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Strike Vote Called For at NetJets

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Starman, you are a pu$$Y. Answer the question, "yes" or "no"

Are you going to put a current ALPA member who is flying 135 on the scab list if his is dispatched to fly a NJ trip? "yes" or "no"

So far your non-aswers about struck work bla bla are dodging the question. Me thinks that the IBT has zero clout on this issue and you are merly resorting to intimidating people. Perhaps you might have better luck with baseball bats.

While still supporting the NJ cause you sound like a fool.
And current union members wonder why so many pilots are resistant to union shops.

If fools like starman did not make such idiotic statements perhaps places like JB, Flight Options and the like might be more open to collective bargaining. Your goal should be to show pilots what a strong group can do for the insdustry. Not going rouge and make un-substantiated statements that mearly erode the support that you have outside of NetJets.

Good luck anyhow, you guys desrve better than what you are getting ... even if fools represent you.
TonyC said:
If UPS is on strike, all freight moving in the UPS system becomes struck work. FedEx pilots will not move it.
How does that prevent a UPS customer from shipping his package by FedEx? It doesn't.

Tony, a serious question. Are you saying that UPS as a company would be denied becoming a Fed Ex customer? I think that's what you are saying.

I was just wondering, if this is the case, how your illustrious leader planned to carry out his plan to move boxes on pax carriers a few years back. Thanks.

Hope this isn't too much of a hijack.
Oh come on. Some of you are living in the past when words meant something and had specific meanings.

You are forgetting its a new touchy feely world, where words can mean anything you want it to be, meanings are flexible, with no real definitions if you dont think so. Its your feelings and emotions about it that are important. If you feel someone is a scab, thats all that matters anymore.

Its 2005, get with it :)
Let me get this straight, there will be list detailing who decided to keep paying their mortgage by flying an NJA sell-off, but where is the list for those who honored their strike by getting fired for not flying the same trip? Is that the part about the rising tide and goodwill etc.?

I think they are being short sighted on this issue; if such a strike occured and NJA started chartering left and right, the market forces would be the NJ pilots' best friend at that point. The supply of charter lift would dry up, the price would go through the roof and the unfortunate passengers would be getting scheduling windows measured in days, not hours. It would be a crushing expense. If NJ just stopped flying all together, they would lose customers, but they would be holding on to their cash. (I don't think that many customers would bolt as they'd be getting raped on the selling price if too many sold at the same time. They would buy 25-50 hour cards on the other operators.) On top of that, if normal NJ customers are not having their trips sold off, alot of those folks will fly First Class on 121 in the interim, they might decide its not so bad and worth the inconveniences relative to bizjet flying.

I'd like to see NJ pilots get paid more, but threatening pilots beyond arm's length fails, in my view, the cost-benefit.
This thread is like a car accident. You just have to stop and take a look.

G200, Johnny, Viffey, H25...I noticed they still can't answer some of your very simple direct, logical questions. G200 made a good point about taking pay at such a lower industry rate to begin with. It seems like a hypocritical point of view to be in a position now to demand help and honor a very flimsy position since lowwages at NetJets has affected the pilots they are now asking for support.

El Chup,I call BS on your story. 1) In our indoc and "familiarization" a.k.a penance tour, it was clearly made known to us that type of behavior would have serious consequnces up to termination. 2) There is no real surface animosity between the scabs and the "crawlbacks". The guys who returned, like myself came back knowing what the score was. 3) How did you get a jumpseat on CAL working for a frac company?

ALPA support? That has to be the funniest idea posted so far. ALPA can not even support it's own members, let alone you guys. I'm not sure who is pumping this union brotherhood, honor our line at all costs sunshine up your collective arse's, but you guys are seriously out of touch if you think a walkout would even be remotely successful. Take it from somebody that spent 25 long months on strike in an airline environment where the lines in the sand were, in theory, more defined. Those lines shift very rapidly the minute the picket line goes up. How about all those Delta pilots tripping over themselves to fly extra sections when Eastern Walked? What about our brothers at United in Denver or Eastern in Houston during our strike?

There are to many ways to circumvent your flying guys. To many pilots that have zero recourse if ordered to fly or protections if they refuse, to many pilots out of work (huge miscalculation in 1983 for CAL ALPA). Further, this is a bitter pill to swallow, you don't own the airplanes. That QS tail registration on the surface may seem like a benefit, but all that it takes is a simple transfer of the aircraft to a new corporation or sale of aircraft and you are SOL. Assuming the walkout even was able to withstand the test of time to allow that to happen.

I would just hate to see people throw their careers away for nothing. Well, I guess as G200 said for 1/3 of the industry rate anyway. To leave the cockpit in this environment is insane. Your efforts would be much better served to keep intense pressure on negotiations through all available means.
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Boeing, excellent reality check.

BTW I think Slowto250's post was sacasm directed that the ridiculous posts about scabbing ect.
G100driver said:
Boeing, excellent reality check.

BTW I think Slowto250's post was sacasm directed that the ridiculous posts about scabbing ect.


After re reading his post, you are most likely right so I am going to edit that out.
I was getting a little cross eyed reading through all this. I guess that is what happens when your jaw has dropped to the point where it stretches the eye lids
Starman said:
You're assuming that we don't know what screening method Netjets uses to approve vendor aircraft? You're assuming that we don't have access to the list of vendors that provide supplemental lift for Netjets? You're assuming that the screening information for those companies including pilot names isn't available to us?

I'm telling you that we have that info. How are your assumptions now?

Did everyone notice that Starman (a.k.a. Mr. Intelligence) deleted this post due to "drunken ramblings" ???

Perhaps some of his "brothers" are reigning him in a bit ?

Care to comment Starman ?
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