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Sully's Hat on EBAY!!!!

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No emblem? Look through the pics. No emblem. For $4K I want the emblem.

For an additional $4k you can have my emblem looks like i wont need it for a while! lol
I saw his book at the PHX airport bookstore and it was flying off the shelves… NOT.
Dang, thats a lot of loot for his hat. I wish I could auction of my uniform for half that.
Perhaps The West guys weren't all that impressed with Sully's work of FICTION supporting his new FAKE union during Federal Trial...that he/they lost.

Sullenberger doesn't have the balls to fly on West metal and "chat" with the pilots.

Maybe he's sick of hearing the same old dribble thats been going on for years and years.
Perhaps The West guys weren't all that impressed with Sully's work of FICTION supporting his new FAKE union during Federal Trial...that he/they lost.

Sullenberger doesn't have the balls to fly on West metal and "chat" with the pilots.


Your comments really show the wide gap of respect that Sully gets vs. what you get.


P.S. - Flight 1549 had nothing to do with the battle between the pilots. And by the way - I heard the appellate judges in SFO are going to rule on the case by citing the law - not what the jurors used in the PHX trial.
P.S. - Flight 1549 had nothing to do with the battle between the pilots.

Very true, BUT usapa drew in/made flight 1549 and it's associated fame part of the trial! Why? Because they thought Sully's sensationalism would aid to their cause......A very "bull$hit move" on both the union and especially Sully's judgement! A cheap shot using his "hero" status to F-over the west pilot group Hero pilots don't stab other fellow pilots in the back even if they don't get along with them.....
Very true, BUT usapa drew in/made flight 1549 and it's associated fame part of the trial! Why? Because they thought Sully's sensationalism would aid to their cause......A very "bull$hit move" on both the union and especially Sully's judgement! A cheap shot using his "hero" status to F-over the west pilot group Hero pilots don't stab other fellow pilots in the back even if they don't get along with them.....

Whatever, pal. You guys just can't stand the fact all the experience is out east.
Experience????? Did you mean to say all the Geriatric's?

P.S. I have no interest in this fight, but I thought I would throw some mud on this slow news day......ciao.
Whatever, pal. You guys just can't stand the fact all the experience is out east.

Please don't get pissy about it, we are discussing one thing (at least I am)
and the point of my post was that USAPa dragged Flt 1549 (via the Hero Capt testifying for the East) into the court room for the poop flinging session. The truth hurts but that was a sell out any way you slice it. I flew 121 out East in the left seat for over 15 years and all I have to say about that is even a $hitty day out West beats a nice day on the East by a mile........ the flying, weather, scenery and most peoples attitudes are better all the way around. As one of the first furloughees to go I don't have a dog in the fight BUT I have the advantage (for what little it's worth) to sit back and look at things objectively. One kid didn't get the toys he anticipated, he tried to change the rules on the playground but the teacher stepped in and said NO. Now he's gotten his friends and a bully USAPA trying to get the new rules enforced. Now the bully see's the chance to get the new coolest kid in town named Sully to speak up and tell the teacher that the rules are not like the way the used to be and they need to be changed back...... good luck with that. Please try to sort it it out with out acting like a high schooler, because a lot of guys on the street making unemployment would like to see things settled so they might get their jobs back a little sooner.
(i don't have time to proof read this right now, i hope it was clear enough to follow)

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