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Average Flight Time per Member: 6,626 hours

6626 Hours? Doubt it. A lot of online names are chosen based on current jobs. Looking at your previous post; that board's full of CFIs and regional pilots:
While over at www.ProPilotWorld.com

There are currently 888 users online (Members and Guests)

135Guy 2easypilot 30west 40N60 421Driver 441pilot 501261 604driver 81Horse 8mileshigh ace383 ace6453 Adlerson aero550 aerolee Aesir AF'd up Air AirportBum ajw22 aldoski AlphaMike Angler204 apeman apex_hunter arkflyr armyflyr ashcroft astec atmeyer atr42flyer av8orcollins av8rbama Aviator94 azav8r b727pic badger pilot badtransam97 Balmy baron55 BaylorBear bbrunton bcathell BE400EXCEL Beers Bell430 BERNOULLI BestForwardSpeed bgskyguy Big Picture big13nate billteasdale bjelder Blown Strut Blubaron bobkat0001 BobSakamano BoilerUP Borat Sagdiyev Boris Badenov box-hauler Brendonlee7 Brett Hull Brian Griffin BroLine21 BulletToothTony37 Bus C150J C3pilot c402fr8er C560Pilot CallmeJB capnboomer Capnflyright Capo2ndFret Cappytan captainjf captseth caribouflyer CBRDRVR ccc CE750 cem757 cezzna CFIcare CharterGuy Check 6 cherokee Chewy Choppy Chperplt chpstr89 chris.smith19 chrishubbard82 chrtrplt chuckmcduck Cirrusly Citation2024 CitationX cjpilot6 CL-Pilot CL60DRVR climbtosummit CLR4ILS coldpilot CracktheVSI cskafan123 ct310r cteclipse cubcaptain cubman Currawong cvgfrjcapt cwgrizwald DA50driver Dave davidm21 Dayviation DC3flyer DC8 Flyer Dcav8tor66 ddvette deej DelaneyL Delta96 denzimm dfcms1 dfpotts Dhood84 DHPFLYN Dhu diamnd15 Dieselman1220 DirectTo Ditchpilot Diverdriver dozerdog33 dreamer DrProc dtpilot easydoesit emilfly Engineer / CFII excel f1000 F900av8r Falcon Pilot 2014 falcon7668 Falcon954 FalconDrvr Falconone Fearless Leader Fearless Tower Fido900 FinancialAviator First_at_Flight fisherpilot flieger flightregime Fly'n Family flyerJDR Flyerjosh Flyfalcons flyguy01 FlyGuy92 flyin02 FlyinBrian Flying Illini flyingchipmunk flyingdiva FlyingDNA FlyingNasaForm FlyinNFishin flyinsouth flyman128 flymetw Flymo flynpig FlyPanAm fokkerjet Foose FR8DOG440 fr8pup Fuzzy g100driver g159av8tor G400driver g450capt g550plt gdflys Gears gear_guy georgewobama Gern Blanston GetReal Ghost4314 Gillegan GIVDrvr gkasis GLF4 Global Clipper Gmccrj Gne GoAround GoFaster gonefishin GotJets Greg GulfstreamBoy Gulfstream_rookie Gumby GV/450 GVcaptain gvsp H25B habahney hammerhead123 Handflyin Happy Pilot Hawkeye71 HCM729 HeliJet Herik54555 heyya High Mach hobbs018 HoosierDude HS125 hslightnin Huggyu2 ibpilot72 illeagle ilpilot ipilot05 Iptay1 itsbrokenagain jaxpilot jeflies JennieWren Jetdriver69 jetfuel Jethead102 Jetstar731 JetTex jetz jhugz Jim JimmyJet jk99 Jmaster26 JMK jobear joeejet joef985 joepilot11 Joeskeeper johnqpublic jokerchris7 JollyMon Jsky26 Jumppilot03 KACFI KAdriver kanianic Keebler Keide67 KFAN kmac425 knothead kramer Kudzu Kyloren laluna1223 landlover LarryL LastTraintoMEM LaughingCat lazyace75 Leardawg learflyer learpilot LearPilotDad1 leif11681 Len Leonard226 Lifelikeweeds lifter123 Liftr LIV2FLY lj je LJCorpPilot LJpilot76 LLWS lotsawebers Lowtimer22 lr-jet Lr60boy LSU Fan ltdpilot luscomeflyer LVPilot LXApilot m3aviator Mach Tuck Mach.SLOW Mach80 Mach86 markbrown88 martink467 matchthehatch mattloiacono mattyb Max Cruz MaxTorque mckpave mcpilewski mcraigor meadows222 Metroaviator MIKE JG mike1mc mike817e mikec MikeCT millhouse21 minitour mjavor Mknevil MLBFLY mlipka301 mninstructor MOWZJ Mox Nix Mr. Irrelevant MrScary msh168 MstngRpm msw musketeer mwf008 mxpilot N3201X N400CS N519AT n718jm N817AA NC83515 Netwalker NHgranite NHNick Nitram NorskAir NotFurloughed nycpilot OD100 OKguy OneCharlieFox onefastZdriver oops Orange20 ParrotheadPilot passion4flight patq pc6flyer PCRAviation PearlDrumsandfly peterar pgjpilot Phishn@daves PHXpilot pilot.cl pilot13 pilot21 pilot303 pilotinsky planeguy PlanoPilot positionandhold Propilot67 PropTrash QDOG01 Qoz78 Rajplt RAmeden Raoul Duke Red Forman redorgreen redtailin Redtide rep172 reptar RexKramer Rice rick james rjc323 RLevy robi523 rokit88 roro roughair rubicon789 RugbyDad ruhroa Russian Ryan15 ryanc120 s35jer sabreflyr Sally SB2K Scazz schles scoot scout706 SCT seadogrun semperfido Sequoia service X 10 seth586 sflax SGR simon SIRWIN skater3260 skullf16 Sky Bronco Sky Captain SkyCat45 SkyChef Skydriverdc6 skyjockey145 Skykingk10 Skymaster SkyPapa Skypilotsv1984 slc slickmagneto SlimJim slowjet SmokeWagon SMR Smt6 SnapRollinSB snp227 some_dude southernpilot spamalot spank Spencer squawk2000 Starcheck182 starvingcfi Stealthchicken SteelCity Stephan Wilkinson Steve Crewdog Stirlingthepilot Stonefly Sunraider SuperHans SwampFan SycoCell T-Gates tailendcharlie Tailskid TAILWAG'N WILLY TallFlyer Talon62 taxidriver4 Texas Texasaviator TFaudree That Guy thebignickey THelm thenorthstar Third Coast Pilot throttlemonkey tiger tizzizzailslf04 tkipilot Tlrguy tmittels72 Toby TonyC Toonces Travelair Treetop Trigger Mike tstcflyer ttflyer twebb Tworotor7 Typhon Typhoonpilot tzwarrior UFGatorpilot Ugapilot UIflyer Ultraman usc181 User997 V1rotateV2 vcav8r vectorstofinal VGerect Vodka Burners Vone Vref vwchris528 Waldo Pepper Wang Chung Warbirdfan Wazowski west270 Whale45 Whoop Whoop wingedmunkie With Prist Please withthatsaid182 wi_pilot wrxpilot XC8XOH
6626 Hours? Doubt it. A lot of online names are chosen based on current jobs. Looking at your previous post; that board's full of CFIs and regional pilots:
Apparently you are some type of expert. A cheap expert, which is why you are stuck here. :laugh:

Don't be sad because everyone is over there and you are left here talking to GL, Freebird and Bunkle. It's only $1.40 a month (yes, $1.40 USD), if you aren't a Regional Pilot or CFI surely you can afford it! (Even if you are, you can afford it, that is if you aren't too cheap!)

Really, just think about it, there is 4 members online here right now and 736 at ProPilotWorld.com which is a paid site (184 to 1!!!), if it was that bad why would so many be there and none here? You get what you pay for, at least there they filter out the garbage and the trouble makers are too cheap to pay, which keeps them away.


"Where Professionals Aviators exchange valuable information."
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AND they check your license. Yes, you actually have to have a FAA issued certificate number to join. No fakes, no posers. No hiding behind a screen name and throwing insults. Administrators know who you are.
AND they check your license. Yes, you actually have to have a FAA issued certificate number to join. No fakes, no posers. No hiding behind a screen name and throwing insults. Administrators know who you are.

LOL! Some joker probably put down 1 Million hours and now this clown's trying to tell us that the average pilot over there has more than 6K hours.

This clown 1903flyer's funnier than Auntiebunkle.

1903flyer, airlinepilotcentral's free. And I'd bet it draws a lot more professional pilots in a day than you have logged onto that website in a month.
LOL! Some joker probably put down 1 Million hours and now this clown's trying to tell us that the average pilot over there has more than 6K hours.

This clown 1903flyer's funnier than Auntiebunkle.

1903flyer, airlinepilotcentral's free. And I'd bet it draws a lot more professional pilots in a day than you have logged onto that website in a month.
We get it, you're cheap, we understand. :bawling:

You're also afraid of a website (www.ProPilotWorld.com) where everything is actually verified, it is limited to one account per person and you can't pretend to be an airline pilot like this place or APC, which are both full of posers.
Give it up already dude! If people are interested they'll join your board. Now go play over there willya and leave the posing to us!
We get it, you're cheap, we understand. :bawling:

You're also afraid of a website (www.ProPilotWorld.com) where everything is actually verified, it is limited to one account per person and you can't pretend to be an airline pilot like this place or APC, which are both full of posers.

If you actually were a professional pilot you'd know why real pilots would never pay to join your cheesy website. 1 question for you...

How much does a USA Today cost?
We get it, you're cheap, we understand. :bawling:

You're also afraid of a website (www.ProPilotWorld.com) where everything is actually verified, it is limited to one account per person and you can't pretend to be an airline pilot like this place or APC, which are both full of posers.

Mark Paul,
I just wasted 15 minutes of my time hoping to shut you up. You have the following type ratings (from the FAA database): A/CE-650 A/DA-10 A/DA-20 A/DA-50 A/G-V A/LR-JET

You graduated from ERAU in Prescott in 1990.

Your last name rhymes with bazooka. Your zip code is 92078.

Your entire professional flying experience is in 135; your resume indicates that you don't have a single freaking hour in 121. That begs the question- WTF are you posting in the Majors subforum??

I've left out a lot of details that you likely don't want posted. Now stop spamming this board with your feeble attempts to sell subs to your website. You are like an annoying panhandler who follows people down the street, trying to get money. The few of us who visit here are perfectly happy NOT giving you money.
I guess that shut him up, good work Andy
I guess that shut him up, good work Andy

We'll see. He sent a PM threatening me.

Amazing that he's wasting his time SPAMing this board with advertisements when 1) so few people even visit here, and 2) he wouldn't tolerate unpaid advertisements on his message board.
Lol, I signed up for the free7 days... Spent about 45 min here and there between DH browsing. I found it less informative than bunkles 15yr old threads. So, glad I didn't waste good beer money!
Really. In what manner, physically or?

Other. It is not appropriate for me to discuss further at this time.

As for his justification to continually advertise on this forum, he stated:
'I wasn't advertising, I was simply responding to posts complaining this forum was dead offering another option. I didn't make any blind spam or advertising posts, simply responded to others.

The owner of this forum doesn't care and hasn't for many years.'

More than a few of us have asked him to stop advertising his website several times. He has refused to honor those requests, in spite of his posts being in violation of the website's TOS. Quite interesting that he doesn't consider continually posting his website here as unpaid advertising - something I'm sure he wouldn't tolerate on his website.

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