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Some Thoughts on the TA Situation

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Well-known member
Feb 3, 2004
I know I may get a lot of junk for saying this, but after reading the comments on this board for the past few weeks I need to say something...

Much of the disappointment, dissatisfaction, anger, attitude, protests, etc. I am reading about should be directed toward the union, not NetJets. The union did not adequately set expectations or inform its members. NetJets offered a fair (not great or good, but fair) deal under the eyes of the federal mediation board. If you aren’t happy, talk to your union. It appears that they let you/us down. Did you voice your thoughts and fears before the TA was created? Unfortunately, it appears to be too late to change the TA unless the pilots are willing wait another few years for the next (and possibly worse) version of a TA to vote on.

I realize that the situation could be a lot better for the pilots and their families. If the TA came about 3 years ago when the economy and fractional business was soaring, we wouldn’t be having this discussion.

Doing anything that would hurt NetJets business would make the chance of profitability and raises even worse. The union was selected to be our/your eyes and ears. If you are unhappy, talk to the union. Harming your/my employer or their business can not possibly create a positive outcome.

If you think I am right or wrong, you are welcome to respond.
Is it true that if the TA is rejected that it would take forever again to get another due to the terms of the Railway Labor Act or is this a guess about how long it would take based on how long this TA took to be negotiated?
TA Adjustments


Did the Teamster's Scope Attorney mention any type of time frame this tweaking of the TA would take? Is this a set process with specific steps?
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Can I have my lucky numbers now? Do you read palms as well Griz?
Nope...not equal to!
Stop dragging your tail, Ted!

There is nothing mystical about it, just plain old-fashioned common sense. We've all negotiated for something--houses,cars,flea market finds, etc-- at one time or another. Those universal rules are just as applicable here. You don't take the first offer, always start higher or lower (depending on if you're the buyer or seller) than where you want to end up, and settle in the middle. Just as true, is the fact that some of us are better than others when it comes to getting a good deal. The MEC is guilty of breaking rule #1, clearly they CANNOT be used as a yardstick to measure the timeframe of the next round of negotiations, nor the chances of success for the new MEC/StrongUnion.

A member of our wives group, has worked on several contracts as the president of her MEC for the FAs that she represents. She assured me that it IS the goal of the NMB to get a deal wrapped up as soon as possible, and that both parties are free to meet on their own as often as they like, outside of meetings with the NMB. Judging by their perceived lack of enthusiasm in the DVD "infomercial", I believe it's safe to assume that BB and RS are as anxious as anyone to reach an agreement with the pilots so that, they too, can move on to other things.

Taildragger, most of us ARE pointing the finger of blame in the right direction. The cries of dump the MEC are just as strong as the injunction to VOTE NO on the POS TA! Furthermore, the high number of petitions turned in already should leave no one in doubt as to the general disatisfaction with Local 284.

Another universal truth is that unhappy, disgruntled workers are bad for business. Management is under NO illusion that the pilotforce is anything other than frustrated and angry these days.

Final thought: I firmly believe that apathy and a defeatist attitude on the last contract is to blame for the position we all find ouselves in today. (It may be the only thing we agree on). Luckily, this insulting TA was the slap in the face that most needed to wake them up! Sadly, some of the brothers are still sleep-walking and have failed to shake off their pessimistic outlooks. Taildragger (what a fitting name), it must be pointed out that you are among that subgroup--- "Unfortunately, it appears to be too late to change the TA unless the pilots are willing wait another few years for the next (and possibly worse) version of a TA to vote on." WRONG! You don't get what you don't ASK for! Shake it off, Ted! Join the fight!! Don't you like winning??
Good God, lady. Give it a rest! It started out as mildly interesting to learn something about a spouse's perspective, but it's getting pretty old by now. The bottom line is you have no standing and no credibility to complain about either Netjets management or the MEC.

Much of the disappointment, dissatisfaction, anger, attitude, protests, etc. I am reading about should be directed toward the union, not NetJets. The union did not adequately set expectations or inform its members. NetJets offered a fair (not great or good, but fair) deal under the eyes of the federal mediation board. If you aren’t happy, talk to your union. It appears that they let you/us down. Did you voice your thoughts and fears before the TA was created? Unfortunately, it appears to be too late to change the TA unless the pilots are willing wait another few years for the next (and possibly worse) version of a TA to vote on.
I agree in part with what you are saying about pointing the anger toward the union. Don't worry, that process is under way. BYE BYE MEC and Local 284! There are two sides to every pancake though. The company got a little too greedy and came in with an insult offer, not even close to fair. Now it is going to take much longer to come to terms, and more than likely they will be negotiating with a whole different group of union folks during this next round. Since you are on the company side, you probably already know what I am about to say. The company needs this contract done more than the pilot group at this point. 91K or Part 135 whichever they choose to use in February will have an effect on the operation, the current contract protects the pilots, the T/A protects the company. It is also very difficult to move forward with merger plans when you don't know what the cost of labor is going to be for the next SIX years. I don't believe I have heard any pilots trying to damage the company, just stating facts that were presented by the company. "We are Broke".

I am willing to wait as long as it takes to get it right. The Gateway/RCA crap alone is more than enough for a NO vote, much less the pay cut. Pilots are fools if they vote YES on a T/A that divides the group, it's a sure way to break the union. There are too many reasons in this POS to vote NO, start reading it if you are a pilot. 30 LOU/LOAs attatched to the end of a contract that hasn't even been ratified yet, hmmmm.
transpac said:
Good God, lady. Give it a rest! It started out as mildly interesting to learn something about a spouse's perspective, but it's getting pretty old by now. The bottom line is you have no standing and no credibility to complain about either Netjets management or the MEC.
That is YOUR OPINION, which you are entitled to, but I will not "give it a rest", based on your sayso. I have received a lot of support from wives AND PILOTS for interjecting the family perspective. If YOU don't want to "hear" it, put me on your ignore list.

Standing=I am the wife of a pilot whose company's policys affect my life and those of my children, in a direct personal way.

Credibility to complain=Who is better qualified, than I and/or my husband, to say whether or not the company and MEC have helped or failed our family? Additionally, the NJ Wives group that I speak for gives me direct feedback on how their families have been impacted by the company and MEC and THEY--wives and pilots--appreciate my efforts.

Complaining=Had the MEC not failed so miserably at their job of representing the pilotforce, none of us would have VALID complaints to lodge against them!

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