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What? Umm ok. Thanks DAD. Grow up!

Bye Bye---General Lee:rolleyes: :p :p :p :p :cool:
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Your name should be the flying idiot! Are the other pilots on this forum impressed with his behavior? Nope.

You sure sound professional... Do you treat your other crew members this way if they "step out of line" in your eyes? This is a public forum and people are entitled to their opinions - and that includes General Lee. I also found Air Whisky on the United website when I plugged in SLC-SFO.

So what if the General is sometimes sarcastic - he is CORRECT most of the time. Your "tough guy" attitude is sooooooooooooo impressive. I guess we will try to avoid you on the playground.

Grow up!!!!!
Theflyingtito said:
General Lee is glad this is all internet based. That attitude and sarcasm wouldn't fly face to face. I hope I get to meet you someday...


A real, live, Barney Bad-A$$...
The baiting, and name calling on this board is the same as any other internet forum.
It seems the ones making the loudest and challenging posts were probably the same ones who were yelling taunts and challenges from the back seat of their moms station wagon on the ride home from school.
I can see them sitting in the darkened basement of their parent's house, in their underwear, eating boogers and typing on their sooperhighspeedcustombuiltmonsterpc plotting how they are gonna feel from the left seat of the 747/777 just as soon as they get the commercial written knocked out and that makes them qualified for the majors.
For all the posters that act properly, "keep on keepin'on, brother"(Joe Dirt), to all the others who feel the need to belittle and challenge people posting their thoughts, chill and have another booger and change those briefs once and awhile, (me).

As a previous poolie, I know all about the swim, the water, etc... I swam 6 mo. before getting out, while my sim-partner jumped rope (do whatever it takes):cool:, and that was before the industry fell off the ugly tree. For those of you who hung on to your jobs, don't give notice until you get a firm date, and DON'T BURN BRIDGES, it's a small world. For the others, I'm sorry and I feel your pain.
Let me attempt to offer some encouragement. Skywest since prior to y2k has been posting more revenue each quarter than the previous years' by significant margins (all numbers available in the annual reports posted in PDF format on the corporate website http://www.skywest.com/cp-menu4.html) and has made all their large decisions (A/C orders, training requirements, domiciles, maint. bases etc.) very conservatively so as to allow them to keep large cash reserves in the bank. Subsequently, they have never had to furlough ANYONE unlike the majority, so when you do get here, you get to keep that coveted position. As far as finding out what number you are in the pool, I wouldn't worry about it. Reason being is, the nice lady you're trying to get a hold of is also the one who's working hard on the planning to get you here, and knowing that info doesn't make any other life decisions any easier to make (from experience, take it or leave it).
Getting the jet as a new hire depends both on how you scored on the interview, and your experience level. I believe there are seperate pools as well, and it's not unheard of to be sent EMB stuff and get a jet class.
So basically what I'm saying is you're in the pool at what is probably THE BEST regional in the country who isn't going to drop kick you during class (unless you drop kick yourself), and who's probably got one of the largest potentials for growth and expansion of any airline in the country.
Finally for the bitter ones without an informed opinion, please take it elsewhere to a general airline flamer thread, because like you, it doesn't belong around Skywest.

Take care guys and keep on keeping on (borrowed from above);)
great post!

Thanks for the post. I feel very fortunate to be in the pool and SKYWEST is the place to be! They entire mentality is great! Take care!

Swim team member,

Kmedchill said:
Latest rumor i heard was no new hires through the year. Sucks guys but hang in there, this should settle out sooner or later...

Is your "rumor" based on any real facts or are you just trying to pi$$ off those of us in the pool?
I kind of get a kick out of his sarcasm...
Too much boo-hooing from people on this board.

General, you need some sensitivity training. Kid gloves now....
I emailed a resume to a pretty high person in our personell department, she probably did some HR in your interview. It said,

"Thanks for the Resume, however i don't think we will be hiring for the rest of the year"

She did not say anything about people in the pool....

I feel for you guys, hang in there, if we continue to get planes at the rate we are getting them, you should be cool.


prognostication and speculation continually lead to much frustration. my friend, who is higher up that the aformentioned HR person, told me that things will pick up in a month or two. so, believe what you want, but in the end.......

count yourself as onboard when you've completed training and your AC checkride

believe rumours about bigger AC when you see them on the ramp, painted with company livery and boarding PAX, and...

don't count your chi..........well, you get the idea


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