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Strike Vote Called For at NetJets

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Starman said:
You're assuming that we don't know what screening method Netjets uses to approve vendor aircraft? You're assuming that we don't have access to the list of vendors that provide supplemental lift for Netjets? You're assuming that the screening information for those companies including pilot names isn't available to us?

I'm telling you that we have that info. How are your assumptions now?

keep up the Union bully talk man, all its doing is alienating you furthur. The industry (and your employer) knows this. Not very effective.

I will give your fellow NJ pilots the benefit of the doubt that they are much smarter than you...

goodnight Starman.
h25b said:
Thanks, just the information I was looking for. This will be great, class action law-suits against NetJets, IBT, Wyvern, ARGUS, etc...

I already knew the possible outlets for that information and I appreciate you posting that on public forum. :)

You posted a bunch of names. I never did. Good luck with your empty threats.
Come on Starman, are ALPA airline pilots going to be scabs for flying your shareholders? I want to hear your view on this.
Starman said:
The Local 1108 leadership has been in contact with the IBT on this issue. If it comes to pass, rest assured that our AFL-CIO brothers at ALPA will recognize our list of pilots that flew struck work.

So you and the local 1108 are going to start writing checks for all those Brother 135 non-union pilots who get fired for not flying Netjets charters?

How will you afford this when you are on strike and not getting paid?

Will these "loyal" pilots have first-hire rights at NJA when the dust settles?

These would be fairly easy answers if the original premise to your argument made any sense whatsoever.


PS: Good luck getting crew names from private 135 companies. I'm sure they'll Fedex that info to you overnight, and at their expense, if you just mention the Teamsters. :rolleyes:
Starman said:
You posted a bunch of names. I never did. Good luck with your empty threats.

You're the one needing the luck... Publicly claiming to have access to confidential information for the union's purposes of slander ... I doubt it, but still stupid for you to claim ... :rolleyes:
Gulfstream 200 said:
gee....how can I get me some of that protection "brother"?

Easy: Stop up your ears, close your eyes and swallow whatever comes...

Gulfstream 200 said:
keep up the Union bully talk man, all its doing is alienating you furthur. The industry (and your employer) knows this. Not very effective.

You were never supportive of us. Nothing I have said, nor the union's position on this issue would change your mind one iota. You're a lost cause.

For the other people reading this thread:

There are a large number of ALPA members that are on furlough from a major flying 135 charter and are getting close to being recalled. How many of those guys and gals are going to be willing to risk flying struck work?
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h25b said:
You're the one needing the luck... Publicly claiming to have access to confidential information for the union's purposes of slander ... I doubt it, but still stupid for you to claim ... :rolleyes:

If I'm not mistaken, some of that information is available to anyone willing to subscribe. Not too confidential it seems.
Starman said:
There are a large number of ALPA members that are on furlough from a major and are getting close to being recalled. How many of those guys and gals are going to be willing to risk flying struck work?

Who in the world is getting close to recall ??? American, Delta, United ??? Lord please don't say USAirways !!! Geez man this proves beyond a shadow of doubt you're clueless about the industry. I've got several friends that have used their AA seniority numbers for toilet paper, not worth the paper it's written on... Heck, Continental has already recalled everyone, so tell me who's close to getting recall...

Yeah buddy, you're likely to find legions of current union lovers in that crowd. Ask any TWA/AA dude ...

Starman said:
If I'm not mistaken

If you think it's legal for them to disclose pilot's names to your union, yes you are mistaken...
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