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Spirit TA

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lol...you got me. Here is what I mean't to say:

"If Spirit pilots reject that TA that the NMB worked hard to put together, I imagine the NMB will be LESS likely to release another ALPA group."
lol...you got me. Here is what I mean't to say:

"If Spirit pilots reject that TA that the NMB worked hard to put together, I imagine the NMB will be LESS likely to release another ALPA group."

We rejected binding arbitration...why did the NMB work so hard to put it together?
The AirTran contract was amendable in September 2005! You might have turned down two TAs...how has that worked out?

AirTran has continued to outsource and they haven't given the pilots a pay raise. Seems like the company is in a win win situation (outsource and no pay raises).

EXACTLY my point. Thank you for making it for me.

Right now it's hard to lock down Scope at AirTran because management WANTS to outsource some of our flying. Right now, Spirit DOES NOT, so take advantage of it by negotiating SOLID Scope protections BEFORE you need them.

Don't get caught in the same, nasty cycle that everyone else has... Have some VISION and FIX IT BEFORE IT'S A PROBLEM!

The best thing that can happen for Airtran pilots is to get released into self help. If Spirit pilots reject that TA that the NMB worked hard to put together, I imagine the NMB will be likely to release another ALPA group. If Spirit pilots go on a second strike, I don't think you will see another ALPA group get released for a long time. It is very important that ALPA remains in favor with the NMB so that ALPA can continue pattern bargaining and get pay raises for all pilots in the industry (not just Spirit).
Yes, you're absolutely right. It very well *could* make our lives at AirTran more difficult (and, at this point, the quickest way for me to get back to AirTran is a strike - it looks as if the arbitrator may be waiting to see if my grievance resolves itself through hostage reinstatement in negotiations).

However, my personal issues AND my airline's issues aside, I'm more interested in the Spirit pilots getting a GOOD contract, even though it might make AirTran take longer to get released. I put a target on my back not only for the good of myself and my fellow pilots, but also for the profession as a whole.

I could be disingenuous and say "Oh it's a GREAT contract, ratify it!", ignoring all the issues, just so we (AirTran) can get to OUR goals faster, but that just wouldn't be right. In the same token, even though I've had MULTIPLE requests to nitpick your new T.A. section by section like I did to our last two T.A.'s at AirTran (it's something I'm good at), I've declined because it's not my airline.

I want the Spirit pilots to do what's right by them. I *HOPE* it will also be something that benefits our industry and profession, but that remains to be seen. As such, I will simply say that I wouldn't vote for it, but still think it will pass there by a very slim margin.

Wishing nothing but the best for the Spirit pilots; in the end, it's your battle, you know it best, and I'll be here to support you back on the picket line if for some reason it gets voted down, and will again suggest you tell your MEC to lock down Scope. (IMHO, if Scope had been nailed down and you didn't get rid of the 150% overtime pay, this probably would have passed by a landslide - without them, as I said, I think it'll be close).
(IMHO, if Scope had been nailed down and you didn't get rid of the 150% overtime pay, this probably would have passed by a landslide - without them, as I said, I think it'll be close).

From a Spirit guy I couldn't agree more!
Yes. Yes but it's a Spirit pilot decision and I'm not going to participate in further discussions on the Internet. There's a lot of misinformation on the Internet!
Oh man, once again, NK is in self-help, they are not in the mediation process. This is not an arbitrated TA. What about the NMB being pissed that the company bargained in bad faith for years? NK did not even give salary numbers until June 11. If the TA gets voted down, it will be like the clock is at 0001 June 12. We are legally allowed to strike if warranted. Give the company a short time frame to improve the TA or GO ON STRIKE, you don't need a wilson poll to figure it out.

1. ESOP-don't you want a part of the IPO?
2. keep 150%
3. increase payrate especially DOS year
4. increase signing bonus. 15k across the board will work

Worst case scenario, the NMB forms a PEB and blocks the strike. I think the chances of that are extremely slim. Government interference with a company that is profitable and compensates it's pilots less than other pilots who fly the same aircraft is a longshot. This is not Chrysler. Obama didn't just bail us out.

Vote you conscience. If you think NK will shut the doors than vote yes. If you want a chance to get a fair contract, vote NO. It's going to sting when we don't get a share of the IPO. Since our sweat has built this place.
The AirTran contract was amendable in September 2005! You might have turned down two TAs...how has that worked out?

Although I would never encourage you to vote down your TA, I will say that very few people here at AirTran regret voting down our TA. Even guys that voted in favor of it look back and realize that it was absolutely horrendous. We made the right decision, despite the three additional years we've waited for a new contract.

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