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Strike Vote Called For at NetJets

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Spoken like a true management stooge. Keep raking in your millions and spouting this bull$hit. We don't buy it.

FamilyGuy said:
PUT DOWN THE CRACK PIPE. Good Gawd man, this long, rambling diatribe doesnt even make sense....lets examine the nonsensical portions of this post more closely....

Marquis doesnt result in any more 'wear and tear' than any other share sold. Marquis buys shares and resells them into smaller blocks than the 50 hrs minimum.
Dude, you are selling more time on owners' jets. They are flying more as a result. You are selling more time on the same aircraft. Dumba$$. Go back and get another MBA from Sally Struthers. Or at least get some comon sense.

It takes two to tango. The union could have had an agreement years ago but didnt want an agreement during 2002-2003 when the economy was in the tank....why else would you spend years dickering over contractual provisions and not even talk wages? They didnt want an agreement because the economy was horrible and they wouldnt be able to make their 'double my salary' demands. When the economy picks up in 2004 then they are in a mad rush to get a deal done and they start their mad-cap claims of 1300 days of waiting on management....lets face it, union leadership and the company reached a TA last fall and the pilots voted it down, changed their MEC, Local, and Negotiating team, forcing everyone to start over.....so you really havent been waiting 1300 days....more like 120.
Thank GOD that agreement was voted down. Worst pay and work rules in the industry!! Of course the union leadership was replaced! Offering a TA like that proved that they were COMPLETELY inept at their job! "Dickering over contractual provisions"? More like "fixing work rules so managment isn't able to F--K them anymore." You don't like that. What pilots refer to as f-cking, management refers to as 'efficiency'. Of course, that is your JOB. To pay pilots as little and f-ck them as much as you can get away with. Hell, if management could figure out how to get us to work for free, their bonuses would be bigger, right?

CONTRADICTORY....why would the company stall giving the pilots a contract and buy anti-union consultants to try and break the union if the MEC was a bunch of puppets that gave the company everything they wanted???
Real simple, because the pilot group got rid of those management stooges and voted in some people that actually give a crap.

Not the 'reduced price lunch' speech again!?!? How about the union leaders being quoted in the Columbus Dispatch that the pilots average between $50,000 - $72,000? Last time I looked that doesnt qualify for WICK. And dont start about the first year FO wages, because everyone knows that the entire aviation industry is set up with low entry level wages and your union refused a company offer of an immediate 20% increase for that group, no strings attached.
Again, spoken like a true management stooge. You're home every night, in your Lexus, with your family, sleeping in your own bed. You have no idea what per diem is. Per diem is not just for meals. Never was. It's for your time, for all the stuff you have to buy on the road besides food. Razors, toiletries, extra underwear, t-shirts, doing laundry on the road, luggage, to name a few.

Arent we talking about NetJets? I've never seen any statements in the press that NetJets had 34 Billion laying around. You must be talking about Berkshire.....but does that mean you're suggesting that Geico and Pampered Chef employees pay for your salary demands?
No, but Berkshire Hathaway does. No Geico and Pampered Chef employees shouldn't pay for salary demands. But the fatcat billionaires at BH raking in millions off pilots' sweat should be, intead of sticking it in their pocket and bragging about it to the media.

Sounds good, but are you going to give the same level of productivity? Union shops have high levels of bureaucracy and inefficiency associated with them. You dont see the company taking an entire negotiating team off flight duty at NJI or EJM. are you going to give up the grievance process that you've overwhelmed with your thousands of grievances this year? Are you going to give up the double dip of crew meals and per diem?
A union is there only because you have chosen to try to screw the pilot group. A union is formed when needed. And no, the grievence process won't be dropped. Maybe if you stop trying to f-ck the pilot group and break the contract, the grievances wouldn't be filed. Think about that one. And don't give me any bull$hit about productivity. Southwest Airlines is unionized. They work more efficiently than anyone in this industry, and are making money hand over fist, even in these hard times. Why? Despite the big mean bad union, they have a management team that actually gives a da-n about their employees, not lining their own pockets. One of Herb's most famous quotes: "Take care of your employees, and the rest will work itself out." Truer words have NEVER been spoken. Every single employee at SWA WORKS THEIR A$$ off, runs as efficiently as they can, and does every little iota of anything they can to save a dime because they know it's all about the bottom line. They're going to see a return on their hard work. What is a NJA employee's motivation to do that? To make Buffet richer? Why the hell would someone want to do that? They know if they work there a$$ off, the only thing that will happen is WB will stuff more millions in his pocket, and try to screw them out of a little bit more. I don't see why other management teams, (who ALL want to be like SWA) can't figure this out. YOU CAN'T RUN A SERVICE BUSINESS WHILE F-CKING EMPLOYEES!!! Eventually, it WILL bite you in the a$$. Look at United. Look at every single legacy carrier!! Use your f-ing BRAIN!!!!

NetJets has grown on the efforts of all employees (including the pilots), Mr. Santulli's vision and guidance (without him the fractional segment and its thousands of pilot jobs wouldnt exist), and Berkshire's capital. All of those groups deserve a return on their investment. One group cant take 300% of the annual profit and hamstring the groups that also built the company.

Da-n right, I agree with you there. They all deserve a return on their investment. SO DO THE PILOTS. The fatcats and management types like you don't get all of it. Get that through your head.

I don't even work at Netjets, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what is going on. Management all seems to be the same. "F-ck the employees as much as we can, so we can stick more in our pocket." Bull$hit. Kudos to the NJA union for fighting back. If managment doesn't give them what they deserve, then let the place burn.
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He is right about cardholders not putting more wear and tear on airplanes. They buys a big share and divides it into smaller shares. But the smaller shares equal the big share. They pay the same price for the big share as any other owner.

There is no more wear and tear because the cardholder co. pays the same price per share as other owners.
FAcFriend said:

He is right about cardholders not putting more wear and tear on airplanes. They buys a big share and divides it into smaller shares. But the smaller shares equal the big share. They pay the same price for the big share as any other owner.

There is no more wear and tear because the cardholder co. pays the same price per share as other owners.

Sorry bud, gotta call you out on this one. You ever flown charter? Charter customers DON'T CARE. They trash airplanes, trash interiors, spill beer and coffee, and don't give a crap b/c it's not theirs. To me, that constitutes wear and tear.

Plus, the initial accusation was 'selling more Marquis cards than the fleet can handle.' That's what I'm basing it off of. I know that NJA sells off a LOT of trips. Probably because they have more flying than their fleet can handle, thereby those airplanes have an increase in wear and tear.
FAcFriend said:

He is right about cardholders not putting more wear and tear on airplanes. They buys a big share and divides it into smaller shares. But the smaller shares equal the big share. They pay the same price for the big share as any other owner.

There is no more wear and tear because the cardholder co. pays the same price per share as other owners.

This is one of the more ignorant statements I've seen on this board. There are NO shares sold and then sub-divided. If you know what's going on then you know it's not a truthful staement. There is NO WAY of knowing what Marquis pays for anything. Its a closely held secret. Smoke and mirrors my friends and they do beat the piss out of the aircraft.
FAcFriend said:

He is right about cardholders not putting more wear and tear on airplanes. They buys a big share and divides it into smaller shares. But the smaller shares equal the big share. They pay the same price for the big share as any other owner.

There is no more wear and tear because the cardholder co. pays the same price per share as other owners.

Marquis is selling cards based on aircraft they'll "lease" that won't be delivered until 2008 or later. This is a classic shell game invented by a guy named ponzi and continued by the owners and management of Netjets/Marquis.
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CapnVegetto said:
Spoken like a true management stooge. Keep raking in your millions and spouting this bull$hit. We don't buy it.

Da-n right, I agree with you there. They all deserve a return on their investment. SO DO THE PILOTS. The fatcats and management types like you don't get all of it. Get that through your head.

I don't even work at Netjets, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see what is going on. Management all seems to be the same. "F-ck the employees as much as we can, so we can stick more in our pocket." Bull$hit. Kudos to the NJA union for fighting back. If managment doesn't give them what they deserve, then let the place burn.

There is an attitude here that is somewhat misplaced. This is a free market economy. A person who decides to start up a business is of course going to attempt to get the most from the least. That is the very nature of business. The market will decide through attrition what things are worth and what overhead is neccessary to operate. Employees are a part of this equation. If an employee accepts a position for X dollars then they are stating that that is their worth. Period. NJ pilots as a group have stated from the begining that their worth was 1/3 of what the open pilot market was indication. Managers are not out with a bull whip forcing pilots to accept flying jobs, they are putting opffers out and seeing if they get any takers. If they do then it is an indication that their offerings are on target and acceptable. If they get no response well then guess what, the offers increase.

Now, as this dispute heightens all the emotioinal cries of 'we deserve' and 'we are entitled' and 'management makes a killing off of us and we want our share' are no more than venting frustration. Management gave every one of you guys the option to decline their offer and you all took it. Are they really taking advantage of a situation for their own profit, certainly. And they have done so for so long because the employee base said loud and clear that they can by accepting that insulting salary in the first place.

Business is out to make a profit, plain and simple. They are going to do what they can to make as much as possible, and it is not a personal issue. Having said all this I would add that I still think most of you guys are in the right and hope that you are successful. Just don't ever forget how the company as a whole got into this situation in the first place. Pilots selling themselves short, and undercutting the industry salary standards. You all need to acknowledge and understand this issue, and so far few NJ pilots who post in this thread seem to. Get what you can without destroying your company, and learn the lesson well for the next time you are negotiating yourself a job. Get paid what you are worth from day one, or there will be no reason for the managers to ever meet standards. Why should they?

Flame away, but think about this concept. It's not that hard to understand.
Viffer said:
And they have done so for so long because the employee base said loud and clear that they can by accepting that insulting salary in the first place.

Flame away, but think about this concept. It's not that hard to understand.

You mean when there was about 50 pilots at Executive Jet? Oh. Ok. Yah.

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