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Strike Vote Called For at NetJets

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I would find it too distracting to fly struck work to be able to safely accomplish the flight

Your joking right? Engine failures;level 5 thunderstorms;running multiple checklist;approaches in mountainous terrain are Noooo....problem. Do that in your sleep I bet;) . Brown box in back, just can't focus:rolleyes: .

I suppose if you were working for a charter company you would just walk in to the bosses office and tell him that you have a moral problem picking up some Netjet pax up in Teterboro because they are on strike. Never mind the fact that you are not a affiliated with any union. Doubt it.

johnny taliban said:
Your joking right? Engine failures;level 5 thunderstorms;running multiple checklist;approaches in mountainous terrain are Noooo....problem. Do that in your sleep I bet. Brown box in back, just can't focus

:rolleyes: .


LMAO ... :D
So some NJA pilots, possibly along with the teamsters goon squad, expect that some charter pilots, many of which are paid better then the NJA pilots, be willing to fall on their swords and risk their jobs, for NJA pilots.

But those same NJA pilots accepted lower than industry pay, and now decide they want higher pay, but they want it partially by demanding other better compensated pilots jeopardize their jobs.

If that low pay is such an imperative that you expect other people to risk THEIR jobs, then they did you take those jobs to begin with?

There is just so much irony in this. This cant be the thoughts of the average NJA pilot.
h25b said:
Does it matter which part of the S.O.P. they deviated from?

No, not really... This has been well covered in every CRM course I've EVER had as a proven way to bend metal/kill people. Evidently the NTSB found it relavent, it was one of their contributing factors.
The point is, you're making an accusation here (clearly an attempt to divert attention from the serious topic at hand) where you don't have a clue. Did you read anything about VGSI systems at Tallahassee? I didn't think so. Perhaps you should refrain from throwing stones at the crew until you know what you're talking about.

h25b said:
FedEx doesn't just fire guys for crashing airplanes ???

From the looks of their record as of late, maybe they should. Who knows, might work.
I can see we have a little communication problem here.

FedEx doesn't just fire guys for crashing airplanes. Yes, they fire them for crashing airplanes. They also fire guys for far less serious infractions; I included a few of them as examples. Hopefully, you just missed that in your haste to answer my post. I'd hate to think you're being too stubborn to try to understand. :)

johnny taliban said:
I suppose if you were working for a charter company you would just walk in to the bosses [sic] office and tell him that you have a moral problem picking up some Netjet pax up in Teterboro because they are on strike. Never mind the fact that you are not a affiliated with any union.
Well, I'd go to the boss's office, but that's just me. :)

Seriously, though, that sounds like a reasonable plan. I'd also include the safety aspect. Furthermore, I'd explain that it's the right thing for "our" company to do, not just me personally. It would be in the best interest of all involved if our charter company would decline, in a polite, professional, business-like manner, to perform these "charters" until Netjets is able to resolve its labor dispute. Doing it ahead of time will allow you to save face, your boss to save face, and the charter company to save face. It prevents you from having to make a tough decision in the heat of the battle.

Companies come and go, jobs come and go, but I still have to look at the same face in the mirror every time I shave. Think about the face you'll be looking at.
Suppose I am a charter operator, decline the business, never, they are always looking for more revenue, many charter operators often live from the last booked flight. Pass up more money, not a likely event. Again Adam Smith and the reality of the market place make the likely hood of passing up a charter when airplanes are availalbe is very low.
TonyC said:
The point is, you're making an accusation here (clearly an attempt to divert attention from the serious topic at hand) where you don't have a clue. Did you read anything about VGSI systems at Tallahassee? I didn't think so. Perhaps you should refrain from throwing stones at the crew until you know what you're talking about.

I can see we have a little communication problem here.

FedEx doesn't just fire guys for crashing airplanes. Yes, they fire them for crashing airplanes. They also fire guys for far less serious infractions; I included a few of them as examples. Hopefully, you just missed that in your haste to answer my post. I'd hate to think you're being too stubborn to try to understand. :)

Well, I'd go to the boss's office, but that's just me. :)

Seriously, though, that sounds like a reasonable plan. I'd also include the safety aspect. Furthermore, I'd explain that it's the right thing for "our" company to do, not just me personally. It would be in the best interest of all involved if our charter company would decline, in a polite, professional, business-like manner, to perform these "charters" until Netjets is able to resolve its labor dispute. Doing it ahead of time will allow you to save face, your boss to save face, and the charter company to save face. It prevents you from having to make a tough decision in the heat of the battle.

Companies come and go, jobs come and go, but I still have to look at the same face in the mirror every time I shave. Think about the face you'll be looking at.


Netjets has been scabbing our industry for YEARS.

What makes you think ANYONE is going to have a hard time looking in this "mirror" you keep talking about!!! - in fact, with thier laughable threats, it seems many charter pilots cant wait to stcik it to em' - taste of their own medicine.

Im not in the charter world, but I certainy have no respect for them...good luck on your "strike" but in all reality - WB is gonna hand them the same piece of $hit he has before. Why? - They already demonstrated their value by working for peanuts....so be it.

and if you seriously think any charter operator gives a $HIT about them, you are completly out of touch with this sector of the industry. Those guys live day to day and cant wait for more revenue...its a cutthroat business.
414Flyer said:
So some NJA pilots, possibly along with the teamsters goon squad, expect that some charter pilots, many of which are paid better then the NJA pilots, be willing to fall on their swords and risk their jobs, for NJA pilots.

But those same NJA pilots accepted lower than industry pay, and now decide they want higher pay, but they want it partially by demanding other better compensated pilots jeopardize their jobs.

If that low pay is such an imperative that you expect other people to risk THEIR jobs, then they did you take those jobs to begin with?

There is just so much irony in this. This cant be the thoughts of the average NJA pilot.

I can assure you that it's not the thought of the average NJA pilot!! The real concern should lie with the 18 percent of the pilot sluts at NJA that voted "YES" on the TA that was inked a few months back.. The TA that offered 69K at year 5. The real concern lies with potential scabs at NJA...
Gulfstream 200 said:

Netjets has been scabbing our industry for YEARS.
Oh, really? Which picket line have they crossed?

Don't be so ignorant.

Gulfstream 200 said:
What makes you think ANYONE is going to have a hard time looking in this "mirror" you keep talking about!!! - in fact, with thier laughable threats, it seems many charter pilots cant wait to stcik it to em' - taste of their own medicine.
In the first place, I've only mentioned a mirror once. Where do you get the "keep talking about"? You should try to approach this in a less emotional manner.

Second, there have been no threats. Folks have simply explained what struck work is, and what the consequences of flying struck work are.

Finally, it would seem that no amount of logic will persuade you in either direction so long as you have the attitude of "sticking" it to other pilots, corporate, fractional, or otherwise. I enjoy life too much to let that kind of an attitude fester and boil. I believe it's a far more noble pursuit to lend aid to other pilots than to serve them "their due." I'd like to think there are folks out there that would help me in time of need, as well. I'm human - - I make mistakes - - I might need help someday. Aren't you human, too?
TonyC said:
Oh, really? Which picket line have they crossed?

Don't be so ignorant.

In the first place, I've only mentioned a mirror once. Where do you get the "keep talking about"? You should try to approach this in a less emotional manner.

Second, there have been no threats. Folks have simply explained what struck work is, and what the consequences of flying struck work are.

Finally, it would seem that no amount of logic will persuade you in either direction so long as you have the attitude of "sticking" it to other pilots, corporate, fractional, or otherwise. I enjoy life too much to let that kind of an attitude fester and boil. I believe it's a far more noble pursuit to lend aid to other pilots than to serve them "their due." I'd like to think there are folks out there that would help me in time of need, as well. I'm human - - I make mistakes - - I might need help someday. Aren't you human, too?

stick your picket line Tony, we dont need one in this sector. We dont really care! It dosent take a Union rep telling his morons how stupid it is working for 1/3 the wages he should be...they knew what they were doing.

Netjets was always thought of as a stepping stone job, an escape for CFI and Regional burnouts....they all thought they were going to United, so they scabbed the corp arena to grab some PIC jet time in a Citation. They all thought it was a temporary job. YES I said SCABBING, they work for 1/3 the wages they should. Union bull$hit or not--- thats a SCAB. Hence they have no credibility now.

So please stop the "look in the mirror" and "you have to live with yourself" BS. Its the Netjets pilots who couldn't walk by a mirror for the last 10 years...we go to work just fine knowing we make industry standard wages...didnt take some lame a$$ union to get me that, it took self worth.

and AGAIN, they had a surprising amount of support...a surprising amount....until they started threating the same "brothers" they shat on for years....

Would any of us cross a picket line (of 12 people Im guessing)...nope..why would we? ...but are WE going to stop our livelyhood to support a bunch of folks we consider SCABS already?

no way.

Trust me, Im not out to stick it to anyone...I dont fly charter and Im never going to a fractional - ever....but I simply wont support thier union banter about the 135 world...

anyways Tony...Im sure we just have to agree to disagree and move on!
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OK, listen up all you 135 operators:
I think at this point you should do EXACTLY what NetJets union wants you to. Go to your company and suggest that they don’t take any NetJets sell-offs during a strike. Explain to your company that, long term, this is what is best for the 135 industry. If no one flies NetJets pax, some (or many) will sell, not renew, etc. GOOD FOR THE 135 WORLD. Believe me, they aint going back to airlining.

I find all this entertaining also, however, the rapid fire posts from the non-fractional guys is making us seem like a bunch of pansies. Leave it be. Let them flounder. It’s perfect!


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