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So what's next at ASA?

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79%N1 said:
Good point here. The number I hear all the time is we lose 15-20 pilots/month. Over a small 6 month frame, thats 90-120. However, we havent had one upgrade or new hire in many moons! Things that make you go hmmmm.......

We'll just sit around, bitch, moan, wonder....as time keeps ticking away....until one day we realize all the planes are gone and we're left with a few expired buddy passes and a bounced final paycheck.
79%N1 said:
Take a look at Eagle, PSA, Skywest, and Mesa. Those are the other 700 operators, and like I said, other than Horizon and Comair (whom has lower concessionary rates) ASA is significantly higher than all of those --- hence management holding firm to at least now freezing those costs, or the ones we have and any future will go elsewhere. Now, most of the folks I come across at work are fine with this. They will adamantly denounce a pay freeze on the 700, and welcome the removal of the aircraft from ASA. Which, logically leads to a downgrade to the 50, hence......wait for it......A PAYCUT!!!!!! Not saying what I think, just an insight to the thought process of some others. OK, I will tell you what I think. Freeze the 700 pay, get strong scope(#1 priority) get the 50/ATR pay inline with the industry, give us the QOL sections, a signing bonus and pay us back with PROFIT SHARING ONLY! No performance bonuses. With the scope (read:job protection)scheduling/reserve, a signing bonus, profit sharing, and good rigs the contract is worth it to me. A good 700 rate is worthless if we don't have any more!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you all think they are bluffing, be my guest. However, we have to sacrifice something to buy things we want most in this contract! Throw them a 700 freeze and pref bidding, and get this d@mn thing done already!!

All that would be great if the company was offering all those things. They are offering one! The 700 rates. I would go for that as well. What's funny is theunion has things left to give to get that if the company would negotiate it.
What's funny is theunion has things left to give to get that if the company would negotiate it.

I'd give up my Christmas cookie!

Comair used to get hams, that's why they're bankrupt.
79 you are right on. most people on the 70 wil be happy with what they have now!! We know what others make and we are fine with our pay now, we do need a signing bonus and SCOPE #1 (for one airplane 6 captains and 6 fos can go to Skywest with DOH for everything pay bidding vacation, starting with the most senior guy, if he doesn't want to it is passed to the next senior guy.) and the qol changes and the 50 atr guys up some it will be finished!!

We have lost alot of people, which mean skywest inc has to pay someone to replace them..but no up grades at ASA at all!! no new hires...

People are saying close this place down--than we get 100% paycut=smart

If ASA loses the 700 and all the 700 pilots goes back to the 50 then there are going to be alot of 50 pilots mad, and taking another cut for going on reserve!
Most of these burn it down, full pay guys make the comment, 'I havent had a raise in four years, etc. However, if you really look at it, they have been making a lot more on their equipment than others at other airlines for the past four years. And, like I said, we will all be taking a paycut from 700 pay to 200 pay soon anyway. So, better to keep the 700's and the $100/hr than go to the 50 for $90. And for those of you about to retort with 'who says were losing them, it's all a management threat.......WE ARE LOSING THEM. We'll never see a 900 around here either. So, when you say let them have them, be prepared to back it up with 50 seat pay.
The game is over people. Let me get this right. SKYW is going to keep 17, 70 seaters at ASA. That doesn't make any sense.

Personally if Jerry offered second year pay... with a staple to anyone who wants to make the jump now... I would take it. Finding pilots isn't there problem, however.
There were 5 ATR upgrades last award. There was just a second award for more vacancies in LAX.

Doom and Gloom, Doom and Gloom. Even for me it's getting old. I so need a change from this rat race. The quicker the better.
79%N1 said:
However, if you really look at it, they have been making a lot more on their equipment than others at other airlines for the past four years.

My pay rate (ASA) at other carriers that operate a 50 seat aircraft:
Air Wisconsin.........68
Comair.................66 (this is the concessionary rate that has NOT started)
Trans States.........66
There were 5 ATR upgrades last award. There was just a second award for more vacancies in LAX.

Doom and Gloom, Doom and Gloom. Even for me it's getting old. I so need a change from this rat race. The quicker the better.

Go Around I expect a much better showing from you. Are you coming to realise you, I, and the rest of the pilots at ASA will be on the street or in a 50.

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