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Strobes on the ground

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Feb 24, 2005
If the only anti-collision lights on a airplane are the wing stobes are you required to have them on? What about at night when it might be a hazard to other planes, they are still required and you do not have a becon to satisfy the requirements of 91.205.
No persom may -
(b) Operate an aircraft that is equiped with an anticollision light system, unless it has lighted anticollision lights. However, the anticollision lights may not be lighted when the pilot-in-command determins that, because of operating conditions, it would be in the interest of fafety to turn the lights off.

If you are operating on the ground near other aircraft operating, it is condsidered in the interest of safety to not blind the other guys.

Ultimately, it is your call.
My MEL requires the use of strobes if the roatating beacon is MEL'ed, that would mean that prior to start they must be on, what's worse, strobes on or an invisible aircraft?
There oughta be a $5,000.00 fine (or a public beating!) for purposely operating the strobes on the ramp or taxiway at night and $1,000,000.00 penalty for each manufacturer who actually delivers new aircraft without a red anti-collision beacon! Double that if the airplane checklist says to turn the strobes on before start. Pack that in your parachute, Cirrus!

Okay, maybe the above is slightly extreme, but so is the flash blindness of white strobes! I really hate the idea of creating any more regulations, but for this issue, I'll make an exception. This should have been addressed by regulation long ago.

I've noticed lately a growing number of pilots in C-172 type aircraft taxiing day and night with beacon and strobes. Quite annoying. Maybe AOPA or Richard "I always get a 2 hour weather briefing to do touch-and-gos" Collins has determined they are needed for safety. Must be the case as it seems to be more prevelent.
On a similar topic...
When you are being marshelled in, at night please do your ramper a favor and dim the landing/taxi lights a little. It often made it difficult to judge distance and check wing clearance. This does not apply if the ramper forgot his night (glowing) wands and is using day wands, then by all means burn out his retinas!

Many corporate pilots turned off the lights when they saw my wands or when they saw me squinting in anguish and my skin turning a nice golden brown.
There oughta be a $5,000.00 fine (or a public beating!) for purposely operating the strobes on the ramp or taxiway at night and $1,000,000.00 penalty for each manufacturer who actually delivers new aircraft without a red anti-collision beacon! Double that if the airplane checklist says to turn the strobes on before start. Pack that in your parachute, Cirrus!
If you are operating a cirrus or a columbia that is now equipped with a beacon light you might get a fine from the FAA for not having the strobes on, as they are required any time that the engine is running.

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