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So really why do we fly if we ain't gonna get paid?

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Regul8r said:
Unfortunately, you're right in many cases FN. It's all the dang Qwidgeybo's running the companies...
I'm beating the rush, I'll be used to flying caravans when I turn 60. :D
Well, I can understand redundant. Try 6 legs to SAN from LAX. I think I can fly that with my eyes closed and counting.

Well, I am leaving for now. If not for anything else... at least I can say I tried to get out and make a better living. Only time will tell if I must fly to be happy.

Office Space is a great movie. You can easily replace Innertrode with Eagle and get the same movie.
Sticky said:
What really stings my ass is how the regionals are now flying the same routes that the majors did just a few years ago for a fraction the pay. I hate seeing RJs flying between major cities. At some time, this has got to end.

RJ's are the demise of this industry. And the pilots who fly them are driving the wages down industry wide. These Riddlin' kids are just happy to be flying a jet, they don't realize what they're doing.

I can remember when AA flew DC-10's from DFW to AUS..and filled it UP!! The good ole days. Now you go halfway across the country, even international, in a frekin' RJ tin can.
I enjoyed working at eagle (5yr FO) it was a good experience and when something better opened up I jumped. There are a lot of people at eagle that are "comfortable" thy bitch and bitch, but do nothing to improve their situations. It sounds like you have already made up your mind to leave aviation, your are just looking to justify it. That is a shame to waste all that hard work and personal sacrifices because you won’t get out there and make your own opportunities.

I was someone who switched from 9-5 to aviation and after less than three years I'm thinking of switching back. I assume you live on the West Coast so salaries will probably be similiar to what we get in the northeast. If you can land a basic accounting job or an assistant's job in a client sevice department with a fortune 500 corp, you'll make 40k first year. After that your abilities to learn and network(not be an asshole) will determine how far you'll go.

I get the feeling Ralgha is in his 20's. Those friends of his when they move up to the next level will start telling him about leaving work every Friday at 3pm in the summer to work on their golf game. Then the x-mas bonus will come in and they'll bitch about only getting 10-15k.

9-5 is tough in that you go to the same place every day. Can be very monotonous as can the job itself. Having weekends and holidays off is great and most reputable companies give you three weeks off starting in your second year. Add to this a few personal days and some actually allow you to buy vacation days out of your salary and you end up with four weeks off. I was never so beat that when I left at 5pm I couldn't go to the gym or out for a run. That line in an earlier post was pure bullshit. The only time I remember being that tired at 5pm I had gone out drinking the night before until 2am. We had stayed out that late to celebrate finishing a grad school final(part-time and paid for by the company) and the bar we were at had some lipstick lesbians making out with each other. So we stayed out late.

I'm in my 30's and I only have one friend I can think of the makes less than 75k. In his case not for long though. All the others make at least 75k and most are over 100k. I doubt they are all that different from you, me or anyone else on this board. Ok, maybe Avbug...:p

Joking aside, most don't take work home. Some do have to work late nights from time to time, at month end for a week or quarter end for two weeks. $hit happens. My friend that I think works the most runs an active equity team for a large investment manager. I'm only guessing but he makes about 500k(that's with bonus) and is 37 years old. He is gone from home probably 6:45am-7:15pm M-F. The thing he has going for him is people love working with him. I'd consider him a smart guy but there are plenty of people who I've worked with who are smarter. They just don't have his personality. If you're the type of person who makes friends easily and always leaves a good impression, you'll make a killing in the right business.

It sounds like you have alot of good reasons for making a switch. I would just make sure you know what type of business you're getting into first. Office politics suck anywhere you go so don't sweat that. You can always fly contract on the side somewhere. Maybe not in your hometown, but maybe an hour away. Can't be all that bad. Good luck with your decision.

Mr. I.
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