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How do you find out what # you are in the pool? Is there a seporate pool for the CRJ and EMB? If not, could a person get put in a CRJ class even if they were sent EMB study material? Any info helps. Not knowing, is sometimes worse than not being hired...well maybe not, but close.
General Lee,

When did I say Airtran was coming to SLC? I was trying to make a point but I guess I failed. The point was, if Airtran can not only survive and grow in your hometown why can't some other airline (Skywest) grow the same way? We can, and it's a much easier road than Airtran took because we already own the gates and A/C. If Skywest would not sell any of our gates in SLC we would own SLC. The same way Airtran is slowly taking over the East coast. Of course it would NOT be slowly for Skywest to take over the West, it would happen the day we took back our own flying!

While I agree with lots you have to say you give far to little credit to the regionals that are not only making money but helping to keep your ass in flight.

Ok, why haven't you made the big move yet?

Just wait, the aviation world seems to change every 24 hours or so. I'm glad your so sure of your position.

why don't you fly the CRJ's for United from SLC to LAX?

Your 100% Correct, I wonder what the world would be like if we didn't have UAL and DAL telling what we can and can't do. Low fares, more flights, nicer crews, happy paxs, can you say skywest grows?

I am in the same boat as you. I interviewed in December with another regional, and quit my part 135 flying job and another high paying job at the same time. I was given 5 days notice that my Jan groundschool was canceled. I did get my flying job back for a while. I flew through Feb and then they finally trainined enough people to oust me out of a job. I kind of expected that, but I pi$$ed them off when I quit in December (even though I gave them 3 weeks notice) that ever since they treat me like $hit and don't return my phonecalls. I feel like they have blackballed me all because I took the risk of getting a better job. I liked flying freight, but that is not what I want to do for the rest of my life. Not part 135 freight in $hitbox planes. They haven't officially laid me off, but since I haven't worked there in a month I am collecting unemployment now. Not what I ever thought I would be doing at almost 28. At least you have more time than me, I am stuck at 1600tt and 600 multi. Not very competitive in todays industry. I am trying to get back in to instructing, but the flight school I used to instruct at is on the brink of shutting down. They dropped the insurance on almost all of their planes. I am having my doubts about building more time anytime soon. I have considered a career change too, but I am not ready to throw in the towel yet, but it is a mess. I feel your pain. Hang in there. I was trying so hard to get an interview with Skywest. I went to one of open houses last year (turned out to probably be worthless in my case) and have recomendation letters there too. The good thing is, you are in the pool at a good solid regional. Hopefully the war will get over and United will figure their problems out so that Skywest can keep moving forward.
For those of you in the pool-

Here's a clip from the latest Flight Ops Update from SGU. The one new hire class could be a ray of hope for you guys, but of course it has the word 'tentative' next to it. Hope for the best.

We have released a few pilots from seat locks which allows them to transition to the RJ rather than hiring additional pilots directly into the RJ.
Our updated training schedule is as follows:
3/24/03 RJ Transition (20)
4/14/03 RJ Transition
4/28/03 EMB New Hire (tentative)
5/5/03 RJ Transition
5/26/03 RJ Transition
One of your points is soon to be dated I believe. One of the reports I read recently is that SkyWest will be flying into SLC under UA colors, handled by UA personel.

I spoke to SKYWEST today. I am in the pool and there is chance that they will have a small class on 04/28/03, but it is NOT DEFINITE. It is all very fluid right now with the current market. It is a huge mess. I am just thanking GOD that I am in the pool right now and we will all make it into training in the future. The only thing that we do not know is when... Patience, a new term for me! Anyway, hang in there guys. I think that we are in the best pool that is out there. It will all turn around! Take care!


Russ and SSDD,

Hmmm, that is interesting. IF that is true, that would contradict what I heard a while back. I think it was stupid for Air Whisky to be flying those when Skywest had a large base in SLC. But, from what I understood, that was the case until now. But, if UAL does go Chap 7, and then you start to compete directly with Delta on those routes as "Skywest Airlines" and not United Express, I think Delta would probably NOT like that, don't you?

Bye Bye--General Lee:cool: :rolleyes:
I guess what you heard earlier was wrong. As to your question, I, like you am a line pilot. I don't pretend to know what D would like/dislike, permit/not permit.

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