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For a guy that's "in the pool", does anyone know how they decide who will get the CRJ and who gets the EMB?

How well you did on your Pysch test ;)
general lee sure seems to be all over this board. It must be tough knowing so much! What is your opinion on what is going to happen to SKYWEST? There are a lot of us in the pool...

I think, unfortunately, that UAL will be Chapter 7 by May/June. If/when that happens, SkyWest can figure out what is going on. I wonder how long it will take for all of those changes to shake out?


PS-For all of you UAL employees-I hope I'm completely wrong!!!

Yeah, it really is tough knowing everything. Anyways..... I think a lot will have to do with the length of this war. IF it goes on too long (over 6 weeks)---United will probably have major major problems on it's hands. United and NW are both being hit by two fronts----lack of traffic on the European flights (along with Delta and AA etc), but also this Asia sickness that is spreading in Hong Kong etc. The US Gov't has been issuing warnings to all passengers heading towards Asia, and many people are not picking up the cheap fares to go over there. This will hurt both carriers. There is one blessing for all carriers right now---and that is Spring Break. I know that most Delta flights to Florida through ATL are full---and we fly A LOT of pax there. (yes, I know fares are less...)

It is hard to predict what will happen with Skywest. I know they have a great balance sheet and great leadership, but with a possibility of UAL going Chap 7, there might be some rough rides ahead for Skywest. I have no doubt that they would bounce back with feed for some other carrier, but there would be some lag time---which could be rough on those junior employees. Do I think that Skywest might get larger planes? Yes--they probably will--but if they choose to compete with Delta in any way (and our VP of Marketing Vicky Escarra said she would "love to have LAX and SFO bases some day")---you could count on them dropping Skywest also with a 6 month termination letter, and just get
Chit-kaka or ASA/Comair to fill in the gaps--after Skywest sells the SLC gates for needed cash. I think Skywest will move along cautiously and look at the whole picture---kinda like Delta. Maybe they will feed for a third airline, like Jetblue(?)----and maybe not.
I think overall they have a good outlook. But, what do I know?

Bye Bye---General Lee:cool: :rolleyes: ;) :p ;)
but if they choose to compete with Delta in any way (and our VP of Marketing Vicky Escarra said she would "love to have LAX and SFO bases some day")---you could count on them dropping Skywest also with a 6 month termination letter,

Uh, you ever seen a skywest RJ painted in UAL colors? We already compete with DAL!

after Skywest sells the SLC gates for needed cash

The best thing Skywest could do is to KEEP the gates and the A/C and go head to head with you and DAL. Ever heard of Airtran, it's been a growing thorn in your side for 10 years and it's only getting bigger! And with 500 mil plus in the bank I think Skywest could very easily keep the SLC gates.
Everybodydoa 360,

Ok, why haven't you made the big move yet? And, what you said about the United side of your flying competing against Delta----why don't you fly the CRJ's for United from SLC to LAX? Hmmmm. Air Whisky does. I'll tell you why---Delta said you couldn't compete in SLC against Delta.

Bring Airtran out to SLC---do you know how long it will take to get that many airplanes(717's or A320's etc) to compete with us? And do you really think that your CRJ's could compete from LAX to SLC against our bigger planes? You would lose, and we would have Comair or ASA or even Chit-Kaka flying out of the open gates in the B concourse quickly---parked in the West side gates and the east side gates where United used to be after a Chap 7.
Sure, some Montana cities might lose some flights, but I am sure ASA etc would love to fly from SLC-PHX, TUS, ABQ, etc.

There might be plenty of room for Skywest to fly 717's from DEN on the UAL routes. (Although it is rumored that Continental might try to get back there if UAL does Chap 7) It will all be interesting.

Bye Bye---General Lee:cool: :rolleyes: :p ;)
General Lee:

I am just curious, do you ever work? You are on here all the time. I will give you credit, you are on top of it all though. I gave my notice at my current job to start training at SKYWEST and my position was filled and then SKYWEST stopped all classes. I am a victim of the current economy. It is a big mess. I am sure that you have been through this stuff before or similar. Do we wait it out or do we move on get into another career? I am 29 years old and seriously starting to doubt this career.


Flooder305 said:
Most of our flying is DAL, but the reason they've stopped the process is we've once again returned to crew staffing requirements (reserve levels and what not).


As you mensioned, "we've once again returned to crew staffing requirements". Is that with the current fleet, or does that include the rest of the 36 CRJs that are reported to arrive by Augest?

In addition, how many of the 36 are already on the property? I understand that no orders have been cancelled. But I don't know what the new A/C are for...expansion or to replace EMBs?

I'd appreciate any info from the group. Thanks!

The water's nice, join me for a swim...
hotwing said:
General Lee:

I gave my notice at my current job to start training at SKYWEST and my position was filled and then SKYWEST stopped all classes. I am a victim of the current economy. It is a big mess. Do we wait it out or do we move on get into another career? I am 29 years old and seriously starting to doubt this career.


I'm currently a "pooly" too. I interviewed the first of this month (March) and thought things were going to move faster than they have ie: NO NEWS.

I'm interested on when you interviewed and when your class date was set for.

I can feel your pain...I have also informed my current employer and they have graciously allowed my to work until my currancy is up but that only gives me a couple more months.

Keep your head up! There are thousands of dudes that would love to have your spot in "the pool".


I interviewed on 02-17-03 and was offered the job for the 03/03/03 class that was pushed back to the 03-31-03 date and then, it was put on hold. I am #19 in the pool. I am patiently waiting it out and yes, I am glad to be here! I just wished that I was working... Stay in touch!

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