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SkyWest voted no ALPA

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I was referencing the 18 month long (-ish?) deal t SKYW when the 700s initially showed up. Things are slightly different at present.

Now let's consider what makes Southwest the highest paid 737 drivers in the country; Not a benevolent Colleen, Not dear Uncle Jerry, Not a company sham like SAPA - instead the Southwest Airlines Pilot's Association negotiates the pay. A union, shudder the thought.

ALPA/SWAPA/FAPA/IPA/NPA/APA, I'll say it again, all politics, and especially union politics, are local. The MEC or whatever the leadership is called, combined with member involvement, make the organization succeed or fail. Y'all act like there is some massive conspiracy out of Herndon. There isn't. I know my pilot leaders and pilot group will behave the same and accomplish the same regardless of what color the flight bag sticker is. As long as we have the legal right to do so. Which SAPA doesn't.
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The major airline MEC's need to negotiate with their individual companies a policy that non Alpa airline pilots do not qualify for interviews. I guarentee the Skywests and Colgan weenies would then think a little harder on how they approach this issue.

Huh? That is stupid. That's great, an idiotic post from a clueless guy who can't spell..

Nice work......A$$
The best thing for ALPA and all airlines would be for ALPA to focus exclusively on legacy airlines, and quit the facade of being everything to everyone. Everyone else should be represented by various associations unique to their niche, and all of the unions could have a CAPA type association for matters of mutual interest. ALPA trying to be everyones union bogs it down in conflicting interests and weakens its power and influence to all.


If you work for ASA, do you think ALPA cares about you, or the Delta Pilot? Yep, the Delta Pilot. It's all about who pays more money.
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Idiots.. Look at the big picture. Unity is key... the ALPA business is not.

2300 independent contractors at Skywest....

60000 independent contractors at ALPA....

The first step in unifying is a commonality...
I was one of the 900 or so that voted for ALPA, but just because a pilot group didn't want ALPA at Sky West doesn't mean that they wouldn't want a union at another airline when they move on.
Here's a suggestion.
Some of the Skywest pilots have documentation of a yes vote if they voted with their cell phone. If the right number shows up on their bill at the right time then you know they voted. After all, SAPA/management told the pilots that the best way to vote no was not to call at all. Might be a good way to identify some but not all of the pro-union guys. It would suck to see the 1/3 who voted get grouped together with all the other losers.


Persecution of people based on their personal beliefs is something that is unheard of outside the union sphere. In fact, it's illegal. I would even call it un-American. Coercion, threats, intimidation, that's the way to UNITY!!!!
It's quite simple, implore ALPA national to have the SKYW OC list at a phone number that a hiring committee member can call as soon as he sees SKYW pilot on the application. A quick smoke break or trip to the head and dial will tell you who you are dealing with, name on list, interview away, not on list ?????, decide for him/her self. I agree ALPA is not perfect, but the alternative is far worse than any lacking ALPA national may have. Do you really want someone who is only out for himself and quite clueless on how to achieve that goal. ALPA is the vehicle that every single member can make sure that they get the very best deal personally. If we bargain together, we bargain from a position of strength, individually, management and their billion in the bank will preserve their position, and most likely better it.

The major airline MEC's need to negotiate with their individual companies a policy that non Alpa airline pilots do not qualify for interviews. I guarentee the Skywests and Colgan weenies would then think a little harder on how they approach this issue.


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