at quite a few regionals. You either know your stuff or you don't, and if you don't that will be caught during ground school prior to hitting the box...Mesa is a perfect example on how well a pilot can and does do at 300TT in the right seat of a regional jet. Point being is do not group the "entire" low time pilot community as being unfit to fly, unsafe, not experienced enough, etc, etc, blah blah... The Mesa program shoots this philosophy down day in and day out. Obviously a "few" may slip through the cracks but for the most part if someone is 121 line qualified then the IOE captain and training department has faith in them and they have proven that they deserve that "right seat".. I have a problem with the way your post was worded since we all should be out to help a fellow aviator that may or may not be in need and not rank and ridicule them on a public message board. Why not extend a helping hand to him and point out his weakness and help him overcome it.?? We all are not "God" in the air as you appear to be.. Like I said I feel that this is probably nothing more than flame bait but if it isn't then I think you need to relax a little and "attempt" to help a fellow company pilot out and if you are unable to do so or feel that it is a major problem then I would take it up with your training department and express your concerns and worries with the appropriate people instead of ranking on them on a public board.

One must remember that we were all in his shoes at some point during our career. Lend a helping hand every once in awhile, it won't hurt you..

It just seems a tad "unprofessional" on how the post was worded and the way you came across........

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just my $.02

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