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so what did you make this year?

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Just to clarify...$32,000 is a handsome amount of money. Period.

Now, is it what an airline pilot should be paid? Absolutely not. That is not meant to be my point, nor is it my argument.

Simply that $32,000 is what it is...when put into proper perspective with the whole scheme of things.

"We are worth more than we are collectively paid." Absolutely agreed.

I used to be paid 150K to fly airliners. Was that a lot of money? NO.

Not in the context of being an Airline Captain. Hell, in 1992 NWA Whale Captains made a base salary of about 185K. Adjusted for infllation etc. a Whale Captain should be paid about 282K in 2009. I believe they are paid less now ( around 165k base annual guarantee) than they were in 1992.

So, don't confuse my words....Why am I not an airline pilot anymore? Simply put...Because I wont fly an airliner for crappy starting wages of 36-39k per year. Been there done that. I paid my dues. Once is enough. ( And I never have, and never will, apply to or consider working for a Regional )

However, I will try something different...smaller plane, right seat, week on, week off, non-airline bull, no TSA, no LGA/LAX/ATL/JFK delays, type of flying for $30-40 grand.

And, will I tell friends and neighbors I make a lot of money? Nope. I'll tell them I make 35k but I'm having fun doing it. And if I'm not...I quit.

To reiterate...It's all in perspective.

Oh, and the taxes I hate are present no matter how much I make...Property taxes, state taxes, sales taxes, fuel taxes, tolls etc. Federal income tax doesn't bother me at all really.

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" They key is not being slaves to lenders." TRUE.

I think of it this way:

- Why do we call things we own posessions?

- Because they (and The Bank) posess you.

On another note:

- Marriage. Why is it called the "Institution" of Marriage?

- Because it is a construct devised to confine the insane. :)

Took me Half a Century to figure this out.... If you want to "Pet the Kitty", you gots to buy the Things. To buy the Things, you gots to have the Money. If you aint gots the Money, but you want the Kitty RIGHT NOW...you go to the Bank and borrow the money to buy the things to get the Kitty...A house, nice cars, boats, trinkets, baubles and toys. Pretty soon your posessions posess you, the Bank owns you, the Kitty owns you.. and you never get the Kitty.

The Owner of the Money (The Bank ) is happy, The Owner of the Kitty is happy, and you are F*cked.

Solution: Always rent the Kitty. And if you don't have the Cash, you don't need to buy more trash.

Have a Good New Year everyone!

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I like it!

Happy new year

and never pay for the kitty...;-) words to live by
I like it!

Happy new year

and never pay for the kitty...;-) words to live by

Sorry my friend.... One way or another.... YOU ALWAYS END UP PAYING FOR THE KITTY. Just gots to be smart enough to not keep paying for it for the rest of your life ;). Happy New Year to all of you Flight Info B!tches..... even you general... you tool... <grin>

I pay...if situps and a healthy diet is paying...
Don't have the pu$$y on a pedestal now
" situps "

Remember, we all have a finite number of hearbeats....Are you sure you want to waste them doing situps? Conserve energy. I recommend prolonged couch rest.

" healthy diet "

I'm all for that. Little or no fast food or processed food, but don't go overboard on the whole fruits, nuts, and berries thing.

Jim Fixx - Runner - DEAD. ( Heart Attack )

Euell Gibbons - Health Food Expert - DEAD. ( Heart Attack )

I rest my case.


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$199,318. 10-yr SWA Cpt just flying my line

Down about $18K from 2008 due to the flight reductions and my unwillingness to work more days. No complaints....I'll gladly take this pay cut over having to furlough anyone.

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