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Southwest - WHY no assigned seats?

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flx757 said:
Better check your facts on that one. AirTran was profitable for the year 2002 ($10.7M), and will post higher than forecast profits for the 1Q 2003.

I stand corrected.

Airtran Profit picture.
Net income for the full-year 2002 was $10.7 million or $0.15 per diluted share compared to a profit of $21.7 million for 2001 before non-recurring adjustments
One very vocal person that has had a bad personal experience is not and does not show a trend..

While I am sorry to ever hear of anyone having a bad experience with us,I have to wonder sometimes about the traveling publics logic..

We have been doing business as an air carrier for 31 years the same way as we did when we started as far as not having both assigned seating and first class service..Everybody knows we dont have meal service and only serve "dry"snacks and peanuts..

Yet every day we have people getting on the planes asking about their free upgrade to first class as well as meal service or perhapes show up 3 minutes prior to push and are ticked about not having a seat near a window..

If these same folks tried to show up three minutes prior to push at most other airlines they would get a door slammed in the face..

The reasons we do things the way we do them is because they work and for the vast majority of the time our customers like it that way..
If anyone ever has a bad travel experience on OUR airline due to one of our employess providing less than the very best possible service then we have failed our customers and we should be made aware of the facts and i can assure you it would be looked into..

But..If we fail to meet anyones unreasonable needs or idea of what our airline should be..I can only say that you are free to consider any one of several options in order to meet your travel needs..
Even then at that late point we would be sad to see you go..We just cant be everyones idea of what an airline should be and survive..

And lastly..

I do have to ask what purpose this post is serving..?
Why post this sort of complaint in an open forum and not direct it to the proper folks in Customer Service?

Based on the number of replys to input i dare say that this poster wont be happy until the world is made in his image..

SWA may or may not one day have assigned seating..It will only happen when its the right thing to do for the company and its passengers..

31 years and counting...We gotta be doing something right..

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I know that Southwest has operated the same way for 30 years. And look, you've been profitable throughout---which is great. Your product is the same everyday, and people know what to expect, which is good service at a low price. Now new entrants like Jetblue come in and offer the same Low Cost Passenger a new twist---some entertainment.(Not like your Flt Attendants singing their announcements---which I thought was funny) Song will try to up the ante---with live TV and make your own music lists. Will it work? It might. But these airlines are adding more to the mix than just low fares. Southwest might want to think about giving some extra passenger comforts on those longer flights---because the cheery flight attendant service is great until about Denver eastbound, then they want to watch Letterman.
Assigned seats might just be a start.

Hey, Sierra Hotel---I didn't threaten anyone---ah yeah!!!! (Although Song will kick everyone elses' ass!!) OOOOPS!! There I go again.

Bye Bye---General Lee:cool: :p ;) :rolleyes:
Heavy Set
You need to understand where Southwest came from to understand why they do things the way they do. Please read Thomas Petzinger's "Hard Landing" or the classic "Nuts" and you'll see.

Believe me, everything Southwest does is meticulously and methodically thought out, right down to the way they board an airplane. Believe me, they've had 32 years to figure out how to do business in their, classic unique style.

You are now free to do some research. I challenge you!

(those books really are great)

I appreciate all of the professional replies - although some were a bit defensive in nature. And of course, General Lee is always entertaining... In any case, I have no ulterior motives here - I was just expressing my opinion and sharing my thoughts about how to improve a product - just constructive feedback. I realize Southwest has operated this way for eons - and it may not want to change. As a paying passenger, I felt my feelings were shared by many others.

It is true that Southwest is the last of the carriers to offer unassigned seats - a fact. It is true that some (maybe not all) passengers are annoyed with this arrangement and put up with it because of the cheap fares and high frequency service. Knowing that some aspects of Southwest travel had changed (i.e., paper confirmation tickets vs. previous plastic cards), I felt it COULD be an appropriate time to suggest a change that might work given the changing circumstances. I was not trying to be disruptive. I merely pointed out a helpful suggestion - or it least I thought I was being helpful.

It is my humble opinion that assigned seats would benefit Southwest and its passengers. I understand this might impact turnaround times and the all-critical flight schedule. I hope smart, logistical types could figure out a way to both preserve "competitive" turnaround times and provide this desired product feature. I assure you, Southwest would benefit and the "cattle car" stigma would disappear FOREVER...

Thank you for indulging me.
Other than this board, whom else have you made aware of your experiences?

Again...If you have a concern im sure it will be considered..

If the fine folks in Dallas see a genuine need to change the boarding process that will benefit both the company as well as our passengers I have no doubt they will move heaven and earth to make it happen..

Although its rumored that alot of "folks" read this board...I very seriously doubt that you will get very far with your concerns unless you take it to the people that can do something about it..

SO..write a letter and follow it up with a phone call...Give the people that get paid to listen a chance to do their jobs..

Going on and on like this in an open forum does nothing more than reduce your arguments to the level of flame bait..

a few months back colleen wrote an article in the swa inflight magazine about the assigned seating subject. not sure if you can do a search for it on their site or not, but in a nutshell it all came down to $$$ in her justification for why they do what they do. i'm sure that's the response you would get if you wrote or called customer svc...
To quote from an Associated Press Article in yesterday's paper titled "Airlines' bad year was a good one for customers":

"Southwest, the only major airline that made a profit last year, also got better. The airline consistently has the lowest complaint rate - .33 per 100,000 passengers - compared with an industry rate of 1.22."
See my previous post for further explanation, but if your expectations are low, there is very little to be disappointed with and therefore, nothing to complain about.

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