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Strike Vote Called For at NetJets

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OK, Starman is not going to answer my question so I will answer it for him. Is an ALPA airline pilot going to be considered by the NJ pilots a scab if they fly NJ shareholders on an airline flight during a strike? They can't. They also can't answer this question because it disentegrates their whole idea that 135 pilots are scabs, for doing the exact same thing. Starman, you are a coward for not addressing this, and for tieing yourself so tightly to the party line that you would cough us up for your own benefit, without an ounce of concern for accuracy, or the well being of a whole other pilot group. So if you have a better answer to this question speak up, or admit your illogical line of reasoning and get real.

If our efforts are such a non-issue because charter pilots will ignore them and they aren't worried about recall rights with ALPA, why get your panties in such a bunch? Obviously you must be concerned about it somehow otherwise you wouldn't be posting on this thread.
Viffer said:
OK, Starman is not going to answer my question so I will answer it for him.

It was a non-sensical question and didn't deserve an answer. Still doesn't.
Starman said:

If our efforts are such a non-issue because charter pilots will ignore them and they aren't worried about recall rights with ALPA, why get your panties in such a bunch? Obviously you must be concerned about it somehow otherwise you wouldn't be posting on this thread.

Concerned ??? HARDLY... :rolleyes: This is just entertainment, you know baiting some ignorant fool like yourself. Like G200, I find it particularly humorous that you got yourselves in to this mess and seem pretty desperate with this scablist idea. Furthermore, when faced with tough questions on the feasability of this plan of attack you get smacked down like a game of whack-a-mole...

Again I'll try... Who are these guys close to recall worried about screwing up their recall right ??? Delta, United, American, or USAirways... This would be great news for the guys in the Major's Forum ... No panties here (prefer briefs) ... :D
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Starman said:
It was a non-sensical question and didn't deserve an answer. Still doesn't.

It is soon to be a fact of your life and will have an answer regardless. You state that anyone flying shareholders during your strike are scabs regardless of the N number. Well, there are a lot of airline airplanes and crews that will have those shareholders on board. They also are flown by ALPA members. Should we call them and tell them that NJ expects them to refuse any line that has a share holder onboard, or face listing them on your precious scab list?

Of course you can't say that about your big brother ALPA. You are counting on that name to scare the 135 pilots and can't risk alienating them. Now, perhaps you can tell the class exactly what would be the difference between NJ setting their people up on a 121 flight vs a 135 flight?

I know you can answer this. Let's hear it.
johnny taliban said:
it really is a simple question.

So is "Why does the Porridge Bird lay its egg in the air?" but it has no meaning to this discussion.
Starman said:
but it has no meaning to this discussion.

No meaning to the discussion ??? Sir, it goes straight to the heart of your arguement, which is probably why you won't answer ...
Starman said:
So is "Why does the Porridge Bird lay its egg in the air?" but it has no meaning to this discussion.

No, you can do so much better than that. Are you under a union rule not to ever say a word about airlines and scabs? I wouldn't be suprised. Why don't you man up and speak for yourself. This is an anonomous board. Whould you consider an airline pilot a scab or not? We already know your view of 135, and also all your arguements for that position. Your answer is clear as day but yet you can't say it out loud? What is your problem?

Oh, and this whole discussion, all 29 or so pages of it, is directly related to who is and who is not going to be viewed as a scab by you guys.

OK Viffer ,

Since you won't be able to go beddy- bye until I break down a simple concept to you, I'll take the time to do it. An airliner flying a set route prior to a strike can pick up any and all passengers even if they were originally going to fly on the struck carrier because the route existed and the flight was there for other passengers. If the airline added additional flights to cover the demand after another carrier went on strike, those flights would be flying stuck work.

Same situation at Netjets. Airliner flying from ABC to XYZ every day. On June 20th, that airline gets two more passengers because Netjets pilots are on strike. Not struck work.

135 operator sitting on his thumbs gets a call on June 20th that we've gone on strike and they need him to cover a NetJets trip from ASE to PBI. Struck work.

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