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Speaking of Dorks...

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i'mbatman said:
You guys are all freakin ridiculous. I know him personally and he's a top notch pilot and an all around good guy. He was a career changer and was happy with the education he recieved. The biggest dorks out there are the ones that look this stuff up just to make fun of people. Come on.

i dont know him, but i think the guys looking this stuff up to make fun of this guy are equally lame if not worse...
Puck Mugger said:

Not only did this retard spend 6 grand to sit in a CRJ sim BEFORE he started training, BUT, once he was done training for the Jungle Jet he actually too the time to write a leter telling them that even though he was hired into a different a/c type, the "training made his scan better"

and when the training got real hairy

"Every sim lesson I was getting more and more nervous, but compared to my classmates’ anxiety, I was cooler than Elvis."

One is born every minute. so here's to you Michael Golinder, you are the Regional Dork of the Month.

All for $21.27 an hour, 1.5 years of reserve and 10 days off per month. ENJOY THE RIDE!!!
FlyBunny said:
Well...I'm unable to comprehend why any of you would even have an opinion as to why he spent the said amount on his CRJ course at ATP? It’s his money…Hellllllo!

It’s so easy for us (hiding our real selves) on this forum to make fun of those whose identities are out in the open…wow…what a comment by that guy who said that he will print that and if finds himself jump-seating with him, will pass on that to his captain upon leaving the aircraft. If it were to have affected this FO, why would you want to ‘harm’ him in any way? Are we simply jealous?

Not that anything precludes you from printing your feelings on this forum…but…on moral basis…what has he done to you?

If he had the money and he thought it would help him (I’m sure it did), why would you even have a comment about him spending his own money any which way he wanted?

Why are we (on this board) so against people who have more money than us? Why are we against those whose parents have paved the way by paying every single penny for flight instruction? Are we simply jealous? I see it mentioned on this board repeatedly the words used like: “…mom and dad paid for it.” First, how do we know that mum’n’dad paid for it (it’s a pure assumption), second, even if they did…why would you care. More power to those whose parents are better off and can afford to pay for flight and other programs, like ERAU’s CAPT program. The same ‘opposing-those-who-are-more-fortunate-than-me’ mentality is what’s tainting your judgment about these people you don’t even know.

Now…let’s say…trying finding a link on this form about the unfortunate event where this guy was fired due to ‘inability to complete training’…would’ve loved to have his hands on this kind of money and ATP sponsored CRJ course or some other ERJ course and I’m sure he wouldn’t have failed the IOE.

May be this guy would’ve have done very good if he hadn’t done this course…and he admits that it helped him so I think it was a brilliant idea…and the money well spent. To put him down for his ‘Elivs’ comment is a ‘low blow’. Didn’t we all feel good about our achievements when we passed the 121 Check in whatever planes we trained on? I was proud of my achievements and I felt great. This guy was simply trying to say that he was able to stay ahead of the curve because he had the previous exposure/training. Put him down all you want…I’d rather spend that much money for ‘prep’ than have a Part 121 Training Failure on my record.

Happy Thanksgiving!


SHUT UP!!!!!:p
EMB170Pilot said:
I got my vote for "DORK" for the guy above me. :D


See quote below

HAHAHA, you stupid a$$!!!!!:laugh: I guess you don't know sarcasm when you hear it!!! You'll soon learn my friend!!!!:beer:
Time2Spare said:
The bigger question here is not whether this guy is a dork (he is), the question I have is who the hell does the hiring over there at CHQ?! I mean, first you have the guy from the Embry Riddle Drinking Team wearing the pink polo shirts (we all know who that is) and now you end up with this winner. Do the CHQ Captains all get a CFI pay when they have to teach these Einsteins that $35,000 - $100,000 in flight fees does not make them poster children for flight school recruiting?
You took the words right out of my mouth. It seems that nearly every one of the douchebags that I've seen posted on here (Riddle drinking team guy, the guy hanging out the window of the ERJ giving "gang signs", or this one writing cheesy ass letters) are new hire FO's for CHQ. I'm not dogging all CHQ pilots, but where does your HR department go to find some of these skilled professional aviators of yours? A frat house?
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SkyBoy1981 said:
You took the words right out of my mouth. It seems that nearly every one of the douchebags that I've seen posted on here (Riddle drinking team guy, the guy hanging out the window of the ERJ giving "gang signs", or this one writing cheesy ass letters) are new hire FO's for CHQ. I'm not dogging all CHQ pilots, but where does your HR department go to find some of these skilled professional aviators of yours? A frat house?

I think this statement was made by a CHQ pilot when Born-To-Fly first showed up. I'm paraphrasing, but "Every airline has their share of tools it just seems that ours (CHQ) has internet access."

Anyway, I got a kick out of it.
I will vote dork.

I will agree with above said posts on the 3 helmet-wearing CHQ F/O's.

However, has anyone been to IAH Good Eats on a Friday Night. Nothing like CoEx FNG's being shot down by F/A trainees all night. Great entertainment for the price of a good meal!!

How about the STL Double Tree? Virtual cornucopia of FNG dorks from a bunch of airlines, and yes, I was once one too. Just a long time ago....

Half-assed defense for the guy: Good he realized 172 does not equal jet systems and he gave it a try....Now for the smack. Do your research. And whatever you do....DO NOT give your friends ammo. He did the professional equivalent of passing out on the couch at 9 pm Party Night. Yes, you deserve the wang that was drawn on your face with permanent marker..

I say Good Day to you sir....

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